Is The WTBS Really Crumbling?

by exjdub 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    Lets hope in this information age people will know about the cult before they are tricked into believing it. Nothing drastic will make the dubs fall though. So I'm guessing in a few generations, things will disolve away in dub-land.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ``Crumbling" is probably not an apt description; its considerable wealth is likely to keep it going; hower, the traditional signs of old age -- wheezing, arterial sclerosis, a loss of vitality and senility are setting in. Its very growth over the the past three decades has sapped it of much of its vitality and nudged it closer to institutionalization (the transition from a feisty band of theocratic warriors at the radical fringe to an established religion, has added a layer or two of fat). Imagine, for example, what would happen today if the Society were to attempt to reinstate the eight-day conventions that old timers took for granted?

    And who can they count on to stand before the crowds to rally the troops? Remember how JW audiences were spellbound, whenever Knorr, or the the wild-eyed visionary Franz and firelbrand Covington took the podium to address the masses? By comparison the current lot of geriatrics, and even the coterie of younger staffers they hide behind, are a pallid, colorless, anonymous lot.

    Nossir, ol' mama just ain't what she used to be. With 2014 a mere decade way, it's gonna get real interesting. JWism may well survive, but will be be recognizable?

  • Sunspot

    **Nothing drastic will make the dubs fall though.

    Hmmmm.....I don't know about that. *I* was a "loyal" Jdub for about 30 years......and began to see the lack of love and "click" mentality within the Kingdom Halls. It was THEN that I discovered the 'net and began to uncover the nasty secrets and foolish (everchanging) doctrines I had not been aware of.

    The more I read, the more convinced I was, that I had made THE biggest mistake of my life....and left. Each one has a point where (IF they are a "thinking" person:) they will see the WTS for just what it is. Even if they haven't got the courage to actually LEAVE.......they still won't be as supportive of the policies that they KNOW are not "bible-based" and have already "left" in their hearts. A whole new mindset then takes place! The WTS "hold" over them has all but vanished.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the greater the dishonesty the greater the expose.

    The WT main weapon to hide their lies is "disfellowshipment". If they are forced to abanden this practice because it opens them up for law suits,, they will crumble.

    The internet is here to stay,,it will only grow in usefullness as time goes on,,as the internet becomes more and more common place for personal research the worse it will become for the WT. Soon it will be so common to go to the net for information that the JW will not be able to conduct a bible study with the average person and only the most gulible(brain dead) will join. I definitely don't see a bright future for the Borg.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Amen to that, Frankiespeakin!


  • garybuss

    The Watch Tower Inc. is like a snake that sheds it's skin every year. Is the old snake gone? Sort of. Is this snake the same snake that was here last year? Not really, but yes, kind of.

    A business that sells it's own incompetence as a virtue, and it's correction of it's own error, a special event, will most likely still appeal to the foolish and the defective.

    It's an incredible amount of work to be a Witness and it requires accepting a huge amount of enforced compliance. Those who stay on as Witnesses MUST be getting a payoff at least equal to the cost of being a member.

    Their payoff is mostly not financial, so it has to be ego benefits or neurotic needs.

    Healthy educated people do not need to earn token recognitions by a high control group.

    Only neurotic or psychotic people need to be able to fit all of life into a dead man's delusion and work to advance an abstract, punishing, business's agenda to their own determent.

    Healthy people don't like it, don't fear it, don't need it, and don't put up with it. GaryB

  • Mary
    They're big and they'll get bigger, just like any other mainstream religion.

    Actually, they're NOT big, and they ain't getting any bigger. There's been 6 million Witnesses earth-wide for nearly 10 years........virtually NO growth at all, despite the fact that Dubs get married, have a couple of kids who are then raised as Witnesses........even when you factor in those that die of old age, there should be SOME kind of growth and there's not; at least not here in North America. The only place where there's any sort of growth is in Third World countries where the people have absolutely no idea about what goes on behind closed doors.

    And secondly, the Organization is NOT "maintstream religion". By all accounts it is considered either a sect or a cult by most. Will they crumble? I think they will---eventually. In another 40 or 50 years, I predict that their numbers will dwindle to maybe 2 or 3 million earth-wide. As was already pointed out, the Internet is here to stay and people QUESTION those in authority now....they don't just automatically believe what they're told.

    If the Society is to survive, they'd have to do a major overhaul: Get rid of 1914, disfellowshipping, get rid of most of the meetings and quit bugging eve;ryone about going out in Service morning noon and night..............

  • hoodwinked

    Gary that's about the best summation of the BotchTower I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

    Great post!


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Cult-Related Videos Ground Zero for it all!

    Video excerpts from History Channel presentation on apocalyptic groups { Must see }


    modem (low bandwidth) version

    DSl/Cable (high bandwidth) version

    Always do a regression analysis,Just WHERE did it all come from??The William Miller movement has morphed and mutated endlessly

    It's a Malignant monstrosity,like a cancer.

    [ POST SCRIPT ]Who are the Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Israel Faxx; 10/18/1996

    Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial for instant access ยป
    HighBeam Research Members ? Log in now

    By Deborah Croft (VOA-Washington)

    The fastest growing religious sect in many countries is the Jehovah's Witnesses. This sect of Christianity has made inroads in many of the traditionally, strongly Catholic countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy. And it is also finding converts in Japan, a predominantly Buddhist and Shinto practicing culture.

    But as the Witnesses find more followers, the group also comes under greater scrutiny and criticism. Indeed, some observers see a dangerous or dark side to many of the sect's practices.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses is one of several groups that grew out of the 19th century Adventist movement that was started by a man named William Miller. Adventists believe the second coming of Jesus is imminent.

    Miller predicted t...


  • ozziepost
    And who can they count on to stand before the crowds to rally the troops? Remember how JW audiences were spellbound, whenever Knorr, or the the wild-eyed visionary Franz and firelbrand Covington took the podium to address the masses? By comparison the current lot of geriatrics, and even the coterie of younger staffers they hide behind, are a pallid, colorless, anonymous lot.

    That's so very true!

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