Life Sucks

by Xena 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • reboot
    It wasn't supposed to be like this, you know? I am a middle aged divorced woman with no college degree trying to raise a daughter pretty much on my own. Most of my life I believed I was never going to get old....never get divorced...never have to worry about retirement or putting my kid thru parents were never supposed to die and my sisters were supposed to love me forever....

    (((xena))) life just rises up and bites you on the butt sometimes dos'nt it?

    I've lost my parents and my sister's unsupporitve to put it mildly.... i'm teetering on the edge as I try to decide exactly when to throw my childrens lives apart, risk getting blamed and risking loosing everything around me.....dont know if i'll have anywhere to live but need to jump ship desperately and start on my own with no guarantees of having anyone to catch me...but I know I have to consider myself on my own (and I could cope with that, i've left a marriage like jgnat before with nothing and ran...)........ but it's the unending mental responsibility of having children that sometimes seems over whelming when you're alone.. but we'll be ok....

    you're going to bounce back, because we won't let you think you can't..... That's inspiring advice you've had from jgnat.......she's's so black and white when you're young-and your daughter will remember how you were always there for her........

    Sometimes I think we need to be allowed to retreat into a corner and lick our wounds for a while-but i'm sure it won't last long-you seem so strong.I know you can do this standing on your head-you'll show them all..........

  • flower

    no advice....just an understanding hug. (((xena)))

    i know how you feel hon....sometimes i feel the same way. but as long as the feeling doesnt last you'll be ok.

  • Makena1

    Hey Xena - cheer up pretty lady! As others have so eloquently written, you have so much going for you!

    That said - I can definitely relate to how you are feeling. I will be 50 next year - was never supposed to get this old, yadda yadda yadda.

    As James Thomas wrote: When we learn how to be really present with Life, it can be a wonderful experience just to wash the dishes. I kid you not.

    I (with lots of help from my wife Sabine) am trying to learn to live more in the moment - and drown out the constant thoughts about the past, and the future the mind keeps foisting on us. It's difficult at the moment, but hey, its something new!


    Mak and Sabine

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Yes, indeed, it SUCKS a big red one sometimes.

    And other times, I can't imagine that it could get better.

    Then, there's all of the in betweens.

    I can't tell you there is some grand meaning on the end of all of this. The joy, the pain, the loss.

    All I can say is that I think you're one cool bitchin' chick and it will feel better soon.

  • shotgun


    Hope things look better tomorrow...could be alot worse ya know..just think if you looked like Valis or had Gumbies intellegence....that would be downright cruel..

    Instead your an attractive woman.....never saw you in person but many rave about you so I'll take their word on it. Your also a Mom...Even if my mom abandons me I'll still love her...that tells you how important moms are...I know what you mean though about looking at ones life and thinking how the F did I end up here?

  • Rabbit


    Life and it's ups and down visits each of us. I am sure the 'glass' is almost empty with all of us sometimes. It certainly is with me right now...but, it will pass. Then I'll look at things more positively, the glass will start to fill up again. It's reality, you don't have to cover the truth, just deal with it, as best you can.

    It wasn't supposed to be like this, you know? I am a middle aged divorced woman with no college degree trying to raise a daughter pretty much on my own. Most of my life I believed I was never going to get old....never get divorced...never have to worry about retirement or putting my kid thru parents were never supposed to die and my sisters were supposed to love me forever....

    Except for the part I drew a line thru...all the above is true for me, too. I have 3 daughters, I have been shunned for 7.5 years thanks to their mother -- a JW. Recently, tho' my eldest girl has been making a lot of good contact with me. The glass fills ...a little. I was very lucky...4 years after my separation, I met a great lady...we were married -- 6 months ago! The glass fills...a lot more. 7 years on my own...alone.

    Like the other poster that got married 8 months ago...against all odds -- 3,000 miles away. If you desire that, it will happen to you, too. Just relax and let it happen.

    Oh, Talesin wishes she could be at the ChiliFest, she told me she especially wanted to meet She admires you alot and asked me to give ya' a 'bighug' when I see ya' there -- for her...

    da Wabbit

  • Dan-O
    most of the time I'm a glass half full...instead of half empty kind of person

    Most of the time I'm a "HEY! Who the hell has been drinking my water? This glass was full earlier!" kind of person.

  • Satanus

    Xena, my buddy

    The wt had us doing, doing, doing stuff. If we weren't active, we felt guilty, worthless. The world is like that a bit too. The media would have us fitting ourselves into moulds of various kinds, changing them as new fads are manufactured for public consumption. The media would have us be this or that, look like this or that, ad nausium. So, why not shut off the shit for a while and listen to the inner voice? Drop the pointless stuff, and do stuff that you find valuable. It's along the lines of what jamestomas and poppers say. It takes a while, it doesn't make a person instantly happy but i think it's a step in the right direction. Hang in there


  • dh
    No prospects for the future except getting old and dying...most likely alone.

    All seems kind of pointless sometimes, doesn't it?

    i think most of life seems totally pointless almost all of the time. but you never know.

  • natalienu


    If we could just get everyone in one room (a real room) we could all have a big group hug!!!!

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