Chilling experience

by TallTexan 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • itsallgoodnow

    These are pretty interesting stories, I got chills too.

    I am pretty skeptical, though, can't help it. I can't understand why these things always seem to happen to solitary individuals. Why doesn't a spirit approach a group of people instead of just individuals? Why do they need to talk to just one person? How do they know where to find that carefully selected person? Why do some people have stories like these, and others not?

    I suppose anything is possible, it just doesn't seem likely if you haven't experienced it yourself. Who knows, maybe I will someday.

  • TallTexan
    Or where we supposed to be in awe of the detail that you are a health care provider and therefore above human foibles?

    Um, unless you're suddenly clarivoyant and can read my mind, that's not even remotely what I said, nor did I say, as you quote that "ghosts and goblins are suddenly real". I simply related an experience. None of us, obviously are above human foibles. Seeing something out of the corner of your eye for a split second is, to me, what you term 'your mind playing tricks on you'. Seeing a shape in the darkness that could or could not be a shadow is 'your mind playing tricks on you'. Seeing an image vivid enough to speak to, and having it speak back when one is in a highly alert frame of mind is not 'your mind playing tricks on you'.

    Anyway, I'm not going to argue with you any more. I know what I saw, you are skeptical. End of story. You obviously have your opinions, that's fine, but you really don't want to start a character assassination game.

  • Sirona


    You should be skeptical. Maybe one day it will happen to you. The people who have related their experiences on this thread obviously believe they experienced from a skeptical standpoint (assuming we're not lying) you could say we hallucinated something. Trouble is, when you've seen it its difficult to put it all down to hallucination (when you're not under the influence of drugs, no previous history etc.)

    Why doesn't a spirit approach a group of people instead of just individuals? Why do they need to talk to just one person? How do they know where to find that carefully selected person? Why do some people have stories like these, and others not?

    There are lots of theories, but I'm not sure if this thread is the place to go into that sort of depth. Have you read LittleToe's thread on belief? That gives some good insight into this. BTW, sometimes they do appear to groups, and talk to more than one person at once...


  • frenchbabyface
    Sirona : I think people should ask themselves: can others verify the event (either by being there or by verifying other things regarding it)? Is there any external evidence to show that this "hallucination" happened at a certain relevant time (in texan's case, at the time she died even though he didn't know it). Does the person seeing this have an overall grasp of reality? Is the hallucination persistant and disturbing, and makes no real sense? Does it tell you what to do? Is it accompanied by other symptoms of mental illness?

    Right ... Also I have hard time to check my own experiences ... and deny or believes (others stories for being true) ... at least I think that they really felt or have seen what they are talking about (even if it is a product of their own mind - cause I've been there)

    When I'm talking about connection there is also an other aspect into it ... and it seems that love (different kind, as show most of the stories in this topic) have something to do in the matter

    But not only it's also about intuition, my father for instance have (seen in dream and) predict 2 death accidents exactly how they've been, the first one about what I remember (his neigboors ... house on fire, all the kids dead) it is the first story I've heard from my grand mother about my father (the freak !) also the second one about an unknown woman here in France and her baby who also got fired up (testified by my mother read on newspaper) I still can't understand that ... but there must be a reason (did he killed them ... well its not funy ... I HOPE/THINK NOT !). But either his mom and my mom can tell that he was freaked out about his nightmares, never knowing if they will come true or not (also the second one told him somehow that most of them could have happen without him knowing about it - cause as unknown anywhere how do you check if not in the News ?).

  • SixofNine

    lol... so a fleeting image in the corner of your eye... that's your mind playing tricks? But a dead girl in a hospital miles away from you appears vividly to you in a stairwell, and you're insulted because this stranger thinks THAT is your mind playing tricks on you?

    Ah well, if the witnesses experience taught me nothing else, it taught me not to be shocked at the arrogance of the common man (as witnesses we were so very common but so incredibly arrogant at the same time). And there is a hell of alot of arrogance among ALL of you people who know goddamn well that *other* people's minds trip up... but YOUR minds could never trip up. Well, they can, and the have. The only truly insane part is a quick, total insistance that you've made contact with spirit beings and a just as quick total disregard for much more mundane explainations. Yeah, who is it that is close-minded again?

  • TallTexan
    I'm glad you challenged six's assertions. I find it fairly useless to argue with a die hard unbeliever (I mean, someone who refuses to believe no matter what you say). You know what happened and you can live out your life with that knowledge, so I guess there's no need to have six or anyone else believe you.



    Thanks. You are so correct.

  • LittleToe

    Who is the one being arrogant? The one who relates what they saw, with certitude, or the one assasinating their character because they never got to see the nice little girl, too?

    Have you a better explanation, maybe in line with modern science, other than completely dismissing it? Meanwhil;e, there's no need to throw the toys out of the stroller

  • wordlywife

    TallTex - That was indeed a chilling story. I guess I'd be freaked too, but in reading your story I hope you feel something special as this little girl wanted you to know she wasn't hurting any more. I am skeptical about things such as this, but your story makes me doubt my skepticism....... I have to say I admire you for doing your job, something not everyone could handle. I have a 4 year old little girl, this story makes me have many emotions. Thank you for doing a fine job and assisting people when they are hurt, in pain. I would be a basketcase if I saw a badly burned little girl. I'd have her image imprinted on me for life, and you face this stuff every day. I am thankful for persons like you!

  • confusedjw

    You guys are kidding right? Pulling our legs.

    I love a good creepy movie, but ....

  • reboot
    I can't understand why these things always seem to happen to solitary individuals. Why doesn't a spirit approach a group of people instead of just individuals? Why do they need to talk to just one person? How do they know where to find that carefully selected person? Why do some people have stories like these, and others not

    I dont think anyone can; but the incidences often involve more than one person.I was at a friends' house which has had so many visitations theyre common place now.My daughter has seen so many people , movement of objects-some very violent, and weve heard voices calling to 'us' .

    When I was there for supper we bolted a window , she said it would reopen and it did so many times.We did it over and over again.Once a perfect pyramid of soil appeared in the centre of the table just before i arrived and ive seen a figure on the stairs that I thought was her husband-but he appeared behind me as I was laughing at him to come down and stop scaring everyone....

    when my mother died I heard her call my name very clearly,so loudly I thought she was right by my ear... that was at the exact time of her death.My mother, my sister and i were telepathic with eachother and I wonder whether only certain people receive these visitations as theyre just adept at picking up an electrical impulse sent out in to the cosmos...

    I have had more experiences than i can explain, but do feel rather than there being a 'supernatural' explaination that the answer lies in us not completely understanding how the mind works.

    We tend to think of our existance being centred in out brain-we think out conciousness had a 'seat' whereas after research into near death experiences it has been proved that our reality is actually physically 'around' us when close to death.The electrical impulses that fire within us travel; our conciousness isnt confined to our physicality.

    I wonder if these impulses can be identified by others who are attuned to us.

    just a thought..

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