by Yerusalyim 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Yeru

    I just wanna say... YAAA HOOO!.. for you.

    I liked you when you smoked and I still like you now that you stopped.

    Hope those lungs get all that stuff cleared out soon.

    They say it takes awhile to get the tar or nicotine stuff out, but I don't know that for sure..?

    Special K

  • Sunnygal41

    W00T for you, Yeru!!! Don't look back!


  • desib77




  • Mulan

    Good for you!!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Good to go bravo mate.

    We need our warriors healthy. alt

  • Shutterbug

    This is one of the most uplifting posts in a long time. The reason I'm so happy about it is because I quit at the age of 34 after smoking some 17 years. Having done that I well know what you went thru to kick this habit. I will not smoke again because I don't wish to quit again. If given a choice to quit smoking or go thru basic training, I would choose basic training, it was that bad.

    Having said all of that, and assuming the military keeps you under some weight restrictions, please weigh at least once a week and do what needs to be done to keep the weight down because it will start adding up. When you cease smoking food tastes and smells better so you tend to eat more. Also your metabolism is raised by smoking which tends to keep weight down. Now you will have a lower metabolism so you weight will tend to rise, so exercise more.

    Congrats. You can be proud of your accomplishment.. Keep up the good work by refusing to smoke again.

  • Bryan

    Good for you Yeru.

    I quit 13 months ago. I smoked for 7 years. Now I have my wind back!


  • Kenneson

    I was thinking, Oh, no, don't tell me Yeru is leaving the board. Things will really be dull now. Well, quitting in this case, is good news. Glad you're sticking to it. And glad you didn't leave us.

  • Sunspot

    GOOD JOB!!!

    I had an awful time quittng myself before baptism---I was a two-pack-a-day gal! It's horrible when you're going through it---but so rewarding when you know you're DONE fighting it!

    Thumbs up and all that!



  • lazyslob

    If you´re anything like I was when I quit smoking, then take my advise. Don´t let any guns around you. At least the first year. I got the worst possible temperament. Other than that CONGRATULATIONS. Lazy

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