This site has been the most incredible help to me-UNTIL TODAY

by ohiocowboy 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ohiocowboy

    Reading through some of the recent posts, ie; The topic of Lazarus and the gay issue, I was flabbergasted at what I was reading. I can't believe-well maybe I can, that some people on this site are calling gay people "Faggots", and telling that person that they are going to get "What Sodom and Gomorrah got".

    This site has been a godsend to me, and have been telling my friends how nice it is to be in with a group of people who can relate to my life, my feelings, my insecurities, and my fears relating to the org. and not being a part of it anymore. Over the years, it has been so hard to relate to anybody about this situation, as people cannot really understand what it is like until you have been in that position. That is what I liked about this website, I was finally feeling that I was able to be myself, knowing that the things I was saying, and the other post that I was reading, others could relate to. That felt so great, I have been on such a "High" being here, at times it is hard not to spend hours and hours on this site. It has been nice to have the option of coming here at times when I have felt scared, or depressed and be able to read the posts by others in the same situation. Even times when I felt happy, and going to some of the fun game posts and word association threads I felt I could let loose with some fun.

    Everybody has a right to their own opinion, but to blatantly be mean and use "Faggot", and denoting that they are going to get what Sodom and Gomorrah got is too much! I can laugh with the best if someone that I know jokes around and calls me "Queer" "Flamer", or some other connotation to my life, but to be plain mean is a different story.

    I have had to deal with bullies and nasty backstabbers all of my life, I thought I would not have to face that prejudice here. Thanks for ruining something I was beginning to cherish. So much for self-esteem! Thanks!!!


    Another Faggot awaiting what Sodom and Gomorrah got

  • Valis

    Ohio Cowboy. There is not accounting for some people. AND that comment you refer to was unacceptable, rude, idiotic, and will not be tollerated here. My apologies to you for that and I hope it doesn't put you off from posting here. We try to make this an evironment where EVERYONE feels comfortable. Sometimes the worms come out of the wood and we can't deal with them fast enough. Hope you stick around and see that there are many more good people here than a few assholes who can't figure out how to be respectable to others.


    District Overbeer

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Ohiocowboy, please don't take what was written by an extreme minority here as the way the whole of us think. Most of us don't have our heads up our butts THAT far....K? I'm terribly sorry you were offended in this way. But we love ya and we love most everyone here, no matter their preferences. You're right, it was a mean piece of work, but then, so is its author.


    Frannie B

  • HadEnuf

    I'm sorry you had to hear that on this sight Ohiocowboy. That is utterly disgusting and unacceptable behavior. Shame on anyone who said those things. As a JW all my life I lived in a world filled with intolerance and judgmentalism. Now that I am out and free...I refuse to condemn anyone for their lifestyle or sexual orientation. Small minded people will always be lurking in our lives and on this forum. Try to remember that the majority of us here are open minded and non-judgmental.

    I hope your day gets better!

    Cathy L.

  • RunningMan

    You can find bigotry and intolerance anywhere.

    I often think of the example of the Society itself. They have fought long and hard to establish their right to freedom of religion. As soon as they get it, they deny it to their members.

    It is unfortunate that some who have managed to shake off the small minded, fundamentalist, literal policies of the Watchtower society have replaced them with equally small minded, fundamentalist, literal policies of their own.

    Don't let it get to you. Not everyone is like that.

    Hey, we atheists have our problems, too. We are almost as unpopular as you are. We just have to be satisfied with being right.

  • Stefanie

    I must have missed that thread. There people here are very nice, stick around and get to know us better. Who ever made those comments must have swallowed one too many watchtowers.

  • ohiocowboy

    Thank you Valis for deleting Noumenon's comment, it was very nice of you!

  • Valis

    well, it is just plain rude to say those kinds of things. Insensitive to say the least. Hope you'll stick around and as one of my friends said the other day..."you are what you post". I think that rule applies pretty good. Take care and have a good day.


    District Overbeer

  • undercover

    I didn't keep up with the thread that you referenced but I do know that the operator of this site and assistants will not tolerate hate language and will take care of it.

    Outside of that, this is an open forum. There are going to be all kinds of opinions and beliefs. Where most of us came from an organization that does not let us have opinions or think for ourselves, this site is careful to not stifle free thinking or expressing opinions. Unfortunately there will always be people who hate for whatever reason they will post hateful things. This does not mean that they represent the majority of those who come here for the same reason you do.

    I have learned to ignore the bad, look for the good and accept that not everyone agrees on everything but that we do have one thing in common, we are survivors from the WTS.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I would like to apologize as well for missing those comments. I took the liberty of deleting the same word elsewhere in that thread. I don't bother pulling up threads started by that poster as it is usually pointless nonsense.

    If you see similar comments, please let Simon or one of the moderators know. That attitude is not tolerated on this board.

    Be well,


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