How to Be a Republican - A Primer

by Michael3000 91 Replies latest social current

  • Michael3000

    Corvin: Thanks for your insightful and sensitive replies.


    True, I am living in Canada (originally from Holland), but I feel much more American than Canadian. I am a staunch Conservative, but I prefer to see the truth as it really is in a fair and balanced manner.


    Stick to Canadian politics, Son.

  • Richie

    Michael, I prefer to stick to American politics, brother......

    Richie :*)

    Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice - and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue

  • Lewis

    Excellent information, Corvin. One has to wonder why some of the middle-class continues to support a political party that really has no honest concerns for them.

  • Yerusalyim


    17.90 is a LOT of money for a grocery store employee...not sure what the point of your story really is though. Unions served a valuable purpose, but have, for the most part, become obsolete. The Printers union (GCIU) I belonged to was "great" it divided us stackers into two categories...those hired before and after a specific date. If you were hired after this particular date you made a full $2.00 an hour less than those hired before a particular date...WHEN YOU REACHED YOUR MAX PAY. The company didn't do this...the union did. I paid $35.00 a month in union dues back in the mid 80's so that they could support political candidates that I did NOT support, and that didn't help organized labor. I received NO protection...and could have made as much money AND NOT BEEN LAID OFF once a month at a Non-Union plant. SCREW organized labor, it's a racket these days...those at the top are as far removed from the working man's world as Donald Trump.

  • SixofNine
    One has to wonder why some of the middle-class continues to support a political party that really has no honest concerns for them.

    It does boggle the mind that so many people are so intensely clueless as to where their bread is buttered. I've hit upon a theory; perhaps many people think they've gotten the learning equivalent of an MBA when the light bulb goes on over their head and they exclaim "by golly, I think I understand trickle-down economics; my boss has a 61 inch Pioneer plasma, but damn if I don't have a 43 inch sony with a better picture than I ever imagined I could have in my lifetime".

    Their minds are so stale, moldy, and cramped, that they can't even imagine things being substancially better, not even for themselves. One could respect that if it had even a hint of altruism. It doesn't.

    And so, as long as the politician calls it trickle-down, they welcome the golden showers.

  • Yerusalyim


    You seem to ignore the fact that "trickle down" works. The entire reason the economy has recovered...the strongest growth in 20 years mind because of "trickle down." Taxes were cut meaning people had more money to spend...which means more jobs...which means more money in the economy...which means growth...which means more jobs...etc etc etc.

    You're hatred of the rich is many jobs have you received from a poor person?

    You seem to want to support the democrats who think that government spending is the road to prosperity...YIKES!

  • SixofNine

    Whoa there big fella.

    Do you see anywhere in my post where I indicate that trickle-down doesn't "work"? I believe the big-screen tv scenario is an example of it working, obviously.

    What it is not, is some sacred, god-ordained program for solving all of mankinds problems, and there's a word for people who worship it. That word is "stupid".

    btw, I have no hatred of the rich, nor have I ever, in any post on this discussion board, indicated in any way, that I "hate the rich". You, oth, might do well to have a raincoat of skepticism handy when a rich guy tells you that what your feeling is a warm summer rain . You really ought to read my words free of agenda, cuz I work hard to write them free of agenda (I'll admit I fail at that at times).

  • Michael3000
    You seem to ignore the fact that "trickle down" works. The entire reason the economy has recovered...the strongest growth in 20 years mind because of "trickle down." Taxes were cut meaning people had more money to spend...which means more jobs...which means more money in the economy...which means growth...which means more jobs...etc etc etc.

    You're hatred of the rich is many jobs have you received from a poor person?

    You seem to want to support the democrats who think that government spending is the road to prosperity...YIKES!

    The... logic of this post ... is... staggering... BWAH HAHAHAHAH!!!

    "Trickle-down" or Reagan-omics - by whatever name, ONLY WORKS FOR THOSE NEAR THE TOP OF THE TRICKLE.

    Thanks - come again!

  • Corvin
    17.90 is a LOT of money for a grocery store employee...not sure what the point of your story really is though

    The point? Well, there is an idiot on this forum who, at least twice, posted some very false information concerning union grocery workers. That person has not lost his WTBTS zeal for distorting the facts. I was compelled to set the matter straight with facts and documentation and expose the real agenda behind the Grocery chains actions and propoganda.

    You should go back and read my post again. 17.90 is NOT a LOT of money for a grocery store employee to make, especially when they have been serving your fat conservative ass for 25 years, helping you to find your damned Double-Stuff Oreos and explaining why your raincheck coupon for 10 grapefruits for 1.00 has expired. Who the hell are you to say how much a grocery store clerk should make and what their job is worth? Again, you are on the beveled edge of getting Walmart quality employees in the grocery store you buy your Doritos and Coors from. Hope you like it. Those that make that wage are part-timers anyway and there are actually morons out there that think grocery clerks are getting rich for doing nothing. Screw those guys and screw you too.

    There is no way in hell a new employee under the new two-teir system will ever make that kind of money no matter how long they work with the company.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Corvin cutie,

    I used to work at Albertsons Did you include Sunday, Overtime, Night shift, or Holliday pay in your $17.90?? Those can easily push it above $30 a hour And $17.90 is still too much money to be going *beep* *beep* *beep*

    So what is your wife going to do when Albertons, Vons, and Ralphs go bankrupt? They cannot compete with Costco and Sams club who's labor costs are 70% of Union Stores. Those savings translate into lower Food costs.

    Unions had their purpose. Now they artificially inflate labor costs when businesses are looking to other countries to cut those costs.

    Im in a Union now. What a joke. Your job security is not based on your performance but your senority! What crap!

    The only type of Union Job that I support is trade unions such as plumbers, electricians, etc..etc.. because they go to school for 5 years to make their levels of pay. Its the same a getting a college degree. 5 years of school is a VAST difference from *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

    They even have self checkouts now! Who would think that people could actually scan their own food! I mean its soooo complicated *beep* *beep* *beep*

    Corvin, would you like to talk about Beethleham Steel and how the Union worked wonders there??

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