I'm getting a visit from the elders.........

by Gadget 44 Replies latest members private

  • Gadget

    Well, todays the day. They'll be here in 90mins!

  • Sirona

    Argh! Good luck Gadget!

    Kick their arses! (not literally of course)

    What are you gonna say? Have you got your tape recorder set up? Can we see the transcript?


  • dh

    where's gadget... did he get reinstated????

  • Sirona



    Tell you what, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Gadget tells them what he's been researching! I bet they run out of that house as though Gadget were Satan himself !

    I hope he yanks their chain by "speaking in tongues" at the end...or says "This is the voice of those in Tartarus, inhabiting this DF'd man's body! We're going to possess you, Elders of Jehovah...and Yes we can say Jehovah! HA HA HA HA HA"

    Sirona (having a wierd day)

  • Sirona

    Gadget will be with them now....

    Send your positive vibes everyone!


  • Gadget

    It was great! I got a lot of points over , although being typical elders they didn't listen much to what I said, lol. It just felt good to be able to get it all out and watch them sitting uncomfortably.

    Oh, and does anyone know where I can upload the 50mins/1.1gig video footage I took of the whole thing? I'll be transcribing it tomorow afternoon anyway to post on here.........

  • Sirona
    Oh, and does anyone know where I can upload the 50mins/1.1gig video footage I took of the whole thing? I'll be transcribing it tomorow afternoon anyway to post on here.........


    Did they know? I'm assuming not. Sorry, can't help with the video, ask a techy.

    Good for you, Gadget! Any snippets of stupid things they said?


  • Gadget

    I'll have to play the video back through later and dig uout some tit-bits. One bit I remember is that they thought the press release on the UN site was a fake put up by apostates, even though its on the official UN site.......

    Oh, and my next door neighbour is a witness! What a small world. It sounds like she doesn't go very often at all so I might have a chat with her before the elders warn her off........

  • shotgun

    Elders...Gadget...and tit-bits...hmmm

    look forward to the transcription

  • Special K
    Special K

    You sound like this meeting with these Elders went well for you, Gadget.

    Maybe you were right and it will bring some closure to life within the borg...

    I'm looking forward to your transcript.

    Special K

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