Suicide Prevention

by ApagaLaLuz 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I dont mean to be gruesome with what will follow in the rest of this post, so if you have a weak stomach please top reading here........................

    This is what is getting me I suppose. I can understand if you do it quietly at home. But this girl was so angry with herself that she felt she didnt deserve to kill herself in a painless way. She jumped from the over-pass at about midnight on Thursday. She fell in to the carpool lane. People thought she was a dog and repeatedly drove over her body. No one even reported her body on the freeway, they just kept driving over her, over and over and over and over and over and over again. Not untill 11 am Friday morning did anyone report anything. The police investigated her "remains" on the freeway. There was nothing left of her to bury. Her family buried her favorite possesions in the coffin because there was no body left. Gawd! How can someone be THAT unhappy. And how can one's soul ever really have peace? I'm done feeling numb, at the moment I feel sick

  • 4JWY

    Chevy -

    tears and ((((hugs)))) aplenty coming your way from my whole family.

  • Xandria

    To answer your question, yes there were signs. Sometimes hind sight is 20/20 and then there are times you remember reaching out only to be rebuffed, as this was not something you can understand.

    Sometimes, they have to be the ones to reach out. A person who is sucidial is in a very dark place emotionally, mentally and even physcially at times. There are times you can reach a person and they will reach back and then there are those who allow themselves to be swallowed up by the darkness. The guilt is normal when you lose someone to suicide. But you cannot do anything until the person tells you fully what they need.


  • reboot

    (((chevy))) how are you doing today?

    I was thinking about what you said regarding why anyone would want to do something so awful to themselves and relating it to a friend of mine who self harmed...

    She explained that when she self harmed she found physical pleasurable sensations flooded her body; the physical pain registered in her mind as an elixir to take the mental anguish away.It felt good.

    It soothed and numbed her thoughts that were hurting her so much.It worked.

    Perhaps your friend was in such a terrible place that she realised that causing herself maximum pain would give her maximum relief..i know it sounds strange and so difficult to comprehend if youve never felt like that but I really believe people who do this do it not to punish thrmselves; but to gain the ultimate 'peace'

  • doogie

    im so sorry for your pain.

    thank you for this post. it is very timely.

  • Billygoat


    She explained that when she self harmed she found physical pleasurable sensations flooded her body; the physical pain registered in her mind as an elixir to take the mental anguish away.It felt good.

    It soothed and numbed her thoughts that were hurting her so much.It worked.

    Perhaps your friend was in such a terrible place that she realised that causing herself maximum pain would give her maximum relief..i know it sounds strange and so difficult to comprehend if youve never felt like that but I really believe people who do this do it not to punish thrmselves; but to gain the ultimate 'peace'

    This makes sense to me. I've had an acquaintance that was a "cutter". She has confided the same thing to me. She's moved away and I don't see her anymore, but last I heard she found a good therapist and the love of a great guy. Both I believe can be the salvation for a lost heart and soul. It was for me.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Chevy

    I'm so sorry you have had this happen to someone you know.

    It's bad enough when you hear about someone you don't know. If I were you, I would be numb, too.

    Life's curve balls sometimes seem impossible to catch and know that each of us are in part responsible for our own actions.

    I had a job for sometime that put me in the front line to catch alot of very overwhelmed women and have had some experience in bringing some off of bridges and taking away loaded guns and removing dangerous drugs from homes.

    Again, I really understand why you feel numb. I think the body goes into a kind of shock response as such to protect the overwhelming-ness of it all. Actually our bodies are very smart in trying to protect us.

    Your account of what happened after she jumped off the bridge was overwhelming as well. So very sad.

    You take care of yourself, girl.

    Although, I know I'm not in the closer circle of your friends on the forum, I know you have lots of support and friends who will be there for you.

    I'm glad you could post about it and I will light my tea light for you, when I have my 3 o'clock tea. Good vibes going your way, Chevy.


    Special K

  • kls

    Chevy , just wanted to see how you are today. I see you are posting and am glad to see you are still acting like,,,,,,,Chevy.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Thank you guys for your concern. *muah*. Special K I appreciate your kind words, I like to consider everyone on here a friend. Reboot and Billygoat, I've never known a "cutter" before, but I can understand that extreme frustration that can buil dup in your body sometimes that you need to release. KLS, I'm not much of a public griefer, I deal with this sort of thing during my alone time. Last night I was driving home on teh freeway and missed my offramp by 4 exits. Finally Spencer brought it to my attention, I had completely zoned out. I figure there's not enough time in the day to only reflect on sadness.

    But thank you all for allowing me a place to vent.

    And pelase remember to pay attention to those close to you.

  • Undecided

    I miss my friend that killed himself a few years back. I've been thinking of him recently and life will never be the same without him. I was looking at some pictures the other day that reminded me of him and our trips to the coast fishing. Life is an ever changing adventure and we just have to adjust to death and the sorror it brings and try to enjoy what we have left to keep us going.

    Ken P.

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