Do you believe in "same sex" marriage?

by Carmel 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Why shouldn't two people who love each other be able to marry? It's not like they are going to come sleep in your bed.


  • shamus

    Keep your bible off my penis. What I do in my bedroom is none of your business, bible thumpers. Thank god I live in a country where the bible does not mix with politics.

    Carmel, with all due respect, this has been discussed to death here. Why not look up some of those threads and see what they're like. This is seriously like the 10th thread that has been on this that I've seen.

  • dh


  • StinkyPantz

    Having the "same sex" might get boring.. but what if by 'same' you mean awesome, fantabulous, incredibly awesome sex? If that's the case, I'm all for it.. yeah baby yeah!

  • Corvin
    My opinion and my right to MY opinion

    uh huh . . . and a judgement. The love of Jonathan to David was sweeter than the love of a woman. What exactly can that mean to a hetrosexual male?????

    Let them get married, let them divorce. Hetros have been doing it for centuries. I do not judge or question when a man loves another man, is committed to him, and the same for two women. I have seen evidence that some same sex couples exibit more real love than hetro couples. Who am I to judge. I married a woman, but that was my choice. If I had have married a man instead, still my choice . . . my life. I would still have the same friends and family . . . the same love and acceptance from them. And according to your opinion, God would love me just as much as he does you.

    By the way, tell us please why gay sex is wrong?


  • frenchbabyface

    ok are you taking about

    "same sex" Everyday ?

    Well to me sex is a game , it just can't be the same everyday ... the gestures might be the same most of the time, but not moment, to me its really a question of mood not always the same and I'm in or out. Also I have nothing against oral ... but I can't get to the point to have anal (when my ex asked me - I was so ... NO, NO, NO that actually I've told him that if he really needs that - He can get it elsewhere with no guilt if protected - I was laughing but I really meant it and he probably did it - ) Don't ask me why, it is just NOT FOR ME ! but I just don't care what other people does (their business)

    or marriage or gay marriage (the title is subtile)
    anyway the answer their business !

  • Vivamus


  • LittleToe

    In answer to the original question:

    I love variety. The same sex, over and over again, would bore a little.
    That's not to say that "Missionary" isn't good, but, what's wrong with dressing up in women's clothing? I'm a lumberjack , gawdammit!!!...
    ... TMI

    (for those getting all hot'n'bothered in the wrong sense, I recommend a class in "Reading Comprehension Skills 101" )

  • Mac


    that's a euphemism, isn't it?

    isn't that closet all scrunchy and uncomfortable?

    come on out and be the man you never will!!

    mac, just kick me class

  • LittleToe

    Closets, mmm.
    The heavenly smell of mothballs...

    Ooops, TMI again!!!

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