Who is the most famous person you know or have met?

by confusedjw 94 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Uzzah


    If you venture into tomato photography soon you might be able to Ketch up. Or if you get into greens, the subject may say. "Lettuce be friends"

    Uzzah - who is ready with sick puns on any topic!

  • CountryGuy

    In 1990, my senior year of high school, my parents and I were invited to the governor's mansion for a reception honoring that year's "Governor's Scholars." So we all went up to meet Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He came across as a very nice, very likeable man. That day I also got to meet Miss America 1990 Debbye Turner. She was Miss Missouri, but originally from Arkansas.

    In 1997 I worked for a Texas-based entertainment retailer. My job was to coordinate book signings/CD signings/video events, etc. I was fortunate enough to coordinate an event for President Jimmy Carter at a store outside of Dallas. That event went over so well, that his publisher gave us the opportunity to host another event at our store outside of Knoxville a couple of years later.

    That job let me meet a lot of famous people, but the most memorable was Dolly Parton. She's the only 'famous' person I've ever made a total fool out of myself in front of. She winked at me and I lost it.


  • GentlyFeral

    My grandfather was a theatre director and his second wife was a member of ACT, so they knew and worked with more famous stage actors than you can count.

    My other grandfather got Muhammad Ali's autograph once.

    My stepfather ran - started! - the guitar shop where Country Joe McDonald (of Country Joe and the Fish) worked for a few years in the late sixties, and where Leonard Cohen used to get his twelve-string guitars refurbished. I think it was Cream that came in and spent $12,000 on guitars one day, back about '67 or '68.

    Another employee of his, Steve Talbot, is now a guitar builder in his own right.

    My husband and I got to meet Wavy Gravy at the Himalayan Fair in Berkeley CA, year before last.

    Science fiction author Joyce van Scyoc and I used to go to the same church.

    And for the U.S. pagan contingent - I got to exchange a few words with R. J. Stewart and Holly Tannen at PanTheaCon last year.


  • hillary_step

    I once met the man who wrote 'New York, New York'. He is of medium build, Japanese, owns a Karaoke Bar and goes by the name of 'Danny Boy' Yoshimi. If you meet him tell him that the Frank Sinatra autograph I gave him is a fake and thanks for the pen.


  • Uzzah

    Country Guy:

    How could I forget Dolly!!! I met her at Dollywood. I swore she was just some buxom gal hired to play Dolly. I actually made her pull out her license before I believed her. I ended up meeting many members of her band. She was sooo laid back and normal. I can understand why you might have been tongue tied around her.

    On that trip to Tennessee I ended up meeting Alan Jackson as well. Not quite as laid back but a decent man.


  • Uzzah

    Of course I dream of meeting a few famous people. Hillary Step and Scully for example.


  • Mulan

    Sixofnine, you must have met some famous people in your work. How about Prince and Beyonce???

    My brother has been an environmentalist for about 20 years and has met lots of famous people who are interested in saving the planet. He worked with Dennis Weaver for a long time on a project. He also met Johnny Depp, who tried to get him connected with Marlon Brando, but it didn't happen. He isn't impressed with those people though, but knows I am. One of his closest friends was the US Ambassador to India................can't remember his name.

  • hillary_step


    Of course I dream of meeting a few famous people. Hillary Step and Scully for example.

    I am much less frightening than Scully. She never travels without her book, 'Enema Instruments And The Creative Imperative' under her arm. I am more the, 'Lupins Are People Too', type and of course you are welcome to visit.

    Best regards - HS

  • Uzzah

    Scully and I share medical texts on a regular basis so I am not too worried about her. But as a typical guy the sound of latex gloves snapping on sends shivers to my spine!

    Drop me a note and tell me where and when I would love to meet one day and compare notes.

    Hey since I was the blackout guy on fifth estate, does that make me famous? hmm


  • talesin


    Hmmmm, now that's interesting. I've always wondered why Linden MacIntyre has such a bug up his ass about abuse survivors. IMNSHO It seems to be some sort of crusade with him (not that I expect you to comment on that, for obvious professional reasons).


    edited to say, darn, outta posts. Ah well, it was worth it to get that off my chest!

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