Chilling experience

by TallTexan 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sirona


    I wonder if stories like this are of someone passing through to the "other side", why are some places haunted...are those people ones that cannot pass through? Is it always because of something bad happening in their life?

    Hauntings most often are caused by energy which hasn't dissipated, perhaps it has been "imprinted" in a place. This might result in seeing clouds or hearing noises. You might even see a person - a "ghost" - but that person just repeats the same actions without noticing anyone around it. It is thought that such appartitions are not actually conscious beings, rather they're just energy of a being who used to be there which is somehow replaying.

    Entities which can interact with us, such as TallTexan's little girl are usually not stuck in a place (IMHO and in my previous experience which admittedly is limited). They choose to be at a place to relay a message or to simply visit it as part of their acceptance of their own passing. They might occasionally come to see those they love, for instance.

    Some entities hang around a place by choice because they know that there might be a chance for them to make contact or somesuch. Unfortunately these are fairly often what they call "lower" entities. A friend of mine's husband encountered such an entity in a hotel loungeroom. He and a friend both saw a dark cloud which loosely resembled a person which hovered and went through a wall. He had never (and has never since) seen anything like that before and was a skeptic until that point. Only afterwards did they discover that only days before a psychic had held a seance at the hotel and many residents were encountering the entity.

    Just my thoughts...


  • desib77

    Thanks for the info., Sirona. That is very interesting.

  • jaredg

    wow guys this has been really intresting to read. now that i'm out of the borg and am thinking on my own i find myself wondering what to think. i am skeptical about the each of us having a spirit inside of us that lives on. my belief in science and evolutionary theory just doesn't seem to jive. then i hear stories like this and it throws all of that science out of the window. i need to figure out how to merge the two. at least i know it's not demons....or do i....DAMN IT!!

  • frenchbabyface
    Cruzan : We felt that this was his way of saying goodbye, and we never sensed his presence again.

    That's still my question about that woman (as I saw her for real - but I was alone) but Now also I can't deny our mind can see whatever we want to (there is a sickness who does that by the way the on that they talk about in the movie "fight Club")

    As for me, I think I needed to say goodbye to her especially ... (and had no understanding on the matter at that age)

    • Either she understood it (because we were really connected) means that it was an esoterical experience
    • Either my mind made it all up ... Cause actually she said exactly what I needed to hear to feel better about her and me ... I could call that ... an esoterical transfer
  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I'm with Odrade, Jim_TX, Littletoe, etc. on this.....I'll tell you why.

    Remember how JW's teach that any spirit contact after someone's death is "demonic"? Well I had an experience a few years ago that set me straight on this false teaching.....if I hadn't experienced it myself, I would probably be skeptical, but what happened to you is clear to me because of my own experience.....

    Some years back, I "adopted" the cat my daughter left behind when she moved out of her dad's house.....I was living here by myself with "Misty" and she was a truly sweet cat that seemed to love me dearly.....she always would get up in my lap, whether I was trying to read the paper or a book and insert herself between whatever I was trying to read and my face, purring and "kissing" my face and nuzzling my neck all the time.....One night I went to work (I'd NEVER taken her there)....and about 11 PM I was turning over facing the back of the sofa at the patient's house to catch some "Z's" when I suddenly felt something "plunk" down between my chest and the sofa back....I opened my eyes, but could see nothing there....however, I heard a loud purring sound.....the sound continued for approx. 60 seconds or so.....and I could feel the "cat" nuzzling my face and neck.....then it slowly faded......the next morning, when I arrived at home, I went in expecting "Misty" to run up to me meowing and wanting to be petted and fed.....she didn't appear and I went all through the house calling her.....I finally located her on the floor in the back bedroom.....I had no idea "Misty" was ill....but she had passed away during the night and rigor mortis had already set in.....I've read that cats can read our minds....that they know where we are and when we're coming back, though they haven't "been there" with us.....and I figured that the JW's have their heads up their butts on this "life after death" issue, because as sure as God made little green apples, "Misty's" departing spirit visited the time of her let me know she loves me and to say goodbye.....

    This is pretty much what happened with that little girl, I'm were her last contact that showed an interest in how she was feeling and she came back to let you know she was alright now....and moving reason to flip your wig, eh?

    Frannie B

  • Sirona


    (there is a sickness who does that by the way the on that they talk about in the movie "fight Club")

    Very true, there are many mental disorders which cause hallucinations. There are some differences between this and the experience that Talltexan had though.

    I think people should ask themselves: can others verify the event (either by being there or by verifying other things regarding it)? Is there any external evidence to show that this "hallucination" happened at a certain relevant time (in texan's case, at the time she died even though he didn't know it). Does the person seeing this have an overall grasp of reality? Is the hallucination persistant and disturbing, and makes no real sense? Does it tell you what to do? Is it accompanied by other symptoms of mental illness?

    Cases of apparitions where someone who has no symptoms of mental illness (and lives a productive "normal" life), where the event happens rarely (of course unless the person is always attempting to improve their psychic awareness), where the event can be externally verified in some way, and where others may see the same thing at the same time or at different times....well they're not IMHO mental illness. It has to be something else.


  • Sirona


    I heard a loud purring sound.....the sound continued for approx. 60 seconds or so.....and I could feel the "cat" nuzzling my face and neck.....then it slowly faded......the next morning, when I arrived at home, I went in expecting "Misty" to run up to me meowing and wanting to be petted and fed.....she didn't appear and I went all through the house calling her.....I finally located her on the floor in the back bedroom.....I had no idea "Misty" was ill....but she had passed away during the night

    Aw how lovely that she visited you to say goodbye


  • Lehaa

    Would have scared me to death. Bit like the Sixth sense kind of thing.

    I do believe in spirits or souls hanging aroung to reasure everyone that they are ok or to relay a message that they did not get the chance say. I would have felt privlidged later, once i stopped shaking, that she had come back and spoken to you.

    you must have touched her some how.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Aw how lovely that she visited you to say goodbye

    Ya, totally awed me....along with the idea that the WTS didn't know what they think they know. She was a real sweetie.

    Frannie B

  • Sirona


    Ya, totally awed me....along with the idea that the WTS didn't know what they think they know. She was a real sweetie.

    Yep. Exactly. They'd try and tell you that demons pretend to be deceased cats or something (cos of course demons couldn't just do something more elaborate, they have to pretend they're your pet...)

    I don't know when it was that I first accepted that spirits were not demons. I'd seen them as a young child and I'd sort of sensed them as a JW but spent a lot of time praying them away (which didn't truly work but helped me not "see" what I didn't want to see). I think it may have been the time when my partner's grandma turned up (at the time of her death) to give us a message which was later verified....I think that is when I got to thinking that it wasn't a demon in disguise...


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