I'm getting a visit from the elders.........

by Gadget 44 Replies latest members private

  • Gadget
    When their opinion ceases to become important it's very liberating.It's similar to leaving a marriage-you need to reach the stage of walking away without any unfinished business..

    Thats my point. They're oppinion doesn't mean anything to me, but I still have unfinished business to attend to. The wbts has had such an impact on my life over the last few years, and I just stood and took it. They ****** me over and I did nothing about it, and I think its time to do something about it now, even if just to be able to respect myself again.

  • blondie

    Good luck, Gadget. My philosophy is no pearls before swine. Each one of us has to do what will settle our heart and mind.


    I had a tract that had questions for JW's...I'm sure youve all seen them...I just went down the list and asked the questions.

    Could you post those questions for me or send me a PM? Thanks.


  • Golf

    As someone suggested, why bother? But if its validation you want, then go for it!

    As a boxing friend of mine would say, "Hit me with your best shot."

    Make sure you don't waste your bullets.

    Guest 77

  • Been there
    Been there

    You could put a cute little sign on your door saying "This place is bugged" and have ants or something walking across it. That way you have informed them it is being bugged...should they choose to go in, they knew it was bugged.

  • qwerty
    And I'll make sure they've got a full cup of redhot coffee in their hands before I say anything so they can't just leave without making it totally obvious either.

    Now that's just crafty! LOL

    Quote them the WT's own words about "the truth can stand up to examination"

    Just give one a copy of Crisis of C and the other Insearch of C F. Say when they have read one they can swap with each other and that there is no rush to give them back until finished. Ask them to disprove what they are reading!


  • cruzanheart

    And I thought, when I saw the title of your thread, that you were getting hauled up for associating with Valis! I figured your parents turned you in for that one.

    it'll be a good way for me to let out some of the anger thats been built up in me

    It helped me. I hope it helps you. I waited one and a half years for the elders to get around to visit me, and I really let them have it. For me, that was closure and I've felt a lot better since. For others, just leaving and living their own life is best. If you don't feel completely satisfied after the visit, don't beat up on yourself. Say what you have to say and let it go. Remember that story in the Bible about the goat of Azazel? The poor little goat who had the sins of the Israelites heaped on him once a year and then was sent out into the wilderness, probably to be eaten by lions or something? Well, they're the goat, and their religion produced the garbage that's making you feel bad, so heap it all on them and when they leave, let the garbage leave with them. It's over. You don't ever have to do that again.

    Now, when are you coming to Dallas? I think Valis has some trout in the freezer with your name on it!


  • Devils Advocate
    Devils Advocate

    Blondie -- I'll dig thru a box or two and see if I still have them. It's been 10 - 15 years since I did this (and two homes later) but I'll do my best finding the tract for you.

  • observador
    And also why Jehovah has allowed things to go on so long and get so bad, the universal question of whether or not we need god to rule us has been answered in the bible when he changed the languages at the tower of Babel.

    If I were you I wouldn't talk about this. JWs are very good in providing answers to stuff like this because these answers come out of their interpretation of the Bible.

    I would, instead, focus on non-biblical stuff such as the UN issue, abuse mishandling, and so on. Those are things you can provide proof of, and doesn't depend very much on interpretation. But that's just my opinion.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    gadget; i understand were your coming from. you let these bastards blindside you and then you let them walk all over you. how you are ready to give them a taste of thier own medicine. fine ,now the trick is for you to walk all over them in a hour or so, and kick them at every turn , to the point were they leave all black and blue with thier foot stuck in thier mouths. pick your topics , and hold them to it. you have to control the conversation at all times. ( meaning you will have to cut them off every time they change the subject, or give you a swtupid answer) . show them no respect. i'm sure you have enough info , to blow them right out. if done right it will be like they are at thier jc, and you just df'ed them. most important , make sure they leave feeling they can't touch you with a 10 foot pole with their lies. john

  • Special K
    Special K

    Devils Advocate

    I had a tract that had questions for JW's...I'm sure youve all seen them

    Nope, DA.. I have never seen this tracts. But sounds really good. If you still have it around it would be really nice to see what each of these questions were.


    Search your mind and heart. If visiting with these men would bring some kind of closure that you feel would help you settle into your path away from them. Then so be it.

    But, as Gary Buss said..Keep in mind that your family still have some contact with you that may be lost if this is not approached in the right way.

    Good luck in your decision, Gadget

    Special K

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