What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel
    You really leave me with no logical reason for continuing this discussion [with YOU].--Schizm

    You wouldn't know what logic is even if you tripped over it and it stared you in the face. The mere fact that you won't defend your position with me is proof you're no lover of logic OR truth. Genuine lovers of truth are THRILLED when one of their tenets is proven to be wrong. It allows them to now drop a false idea and then be free to pursue a true one. That's why lovers of truth are constantly making progress and why haters of truth are intellectual losers.

    Haters of logic and truth post pictures of dogs humping legs and then race away from the discussion.

    Enjoy your humping dogs, schizm. That's all you've got.


  • Schizm


    Also: What would explain the long 65 minute delay between your post and it's being edited? Could mere frustration be the answer to that question, Farkel?

  • LittleToe

    What would explain your continuing the discussion?

    Schizm by name, schizm by nature...

  • Satanus

    Perhaps schizm could be rephrased as troll. All you need to do is move the letters around and change them a bit, and a troll is unvieled.


  • LittleToe

    You put it so much more succinctly than I, SS.

    I'm gonna take the usual advice, and stop feeding it...

  • gumby

    So a.....I take then a .......that this thread is through? It's come dowen to a showdown of Farkel calling Shcizm on the carpet to answer his question.......and I can't even remember what it was.

    This threads too long to find it. It would be an intresting show to see. How bout it boys?


  • Farkel


    : This threads too long to find it.

    All, in all it boils down to this: schizm was alert enough to read my post before I amplified it. He then SHOUTED in his loudest voice about the "65 minutes" (he actually has no life and actually timed it) after I amplified it.

    The funny thing is, he never actually addressed a single challenge that was put before him. (The one who shouts the loudest is almost always the one who is wrong.)

    Imagine that!

    I've shoved schizm's arguments up his alimentary tract and he still doesn't get it. He's too stupid to be a troll OR a dub. I lied. He's not too stupid to be a dub. He's pretty damn stupid, that is for sure. The only people I've known who are more stupid that schizm had nurses constantly wiping the drool off their faces. This happened at my local Kingdom Hall. The nurses were assigned to Elders there. There was plenty of drool and plenty of wiping off that drool. After a committee meeting, they redoubled their inventory of drool-wiping towels.

    Fanatics drool a lot.


  • gumby

    I found the post you were refering to Fark......but the post didn't sound like a question or a challenge, but rather a statement from you. I'm going to state what you said anyway because I feel the ransom points you mentioned are tied in with this subject after thinking about it a bit more.

    . Name one parent who would kill their own child if one of the child's friends did something evil. The offenders were Adam and Eve and God still let them live 8 and a half times longer than almost all humans who've ever lived. As a result God is, in effect killing the victims of the crime: us. Would "logic" like that cut it in any civilized human society? No.

    Schizm's ideas were; god is the parent, and he allowed sin to enter Adams innocent offspring even though they were'nt guilty. Farkel is saying, why would a parent kill one child over anothers childs error.

    Human perfection was lost in Eden and human perfection should have been returned with the death of Jesus

    Schizm said sin entered man at his fall....Farkel is saying Christs death was to eliminate sin. What's the deal?

    God should have just killed Satan and been done with it. Nobody would have questioned his integrity as that would have been the right thing to do.

    Schizm believes god punished man for the sin and he died. Farkel wonders why god let the snake live.

    Another point was, why did the original sinners get to live 10 times longer than you and I today......they did it, not us?

    Well, if schizm does't wish to partricipate any further.....perhaps another may wish to answer these questions.

    BTW....sorry to re-state your intent fark and to lay it out as for a gradeschooler, but I didn't want the points to be missed by anyone who wishes to answer.


  • Schizm


    If it's as you imply, that the continuation of this thread is dependent upon a discussion between Farkel and I, then you might as well consider this thread to have come to an end--because I will no longer speak to the man. I thought I had already made that clear enough.

  • Swan
    According to the dubs, and other faiths, Adam was created with no defects of any kind. He was created with no sin. Then Adam sinned. When he did....something changed in him to cause him to die. What was it exactly? A disease? A defect? Name the defect if you can or know.

    His seed went bad. This thread covers it. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/71903/1.ashx God waited too long to create Eve, and naming all of those sheep got him really horny. He didn't ejaculate and it gave him prostate cancer. Then he passed on his bad seed to every generation.


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