Do you believe in "same sex" marriage?

by Carmel 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty
    Xena for President

    Need a campaign manager?

  • Xena

    You applying roy????

    First I need to know your views on "same sex" marriage.....then of course the we have the intern interview, feel free to bring your own brand of cigar

  • Princess
    Rachel:You're not telling me that a skirt with poppers and pockets is a true kilt, now, come on!!!

    Hey, if it's a man in a skirt! I think utilikilts are pretty sexy, planning on visiting the store this Christmas season...

  • sunshineToo

    Since I still want to believe in the Bible and God, I don't support homosexual activities. But I don't condamn or judge anyone who practices. It is not my job but God's. However, if they want to get married, WHY NOT?

    Banning same sex marriage itself is based on the traditional religions. Aren't politics and religion supposed to be separate? If they ban, what good does it do? Unless the whole country is trying to campaign against the homosexual (which I never expect that to happen), I don't see any point. The people are living together already. So why not give them a piece of paper that says they are stuck to eachother until they get divorced? Our society and the whole world have been and are going to be more open to homosexual. What is the point of now saying, "Wait a minute! We don't like that"?

  • Gretchen956
    But I don't condamn or judge anyone who practices.

    ***wipes perspiration off forehead*** whew, thanks, I can use the practice... you know what they say, "practice makes perfect"


  • Xena
    "practice makes perfect"

    lol practice, practice, practice Gretchen, but for goodness sakes not the same way every time

  • Princess
    But I don't condamn or judge anyone

    Boy was that a freudian slip or what?

  • peacefulpete
    peacefulpete then who cares who does what to whomever!


    We are not discussing rape. observation: If we are pro-hetero marriage then ask why do ytou feel this way, isn't it because it fosters and elevates qualities like loyalty, responsibilty and commitment? Why then do those who claim to highly esteem these qualities want to discourage gays who similarly value them? Gay marriage is pro-marriage not anti-marriage, period. Conservatives would do well encourage it if they desire a more stable society.

  • gaiagirl

    I absolutely support same-sex marriage for the following reasons:

    1) Marriage is not about gender or producing children. Marriage is about commitment. Gay and lesbian couples can be just as commited, if not more so, than heterosexual couples. Think about it. One can have heterosexual relations without committment, and one can even produce children without being committed to the other parent. What makes the difference? Why do some choose to marry? Because they are committed to their partner. One chooses to marry someone to whom they commit the remainder of their life.

    2) Marriage is not a "God-based" arrangement, and did not begin with the culture which produced the writings which later were collected to form the Bible. People all over the world, even those who did not claim to be "Gods chosen people", were joining themselves together in committed relationships for thousands of years before the "thou shalt not" writings of the Biblical patriarchs. In many of these cultures, there was no bias against same-sex relationships.

    3) "Gods" word does not condemn same-sex marriage, or for that matter, homosexuality. Rather, some nomadic fundamentalists chose to prohibit ALL sexual activity outside of certain narrowly defined parameters. These writings are not the words of God, or even a god. They are just the writings of men, who claimed to speak for God. The same thing happens today, with people and organizations such as Jerry Falwell, and with the Taliban. They make a claim to act in God's name, then cite some "inspired scripture" to justify their hateful actions.

    4) Failure to provide full marriage benefits to same-sex couples is simply hate-based religious discrimination, directed against those who don't share the same religous beliefs. Laws which discriminate against those of a particular religious belief are unconstitutional.

  • Preston

    Well.... as a person of one sex, happily married to a person of the same sex, I guess...technically I do support same sex marriage. As for any hint of a "gay agenda", the evidence I see, in our own relationship, is the fact that we do the majority of the yardwork together, we have genuine love for cooking and fine foods, and we enjoy spending our weekends together.... MWUH HAH HAH! (evil laugh) ... other than that, no WMD's....

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