Witnesses on The Move.. More Lies Spoon Fed To The Media

by Country Girl 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Google worldwide news alerts up for July 20 2004 @ 6:43 am est.

    Helsinki Commission Briefing Reviews Religious Freedom in the ...
    U.S. Newswire (press release), DC - 20 hours ago
    ... The approval system has proven extremely problematic, as on June 17 when the government again refused to recognize the Jehovah's Witnesses as an official ...

    Apocalypse Now; Why the Book of Revelations is Must Reading
    OpEdNews - Jul 18, 2004
    ... (The Jehovah's Witnesses especially emphasize this passage, Revelation 7:4.) That's the twelve tribes of Israel times 12,000; there's no mention here of the non ...

    Watchtower Whistle Blower www.DannyHaszard.com [ Notice to exjw's you may adapt/utilize anything of mine for rebuttal compositions]

    New! Get the latest news on jehovah's witnesses with Google News Alerts....SIGN UP NOW FREE AND IT"S EASY

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    July 20 2004 12:13 pm est

    Jehovah's Witnesses ¯ pacifists and model prisoners
    Joongang Ilbo, South Korea - 1 hour ago
    ... men. Mr. Jeong is a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, a Christian sect that forbids its adherents to serve in the military. In recent ...
    ProFindPages.com, Russia - 4 hours ago
    ... Perhaps we should remind this man that a group connected to the Orthodox Church has just spent a number of years hounding the Jehovah's Witnesses, who were ...

  • Nosferatu

    Hello MBD, and welcome to the forum (and goodbye apparently).

    I almost find it hard to believe that you disassociated yourself. Why did you do that?

    Anyone who says otherwise is simply spreading lies backed by an intense hatred for truth, love, and anything associated with those virtues.

    I think you should do some more reading from places other than the Watchtower:

    Soup Kitchens indeed! Feed the hungry and then send your young men to kill others in the name of Christ!

    Huh? What does feeding the hungry have to do with killing others? You're not making any sense.

    I was looking for a forum of people that were uplifting one another and came across just the opposite.

    You're pretty screwed if you're looking for a pro-JW board, since you'll most likely need a reference to get in. This place is upbuilding, but it's for those who are recovering from being a JW, like yourself.

  • Farkel


    : My God, you have no concept of who Jehovah's Witnesses are as a people.

    Almost all of us have been JW's, and that includes many elders, including Bethel elders and even at one time a former District Overseer. I was born and raised as a Witness, gave hour talks, pioneer for years and ran the Ministry School. And you're saying WE have NO CONCEPT of who JW's are as a people?

    : I am an inactive(disassociated) Witness. I haven't been to Christian meetings in many years simply because I have chosen a life of sin. And I know Jehovah loves me but is not pleased with my lifestyle and am more than willing to accept my own death as a consequence.

    How do you know Jehovah is so not pleased with you that he's going to kill you? Did he tell you this, or did the Watchtower tell you this?

    :I look around me and see the world is falling apart and am more than ready to go down with it so that good, descent peole can finally live free of tyranny and wickedness.

    The facts show otherwise. This is without question the BEST time to be living in the entire history of man. There is less hunger, less infant mortality rates, fewer wars, miraculous medical treatments and medicines and the longest lifespan every in human history. Do some real research and read about other periods in human history, like the Dark Ages and you'll have to agree with me.

    : Even in my sin, I know the Witnesses are descent, honest people who truely want to please God and help others.

    Yes, that's true. But their are also Witnesses who are evil, who prey on children, who bully others, who slander, gossip and are hypocrites. Just like in any other religion. The point being JWs are not much different from anyone else, and certain not the people living in a moral utopia as the WTS wants you to believe.

    : There is no brainwashing. I laugh at this.

    See my comment about how you've been lead to believe how "bad" times are today compared with other times.

    : I nearly applied to go to Bethel when I was still walking the path, so that I could serve God with my whole heart and whole soul. (mind and body)

    You don't serve God at Bethel. You serve the Watchtower Society. Bethel is a slave factory where all but the elite are treated as worthless nobodies. How could you feel you were serving God by being involved in the production of literature which will become outdated and "old light" at any time? Is God a God of confusion who frequently changes his mind about doctrine?

    : Anyone who says otherwise is simply spreading lies backed by an intense hatred for truth, love, and anything associated with those virtues.

    I say otherwise, and I love truth. It's people who have shut their minds down to the pursuit of truth who have a "hatred for truth." : I have been to many so-called Christian churches in my life. I have seen the evidence of their "truth" in the bombs they drop on other countries. I could go on and on about these so-called Christian faiths, but I choose not to.

    What did the ancient Israelites do? While they didn't have any bombs, they slaughted anyone who got in their way, including women and infants. They made no converts. They weren't interested in converts. They didn't try to pursuade nations into a peaceful co-existence. NO! They just went in a killed everyone, in one case taking thousands of little virgin girls as sex slaves. Yet they were "God's" chosen people. Given that, it is either hypocritical to point fingers at other Churches, wouldn't you say?

    : Soup Kitchens indeed! Feed the hungry and then send your young men to kill others in the name of Christ!

    At least the hungry get a chance to keep from starving to death because of Church charity. If the Watchtower Society ruled the earth, they WOULD let the hungry starve to death. It is also hypocritical to blame people for going to war and at the same time wish and pray for the bloodiest massacre of all time which will annihilate 99.9% of this planet from the hands of the brutally blood thirsty God you are so afraid of.

    Read Luke 10:29-37. A man was beaten and robbed and lying helpless on the road. A priest and a Levite came by and did nothing to help him. Then a Samaritan came by, cleaned his wounds, fed him and gave him money. The Samaritans were despised by the Israelites, and that is why Jesus used a Samaritan in his story. What did he tell his disciples? "Go your way and be doing the same thing." Why doesn't the Watchtower Society follow that command by Jesus himself, then?

    :Even in my life of sin, I sincerely pray to Jehovah (though I wouldn't hold it against him if he didn't listen) that those of you who push away the truth and persecute any (imperfect) human who seeks it be forgiven and have your eyes and heart opened.

    Get the rafter out of your own eye, hypocrite.

    : I will not post again to this forum, as I was looking for a forum of people that were uplifting one another and came across just the opposite. Feel free to rant at me.

    Just how uplifting were your comments?


  • MBD


    You don't know me. You only think you do. As I said, I'm an EX-witness and I have no compunctions to making you look like a fool in your factless, baseless comments. I suggest you do a little independent research of your own and provide facts on this forum that back up what you claim to be a world that is better off than it used to be. 1 in every 2 American men will develop some form of cancer in their life time. 1 in 3 women. Aids is a global epidimic the likes of which have never been seen before (You say the bubonic plague was worse? Not even close. Look into it). Man can now kill by the dozens with modern assualt weaponry. This is the first time in human history in which we have the weaponry able to destroy the eco system of the planet many times over. For the first time in history, bacteria is engineered with the soul intention of massacering thousands of civilians. In Rawanda, nearly 1 million people were brutally murdered in the name of ethnic cleansing and such events continue to happen around the globe. In Bolivia, privatization of the water system (which eventually led to a revolt by the people) outlawed peasants from gathering rain water (Corporate greed at its best!). Small countries such as Jamaca are falling apart economically due to the greed of organizations such as the World Bank. The drug trade has become an international market that shatters millions (billions?) of lives (I know, I was one of them!) Please tell me you don't think I'm some low IQ dope brainwashed by the society. I am a member of Mensa. I do computer animation for a living. As I said before. You don't know me. And you obviously don't do the research you tell me to do for yourself. Just because you may have it good, doesn't mean everyone else does.

    So some of you are ex-witnesses, maybe even District Overseers. Does that prove anything to me other than your apostacy? Even in Christ's times, there were high ranking members of the organization that turned against him!

    Do I think god is vengeful? Absolutely not. Christ made it very clear to us just how loving God is. God is Love. Do I think God will kill anyone not deserving of death? Of course not. You do though. That's not my problem. There is nothing in the bible, nor anything preached by the society that indicates Jehovah is a hateful spiteful death-loving god as you try to say they do. But I am more than willing (as a humble person) to accept my own death as a result of my rebellion against him. Why? Because he made me and that is that. YOU would NOT even BE here if it weren't for his love. And yes, this is what the society teaches. That God has the right to do whatever he wants, and even though this is true, he has alway and will always act as a loving father. And was not Christ ready to give his life? Why should we not be willing to do the same? I would rather die a thousand times than to see one (even ONE) more person suffer in this world.

    You'll have to excuse me if I seem angry and if I don't address all your (factless) comments. But I am angry. I am fed up with an evil world full of people who think they have everything figured out. I am sick of a world where Republicans and Democrats needlessly argue back and forth over who's side is better, when it's obvious to anyone with half a brain and the desire to do a little independent research and thinking that they are both part of a corporately controlled global governemnt that is slowly sucking (no rapidly sucking) this planet dry and leaving nothing but death (in the wars that are fought for there profit) and chaos in their wake! The whole two party system in America is a dog and pony show for the ignorant masses.

    Oh, I'm a poor little ignorant brainwashed moron who only gets his info from the Watchtower! Please. I speak with my own mouth and my own brain. Why did I leave the organization? I never officially did. I just fell away. But why? Because I am weak. That's why. I know the truth when I see it though. Truth was the one thing that always appealed to me when I first started learing it. And no one can tell me that the things taught by the society are anything less than truth. I have studied the scriptures all too well on my own. Do I still have an open mind? Am I willing to change my views if confronted with hard evidence that I am wrong? You bet! I have yet to be given this evidence by anyone or anything in my life experiences.

    Some witnesses that are preying on children and brutal? If so, I have never met one. And I promise you, the elders in the congregations I went to in my time would have quickly disfellowshiped them when found out. And if it was an Elder? Jehovah would have taken care of it in time. Does this mean the organization as a whole is evil? Not by a long shot. Not even in the same class as say the Catholic church. This is a purely false and malicious statement with not real proof other than a few people making these claims on the internet.

    Bethel a slave factory? You know what? Forget it. I'm not even going to continue. This is too funny. May Jehovah forgive me for my anger.

    Continue to believe what you want. You are lost. Your hatred will destroy you.

    And if you are someone that HAS somehow been abused by a Witness. I truly apologize and sincerely hope that Jehovah exacts payment from that person. Because not only have they wronged you physically and emotionally, but they have turned you against truth and your creator who loves you. Me a hypocrite? LOL. I know exactly who I am BROTHER! I am a sinner and very well aware of my sins. Where that came from...who knows!

    And oh...please back up any biblical claims with scripture in the future. It only makes you look good when you do. Do likewise with statements about how good things are. Just some friendly advice.

  • MBD

    A quote from the Silencelambs website....

    Spanish Translation


    I am writing to address an issue that transcends religious belief and exposes a reality that affects thousands of children everyday. I have served as a Christian minister for over twenty years. However, I can no longer continue to serve the members of my church as I do not agree with a church policy that as a church elder I am required to enforce. This policy, in my opinion, has harmed thousands, is leaving many unprotected, and provides refuge to outright criminals.

    I am referring to a church policy to keep information about members who are pedophiles confidential. These pedophiles are protected by a church mandated "code of silence" where even members of the immediate family cannot be informed, and, in many cases, accused pedophiles remain in positions of responsibility within the church while their victims suffer in silence or face church sanctions. I believe this policy is unethical, immoral, and, in many states, illegal.


    You have got to be kidding me? "Code of Silence"? You're thinking of the wrong religion bud. Never in my time as a Witness did I ever here of this Code. "church mandated". Witnesses never refer to themselves as a church. This person's comments are highly suspect. Believe me, no witness would stand for child molestation. I don't care what they were told and by whom.

    Stop believing the nonsense that is being fed to you be sites like this!

  • Nosferatu

    Here's something that isn't in the bible; it's on the United Nations website regarding the Watchtower Society's association with them:


  • Cassiline

    In the JW community, no one is coerced to go on the streets to deliver Awake and The Watchtower. Such is done of one's own volition, Mr. Pearce said.


    Whatever, the "truth" is full of lies.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I love the saying someone once posted... "You can lead a JW to the Truth, but you can't make them Think". Truly, a mind and common sense are precious things to lose.

    MBD ... open your eyes, as the scripture says in Matthew "prove all things".... you think what you've read is false...ok, prove it. See if it does or does not hold up. I think you would be surprised, as many on this board have been in the past.

  • cruzanheart
    I look around me and see the world is falling apart and am more than ready to go down with it so that good, descent peole can finally live free of tyranny and wickedness.

    MBD, you've got a serious case of "martyr mentality" going here. I'm sorry that your feelings are in such an uproar, and I think you need to do some serious research to figure out exactly what you're angry about. Yes, this is a site for ex-JW's. Yes, many of us are angry and have less than "uplifting" things to say about the religion that treats its members so badly.

    I was a member of that religion for 46 years of my 48-year-old life. I pioneered for 13 years. I applied for Bethel but, since I don't have a penis, they couldn't think of anything that I was worthy enough to do. I did not leave because I was weak, or went "apostate" (your definition, not mine) -- I left because I saw too many things that were hypocritical, Pharasaic, and mean. I saw none of that great love that would distinguish Jesus' followers from the rest of the world.

    Since I left, I have found peace and a greater faith, because now I trust Jehovah to look at my heart, which is what the Bible says He does, and judge me on that basis and not whether or not I have my butt in a chair at the Kingdom Hall.

    Now, cut yourself some slack and get thee to a therapist. You deserve to have a life of at least semi-happiness, even in this bad old system of things, and marking time until Armageddon will just cause you to miss a lot of fascinating and interesting events and people.


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