DeeeeeeMeeeennnnnzzzz !!??!?!?!?

by ApagaLaLuz 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sassy

    you know when I read Chevys comments here I thought about it... most of us know some witness who had 'demon' problems.. I remember having a baby shower and the subject came up and so many women had had demon problems... One had a car that a demon took over........... it took over the wheel.. the windows explosed.. etc etc..... another had a mirror she bought at the Goodwill of those standing mirrors in a frame and she moved it from room to room (she was alittle under 5 foot petite thing) and when they realized 'it' had 'demons', it took 4 elders to lift it out of their house to get rid of it.. and there were so many more stories..

    the weird thing is why so many JWs? if you went into a room of people who had never been JWs, you might not even find one person who had any experiences.. so why so many JWs??

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    One man's theory as to why the JWs have such "demon" problems:

    Maybe because that is how Satan keeps them in the Borg? By reinforcing the fears taught from the platform, Satan keeps them penned in.

    I attend a Pentecostal church. For the last 13 years that I have been there, I have only heard of 1 demon possession story, and it happened to a person that was not part of the church. Compared with a countless multitude during my 20-plus years in the WTS.


  • Xander
    the weird thing is why so many JWs? if you went into a room of people who had never been JWs, you might not even find one person who had any experiences.. so why so many JWs??

    Because they WANT to believe. If you spend all day, every day, constantly on the lookout for demon'll find things that you can CALL demon attacks!

    As for me, I've related it before here, but we've only had the 1 'odd' occurance. Obviously back when good j-dubs.

    My wife had bought a book from work that had been on display with a few mannequins. It was a cute, old, book - she collected antiques, and they would otherwise have thrown it out with the displays.

    Well, anyway, that night as we are getting ready for bed, we go around the house shutting all the lights off. As soon as the last light (living room) is shut of her music boxes starts playing. Kinda creeped us out, but I was still standing right by the light switch, so I flicked it back on....and the music stopped. Took a bit to find the music box in question - it had been one she'd had for years, and was CERTAIN it did not have any 'problems' (obviously, 'demons' were the first thing we thought of). Okay, so turned the light back off....and the music started again! (Not slow, either, like a music box that had wound down or just had a little 'juice' on the wheel, it was going full blast!). Flipped the light back stopped!

    "Okay", I say, "What DID you buy today?" She mentions the book, we find it, toss it outside. Shut the lights off again....nothing!

    So, yeah, that was weird.

    When I was a kid, my mom was a real demon FREAK. She saw them EVERYWHERE. She claimed it was because she was a witch before becoming a witness, and they hated her for leaving them. Boy, did she have stories.

    Anyway, one day I remember she got it in her head that one of the brothers we were having stay with us had demon problems (we'd finished the garage into a bedroom so he could rent with us since his family...well, 'had problems' - in reality, 'were mostly normal, but leaving the org'). I guess it had to do with 'his bad family' that she had 'things' happen. She wanted to talk with me and my brother, first, though, to explain what she felt....but she couldn't in the house! Oh, no, the demons would hear, then! We had to go out to the car to talk about it.

    Creeped the hell of out me how she did it, though. Like how a mother would react if she got a phone call by a killer saying "I'm about to break into your house." or something....she just suddenly came up to us and was like "Quickly, we have to get out to the car...shhh, don't say anything. No, you don't have time to put that away, just, quickly, get outside..."


  • confusedjw

    Chevrolet and Tatoos said:

    I sleep like a baby.

    You mean you wake up every two hours crying looking for your Mom?

  • astro_girl

    My mother-in-law (50+ years a JW) told me that she knew a couple who told her their bed floated across the room one night....with them in it! Well, I just laughed my ass off and said "You don't REALLY believe that, do you?!" I'm sure you all know the reply. So I said "Well they either drank too much soda or watched too much Star Trek" (an odd favorite of the JWs around on other planets, etc.) She did not find my comments all.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    One time, late at night, I was laying in bed and couldn't really sleep. So, as I lay there next to my wife, I all of a sudden heard this loud noise. The noise sounded like it came from in back of my wife, who was fast asleep next to me. The noise sounded like a machine gun. Sort of a Rat-tat-tat sound. Needless to say, the sound alone made me jump. What made me realize that it must of been demons was this ungodly smell that filled the room after the sound.

    Now, me being a man, I know that a sound like that could never come out of me.....

  • gitasatsangha

    Two catch phrases: Perception is reality. The mind is a powerful thing.

    Shamanistic cultures believed readilly in evil and good spirits, just as many 20th century persons believed in UFO abductions. When you wave in something completely, you will. Aversion is the flip side of that attraction, and it comes unbidden but is part of a package deal. JWs will suffer from demon attacks as long as they know angels and the like to exist and believe them to have a strong effect on their persons.

  • dh

    i was rasied a jw, and i always have experienced sleep paralysis, even to this day if i sleep on my back, it happens, i can induce it and make it happen even, for me it has a few extra quirks, like a sound i always hear, and sometimes breaking free of it and waking up and seeing things, be it figures or just shadows, BUT, it can all be explained rationally, if people want to mystify it, that's their choice, but having had this as part of my life for as long as i remember, i have no problem with it and i sure as hell don't think it's denoms.

  • HeyNow!

    My mother-in-law's house is haunted by a little old man who used to live there. To boot, she lives next to a cemetary in the South. My wife and I have always had great success when we have used the Ouija board there. Seriously, it does move and respond..My "supposed" demon experience.

  • zugzwang

    The only experience I can recall occured while I was in service. I was probably 16 or 17 at the time. I and another brother were going door to door. At one particular door a man answered the door. Immediately I knew something wasn't right at this house by the man's appearance. He had what appeared to be a tattoo on his face. I could tell that it wasn't just paint or some other removable ink, it was permanent. I proceeded with my presentation, trying to act as if I didn't notice the obvious facial tattoo. At the conclusion of my presentation I asked him if he would be interested in the magazines. I'll never forget his response, he said: "WE are not interested in hearing about this." (As if I had been talking to a group, rather than to an individual.) And then I can only describe what happened next as unbelievable. (If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't believe it. So I won't blame you if you don't believe it.) The guy's eyes came out of his head! Not literally, as in blood gushing out or anything, but standing there I saw what appeared to be the eyes of this guy moving in my direction, without him moving, as if I were wearing 3D glasses and only his eyes were in 3D. Upon seeing this I immediately said the usual "have a nice day." I and the other brother walked away from the house. When we got to the street corner I asked the other brother if he saw that. He said he did. To be sure he wasn't referring to the guy's tattooed face I clarified that I wasn't just talking about that. He said, "I know what you're talking about, his eyes! What the hell just happened there?" I then knew that it wasn't just my imagination. Anyway, that was all of the service I could handle for that day.

    As a side note, later that same month, I and this same brother were working in service again together. We were at a particular door and it happened to be the other brother's turn to talk. Well the door opens and lo and behold a woman is standing there completely naked, not a stitch of clothing to be seen. Not missing a beat this other brother goes right ahead with his presentation. Talk about a return visit that you hope turns into a Bible study. That was probably the best two minutes of field service I ever had. (Maybe the demons made her lose her clothes! We need more demons like that.)


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