Chilling experience

by TallTexan 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sirona


    I only asked the question about his previous experiences because I feel that if you've always been a skeptic then that adds something to the whole thing. I would say though that many people who have a direct experience have perhaps had other experiences which might not have been recognised or which may not have been as dramatic and they've dismissed it.

    For anyone having such a clear experience it is almost absurd to say "it was a shadow" or something. If you see someone who looks just like a normal person but then who disappears into thin air (and sometimes there are others with you who also see it), and its happened maybe once or twice in your life, well then the skeptics can say what they want but it does happen to people. One day they might discover some clear scientific evidence of such things (I hope).


    I'm glad you challenged six's assertions. I find it fairly useless to argue with a die hard unbeliever (I mean, someone who refuses to believe no matter what you say). You know what happened and you can live out your life with that knowledge, so I guess there's no need to have six or anyone else believe you.


  • Yizuman

    Well from the looks of thing in my own point of view, when the girl died, an Angel was there ready to pick her up and escort her to heaven, but she started thinking about you and knew you were worried about her, so she wished she could let you know she's ok now. So God saw her mind and heart, granted her wish. So God knew you were heading for those stairs in advanced time, so He placed her there and told her to wait there because you were coming that way so she can tell you that she's gonna be fine.


  • Yizuman


    What are the odds of this man seeing this girl, receiving a message that she hurts no more and then find out that she did indeed died as he had guessed as a reason for the manifestation to have occurred?


  • frenchbabyface
    The 'child' turned around and I stopped dead in my tracks. It was the little girl from Sat night and she said "I just wanted to tell you that it doesn't hurt anymore" and DISAPPEARED!!!

    (you needed to know that it didn't hurt anymore), and the cold feeling (temperature) is a common biological respons to those kind of fears

    Where you connected for good or not ? It's just possible or not ... allow us to be skeptikal.

    but I've got my own ghost to be honnest :

    When I was a kid around 6 years (I think) I've met this woman (on a very short time) ... She has been the only one nice personne to me at that period of time, who would take a little time, to take me in her arms and just carress my face. But one day coming back from school my mother told me she died.

    I couldn't understand what it means exactly ... I don't even remember how she died ... but what happen is that when going down the stairs of my building to join my sisters outside ... she appeard to me as real in the hall of the building, that stoped me so I've asked : are you dead ? she smiled to me and she just answered : "I'm fine and you will be fine too, but i'll never come back". I've wanted to join her, it took me a few steps but more I was getting close to her and more she was disseapearing ... And when I got there it was all cold where she was (I wasn't affraid) I stood there a little while wondering what happen, hopping that I could touch her at least one last time, but as she told me that I will be fine but that she will never come back I believed her.

    Now I feel like I'm gonna cry ... I don't even remember her name (but I remember all the good she did to me)

  • HappyDad


    I firmly believe what you experienced was real. There have been unexplained things happen in my life on this order. After my wife died in 1996, my daughter and I both had strange things happen to us ...............the same night..........even though we lived apart. My wife was telling us that everything would be ok...........the same dream.........the same surroundings! A dream?.........maybe.........but two family members having the same dream with the deceased wearing the exact clothes .. in the same exact setting? Don't tell me I was hallucinating.

    Cherish your experience. Who knows what is beyond this life? All I know and want to know is that there is a God who loves us all and has a place for us.


  • fraidycat9

    I simply shall say: I believe. I have had a number of similar experiences. Some I have related. Some I have not. No need to try to convince unbelievers; this would be a waste of energy. Your experience, though not unique, was very special. When we all meet up with "whatever" after this life is through and after all is said and done and just before we blend into the cosmos, I believe that the unexplainable will finally make sense and I'm sure that some of the first words (or thoughts) by many have been and will be: "Damn!, so this is what actually happens!". It's a shame nobody's ever successfully come back to tell the tale. However, this fact remains: Whatever happens; happens. Regardless of who "believes" what. This is truth.

  • Sirona


    It's a shame nobody's ever successfully come back to tell the tale.

    Some have. Look at near death experiences


  • SixofNine

    What are the odds of this man seeing this girl, receiving a message that she hurts no more and then find out that she did indeed died as he had guessed as a reason for the manifestation to have occurred?



  • desib77

    I find stories like this to be very interesting. Because of the JW background I've always been terrified....thinking demons and such....but now I'm somewhat curious.

    I wonder if stories like this are of someone passing through to the "other side", why are some places haunted...are those people ones that cannot pass through? Is it always because of something bad happening in their life?

  • cruzanheart

    The longer I am away from the Witnesses, the more I am allowing my mind to accept the possibility of things I previously thought impossible, and I have accepted the reality that I will never totally understand everything. Tall Texan, that was an incredible story! I got chills reading it. When my dad died, my husband and I on two separate occasions experienced a moment that we are pretty sure was Dad. It wasn't a manifestation, just a feeling on my part, and Chris at work actually smelled Dad -- that combination of Old Spice and Bryl Cream on a stairway one night. We felt that this was his way of saying goodbye, and we never sensed his presence again.


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