Tastes ?

by frenchbabyface 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    A bunch of mushrooms grew in my garden, my Grandmother said they were "toad stools". I was tempted to try one either for the taste or the waste but I chickened out. Anyway after three days they burned up and disapeard back into the soil.

  • morty

    ohiocowboy.....I love Marmite as well......It is the bomb on homemade fresh bread with butter!!!

    My kids take it to school on their bagels and bread for lunch, and the other kids think they are strange....

  • talesin

    OC, mmmm, mushrooms! I've picked a few in my day, when I was a kid, my friend and I used to go picking in the woods for her mother, but had to learn which type was which. As an adult, I picked a lot of mushrooms in my twenties. heheh

    Caution, though, homey. Probably a good thing you didn't eat those, some are poisonous. You need to know exactly which ones are safe.

    btw, love ox-tail soup! It's so rich, yeah.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    steak Tartar; sushi; liver pate....mushrooms.... these are some of my favorites...

  • confusedjw

    I like to put ice in my beer and skim milk

    I like toasted cheese sandwiches for breakfast

    and dip potato chips in katsup

  • dh


    i will fight over it.

  • fraidycat9

    Chitterlings! Steaming hot!! Heaped pile high!!! Kissed with mustard and baptized in vinegar. YUM!

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Saltine Crackers with Mayo

    (sounds nasty right?)

  • Purza

    Buttered popcorn flavored jelly bellies.


  • Dan-O
    grill up a nice big portabello splashed with garlic and butter

    Portabello caps, drizzled with a little olive oil, stuffed with cream cheese & garlic, then topped with seasoned bread crumbs ... broiled or baked ... YUM! almost as much fun to cook as they are to eat.

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