Who is the most famous person you know or have met?

by confusedjw 94 Replies latest jw experiences

  • undercover

    What? Nobody said Mike Musto?

    A. J. Foyt - Probably the greatest race car driver ever.
    I met Dale Earnhardt (Sr). He gets my vote for best driver.
  • Emma

    Gloria Steinem. She was staying on the same floor of a hotel one weekend. We rode the elevator up together and nodded and said hello. I figured she was always meeting people who recognized her so I left her alone. The next morning, we met in the hall so I acknowledged that I recognized her and we had a brief chat. She's a stunning woman and very warm, too.

  • ThiChi

    I ride now and then with Eric Burden of the Animals. He lives about fifteen miles from my house. I have been with him more than once when he has given an impromptu performance at a Bar we have stopped at for a drink or two... He has signed all my Animal CDs/Albums....

    When I was in Photojournalism, I met a lot of persons, Regan, Bowie, Paul McCartney (that was a blast..), and many others...

  • AlanF

    I speak to God all the time and he answers back.


  • bull01lay

    I've met Frank Carson, Roy Chubby Brown and of course................ LT!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    What do you speak about? salvation and interior decorating?

  • shera
    Collen Farel (sp?)

    OMG!!!! I wanna hang with you Chevy!

  • Badger

    Chevy's got the hookup!

    Mine: Ken Griffey Jr., Barry Switzer, Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra

  • Kenneson

    When I was in Plains, Georgia several years ago, I met former President Jimmy Carter and wife. I have a picture of me taken with them to prove it.

  • gitasatsangha

    I've met some famous people from various backgrounds, and been friends to a couple, but I don't like talking about celebrities because this kind of celebrity "E: channel" adulation disgusts me.

    But I will say, just because he was a true friend growing up, that I did go to school with a director you will probably hear more from in the coming years. Brian Avenet-Bradley and I went to the same small rural high school. He just got a lot of acclaim for his recent film, "Ghost in the Needle". Growing up, he was the only person I knew that seemed transparent to all the little barriers which children and teenagers throw up around themselves in a sad sort of caste system. Brian was beyond that, and he was truly talented. As an semi-pro filmmaker in high school, he was as comfortable on stage, (but not in his desk.. he fidgetted too damn much), as he was in front of his old videocamera.

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