9/11(Film) - Freedom burning alright

by catchthis 102 Replies latest social entertainment

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I just checked out the link you posted and read a bit about what they were saying. Seems like they have quiet the fetish about Michael Moore. I mean if they don't want anyone watching Moore's movies they sure are going about it the wrong way but I guess that is waht you get with a bunch of wacko red necks.


  • Badger

    My whole problem with the F 9/11 flap is that both is supporters and critics AREN'T SAYING A THING ABOUT WHAT THE MOVIE SAYS!

    "It's propaganda!" "It's important!" "He's a patriot!" "He's Unfair!" "It's biased!" "You need to see it!" "He's lying!"

    Not ONE critic has talked about ANY of the charges he makes!

    No liberals have backed up his claims, and none of the conservative talk radio/cable pundits have looked at a single charge he makes.

    That's why I hate ideolouges...It's only about the source, not the evidience.

  • Sunnygal41

    I just wanted to add my two cents to this thread. I went to the movie yesterday with a friend. I had read NOTHING on the movie ahead of time, and didn't even know who Michael Moore was. Not only did I cry during the movie, as did other members of the audience, I cheered and like them clapped in certain places. This movie only served to reinforce my views of Mr. Bush and his real agenda in being the President. In fact, it reinforced many private views I've held on American politics for some time. I walked out of the film deeply disgusted at the American government now in place, and that I happen to be an American. I don't even feel like celebrating the 4th or flying an American flag, because I feel that what it stands for right now is mostly avarice, and the private agendas of power of a few "haves and have mores". In fact, I've made some private spiritual decisions that I feel I need to do to rectify this horrendous state of affairs here in America. Go see the movie, because it will move you deeply. And, I hope anyone who thinks Bush walks on water, or deserves to be "our" President may change their minds and see him for what he truly is.......a wanna be Dictator, which he even comments on during the movie.


  • FlyingHighNow
    That's why I hate ideolouges...It's only about the source, not the evidience.

    I'll say this, there is a good bit of footage, uninterrupted, of Bush making either an a$$ or fool out of himself. Don't believe me? See the movie. Also, you get to see some democrats looking pretty hypocritical, too. It's very entertaining. Skeptical? See the movie.


  • Badger


    Yeah, it was slanted, but anyone who pays to see it should be expecting it.

    Pretty well documented...Palast's book covers the Florida Election and some of Bush's financiers.

    Moore is at his worst, though, during ambush interviews (the Dick Clark and Chuck Heston peices made me really squirm in Bowling for Columbine). Thankfully, He just kept it down to jumping on Congressmen and asking them to recruit their children.

    My son was there, and can recall that Ashcroft ran for Senate but, "thousands more voted for the dead guy" (BTW, spare me your griping about taking him in advance...I'm a nice guy, but anyone who judges how I raise my son will get mercilessly flamed.)

    See it! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll give a fat social democrat eight bucks.

  • Simon

    re: the question about insurgents or terrorists:


    Iraq insurgency larger than once thought
    Anti-U.S. forces may be as large as 20,000

    The developing intelligence picture of the insurgency contrasts with the commonly stated view in the Bush administration that the fighting is fueled by foreign warriors intent on creating an Islamic state.

    ?We?re not at the forefront of a jihadist war here,? said a U.S. military official in Baghdad, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    The official and others told The Associated Press the guerrillas have enough popular support among nationalist Iraqis angered by the presence of U.S. troops that they cannot be militarily defeated.

    I think it's too simplistic to just blame "foreign fighters". In fact, one Iraqi factions has threatened Zaqawi with death if he does not leave Iraq.

  • patio34

    How about Letterman's Top Ten List: 'Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About
    "Fahrenheit 9/11":

    10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing

    9. It oversimplified the way I stole the election

    8. Too many of them fancy college-boy words

    7. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part
    where I get him deported

    6. Didn't have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives
    people the finger

    5. Of all Michael Moore's accusations, only 97% are true

    4. Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe

    3. Where the hell was Spider-man?

    2. Couldn't hear most of the movie over Cheney's foul mouth

    1. I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball

  • Crazy151drinker


    Gotta love Lettermen :)

    My main complaint about Moore (besides his BS movies) is what he says about Americans (those same people he is milking for $8 a head). Such as:

    "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet,"

    "We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing."

    "That's why we're smiling all the time. You can see us coming down the street. You know, 'Hey! Hi! How's it going?' We've got that big [expletive] grin on our face all the time because our brains aren't loaded down."

    "The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy.' They are the Revolution, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow ? and they will win.''

    Love you 2 Moore. You are free to leave any time.

    He was on PBS the other night and the Host ***. It was quite enjoyable. Moore couldnt answer a single question with a straight answer. He should be a politician.

  • patio34

    Well, Crazy151,

    You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I read some of those quotes in his books and it seems you've taken them way out of context. And, as far as his appearance on PBS, that's your subjective opinion.


  • Yerusalyim

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