Life Sucks

by Xena 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Eh, you won't be alone. You're a pretty hot babe, judging from the pics I've seen of you here.

    I feel shitty a lot too, and I wonder what the point of it all is. But I keep slogging through it, hoping that someday I'll have an "AHA!" moment where I won't worry any more and I'll be at peace.

  • poppers

    Situations like this can be the opening for an amazing rebirth into a whole new way of experiencing this plane of existence. Allow yourself to feel every ounce of pain and frustration - feel it fully in how it courses through your body, in all its nuances/textures/flavors. When you confront it this way, head on, it will dissolve of its own accord. The resistance to it, the running from it will keep it in place. At the same time, be aware of the story you have created which is associated with your situation. Come to understand that it is just a story that doesn't have to be believed in at all. Let the mind say anything it wants, just stop believing anything it comes up with.

    People who have never felt pain have no motivation to get out of the rut they are in (and those who are in their rut will usually deny it vigorously because it is habitual, and therefore unconsciously maintained). Pain is your wake-up call, your opportunity to rouse yourself from a life previously lived in "waking" sleep.

  • Sassy

    well I don't know what is going on with you now to have you down but.. know that you are thought of highly by many people.. your beautiful.. fun.. intelligent.. don't let life get you down..

  • Xena

    Thank ya'll for the nice comment, suggestions and thoughts....most of the time I'm a glass half full...instead of half empty kind of person, but sometimes life gets overwhelming.....

    It wasn't supposed to be like this, you know? I am a middle aged divorced woman with no college degree trying to raise a daughter pretty much on my own. Most of my life I believed I was never going to get old....never get divorced...never have to worry about retirement or putting my kid thru parents were never supposed to die and my sisters were supposed to love me forever....

    Sometimes I just get tired...and scared...

  • logansrun


    If it makes you feel any better I'm back.

  • itsallgoodnow
    Most of my life I believed I was never going to get old....never get divorced...never have to worry about retirement or putting my kid thru parents were never supposed to die and my sisters were supposed to love me forever.... Sometimes I just get tired...and scared...

    Yeah, some days that stuff can really get to you. Hope you're feeling better!

  • codeblue


    I am so sorry, you are having a bad day. Really, I do understand why you feel that way. I was married 20 years when I had my divorce. As a good JW, I didn't go to college when I HAD a scholarship. My first husband DIDN'T want me to work till 2 years before he LEFT me and our 16 year old son. I felt quite helpless, hopeless, you name it, I dropped down to 82 pounds. I was 40 when he left me....

    I am not quite sure what kept me going...but one day at work I met an amazing person...NOdenial. Although he lived 3,000 miles away from me, we both had a lot of things in common. His wife had left him, he had teenage kids...he was lost, and alone. Now I wasn't suppose to be working that day, and he wasn't suppose to travel thru the state I lived in...he just changed plans at the last minute. Eight months later we were married!!!

    So Xena...I am a believer that good things do is just a matter of time...please try to hang in there!!!



  • roybatty
    It wasn't supposed to be like this, you know? I am a middle aged divorced woman with no college degree trying to raise a daughter pretty much on my own. Most of my life I believed I was never going to get old....never get divorced...never have to worry about retirement or putting my kid thru parents were never supposed to die and my sisters were supposed to love me forever....

    Why didn't someone warn us?

    Yeah, sometimes life sucks. Sometimes all we can do is hang on for the ride and hope that we're making things better for our kids.


  • jgnat

    Xena, I walked away from an abusive husband with the clothes on my back and two little babies. I scrapped through the next twenty years on sheer determination. I would not let evil get me down. It helped a lot knowing that I was IT for my two children, so I just couldn't give up. I don't have a college degree either. You can make a beautiful life for yourself, but you are right, it won't be easy.

    Take a day off in the park with your daughter. Consider how the world looks through her eyes. Young eyes are the brightest, so trust what she sees.

    Clay is just mud until it is all fired up. Mold your life to what you want it to be, and go for it!

  • minimus

    At least, Xena, you can always take solace in knowing you're damn good lookin'.

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