I'm getting a visit from the elders.........

by Gadget 44 Replies latest members private

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Gadget that's fantastic! I can't wait to see or at least hear some of your meeting!

  • dh
    Oh, and does anyone know where I can upload the 50mins/1.1gig video footage I took of the whole thing? I'll be transcribing it tomorow afternoon anyway to post on here.........

    hi gadge, good to hear you blasted them suckas...

    you will probably be able to shrink the file size down quite a lot, there's a small application you can get called Tmpeg from TMPGinc, I think it's free, but if not I can mail you the installer. with it you can reduce mpg's and avi's down substantially in size.

    not sure where you could host it the file though!

  • Gadget
  • codeblue

    Interesting read Gadget. Still couldn't help but notice that the elders think ALL websites are from apostates unless they are from the "official JW site"....(head in the sand syndrome) A canned response to keep sincere students from using the internet.

  • dh

    great read, 17,000 apostate websites, hahahaha, they are off their heads with the stuff they come out with man, glad you got so many points across, it just seems like they were in total jw mode, listen to nothing and just sell the party line, it doesn't matter, just 'come back' at any cost.

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