A copy of Bush's Resume just hit the net!

by amac 45 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep


    The misery index is essentially the combination of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. The data I got was from the Wall Street Journal, hardcopy, dated 2-3 weeks ago. I'll try to get the exact date for you. I believe it went back to Carter, through to GWB. Bush's record is the lowest (which is a good thing), lower even than Clinton's.

    I'll see what I can find.

  • Realist


    so inflation rate times unemployment rate gives the index?

    a very low inflation rate can very well mean a stagnating economy ...so how is this actually computed?

  • blacksheep

    so inflation rate times unemployment rate gives the index?

    Actually, it's the inflation rate ADDED to the unemployment rate that equates to the misery indes. It was the absolute highest during the Carter administration.

    a very low inflation rate can very well mean a stagnating economy ...so how is this actually computed?

    True. However, all economic indicators are demonstrating a vibrant econmy. The recession, which ascutally started before Bush came in office, is officically over (in spite of 9/11 no lees), unemployment continues to decline, and other econmic barometors in the US show healthy signs. Yet you don't seem to hear THOSE things publicized.. JW's would not publicize it either. They feed on negativism.

  • blacksheep

    The criticisms of Bush are almost entirely justified and not much exaggerated. I'm convinced that he'll go down in history as THE most incompetent and self-serving president in American history, and his administration as the most competently self-serving in history.

    This totally irrational hatred of Bush consuming the left and left supporters is truely a mistery. No one can provide specific examples of incompence: all they can provide is bizarre vitriol. Amazing...

  • blacksheep

    What will be interesting is KERRY'S campaign resume. I laughed as a I read a NYT article about Kerry's lack of pizazz because he cannot "find his focus and counter the Bush attacks." Boo hoo. Kerry's getting but up on by the Bush bully. Why? Because Kerry cannot get it TOGETHER. Is that someone we want for a president?

    A few quotes from the article: My comments in bold.

    "George Bush has had three of the worst months of his presidency, but (Kerry and his campaign) are stuck and they've got to get past this moment," said Donna Brazile, who managed All Gore's 2000 presidential campaign."

    So even though the Kerry camp have been leading the pack in discrediting Bush for the last 3 months, they STILL cannot seem to seize an opportunity to show leadership and focus: they're "stuck."

    "In Ohio, the state that strategists for Kerry and Bush view as perhaps the most critical battleground, Kerry has yet to hire a state director or open a campaign office. [He} is relying so far on committees working independently of the Kerry campaign. By cotrast, Bush appointed an Ohio state director on Jan. 1 and opened a headquarters in Columbus, staffed by 13 people, three months ago...

    "the Kerry campaign has yet to open its own full-fledged campaign "war room" - staffed with researchers, tacticians and and press aides-- to deal with incoming Republican attacks and systematically marshal surrogates to make Kerry's case.

    So, not only cannot Kerry seem to be getting the campaign job done (he's obviously fond of independent committees) but, what a twist: he and his camp are actually trying to make themselves look like some sort of underdogs. If they ARE underdogs it because of their own incompetence and lack of leadership. And they cannot seem to deflate the "attacks" because Kerry lacks any substance, focus.

    In a pitiful attempt to defend Kerry's inaction, slowness, and lackluster personality, the co-chairman of his campaign, Rep. Harold E. Ford, Jr. of Tennesssee, says:

    "We need to be honest with ourselves: Our candidate is not one who's good with a 30-second sound bite...He is very thoughtful and it takes him a while to say things.

    Wow, that sure charges me up. Unfortunately, as a president, I'm sure it will take him a while to DO things, if he's able to do anything at all.

    Even the excuses Kerry, his teams, and the Debs lack any substances. Even in his excuses all he can do is manage to try to "blame" Bush for something.

  • Yerusalyim
    Personally, I think a Kerry/Feurbacher ticket would be pretty cool.


    I take it then that you enjoy the idea of higher taxes and smoking Kofi Anan's johnson.

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