Why I think Bush is scary

by Simon 126 Replies latest social current

  • Englishman

    My dear Farkel,

    Proudly yet humbly, nay, obseqiously, I present to you the alternative to Bush.



  • mustang


    I was about to suggest that we TRADE. You take Bush, we'll take Blair. We won't even have to change the monogrammed towels & glasses!!!


  • barry

    Bush is not even a small fraction as scarey as many of these terrorists we are at war with. Give me Bush any day but here in Australia we support our American friends and have done so for a very long time. Barry

  • donkey

    Attacking Iraq with soldiers is the dumbest move imaginable - it is history repeating itself. Allowing politicians to randomly kill the children of their citizenry is what we have AGAIN.

    When I first posted on this forum that religious people are mentally ill I was heavily criticized for that viewpoint. It never upset me though - having crazy people scream at you is just one of those things that I find amusing in life.

    Now America is faced with a choice: A crazy man vs Kerry.

    Kerry has all the symptoms of a pathological liar. I don't know if he is religious - but I am sure that he would change his stated views on this 17 times to Sunday if he thought it would impress anyone.

    So a crazy man vs a pathological liar.

    Cut off my left testicle or my right testicle. Um...Um...Um...

    If I can walk after this wonderful choice I will vote for:

  • Englishman


    The USA needs a Royal Family.


  • exjdub


    I agree with you. I think anytime you have a religious leader that claims to be doing God's will for war, and or, have his blessing to wage war, is very scary. The other thing that scares the heck out of me is the personal freedoms we are losing under the mantle of the "Patriot Act." Fear of the unknown is causing the American people to give up their rights without even a wimper.


    Since when does someone have to offer up an alternative solution in order to express an opinion? I for one am not happy with either choice, but because my choice is limited to either Bush or Kerry (that is unless one wants to throw a vote away on the Independent ticket), I will vote for Kerry. I don't hate Bush, but I do hate his politics. I don't trust him and I would like to see him out.

    I think John Kerry is a liar and lower than pond scum

    Lower than pond scum? A liar? Well, I haven't met too many politicians that aren't and I would put Bush right along with Kerry on that score. Once again I will be forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when it comes to election time.

    I have a few final questions...Why is it that every Bush supporter I know gets upset and refers to it as "Bush Bashing" when people call him on what he said? Are there not legitimate questions about whether there were WMD's in Iraq in the first place? Are there not legitimate questions about Bush's motives in connection with Iraq? Does it not concern you that his religious beliefs are always at the forefront of his politics? It sure troubles me, but then again, that could just be because I abdicated too many rights and failed to question the powers that be when I was with the WTBS. Our past has an effect on our future! Regards.


  • Simon


    • I don't have to be able to play the piano to know when someone else can't either
    • I don't have to have the answer to know that someone else doesn't either
    • I don't have to have a genius stood next to me to be able to tell that the person in front of me is an idiot (and no mirror jokes)

    Even so, I think Kerry would be a better president because Bush has been an abysmal failure.

    • He has frittered away THE most amount of goodwill ever in the shortest time
    • He has isolated America even from many of it's traditional allies
    • He is devisive and not inclusive or uniting (probably the relgious zealotry coming out)
    • He has caused more hatred toward America from its enemies and fence sitters
    • He has bolstered the recruiting power of fanatical terrorists because of his ill thought out actions
    • He has put the bank ballances of wealthy Americans before the good of the majority
    • He looks like a chimpanzee and can barely read an autocue
    • He wears body armour all the time so walks like he has a walnut stuck up his butt
  • dubla
    There are lots of forums for politics on the internet.

    This isn't one of them.


  • plmkrzy
    How different is he from some leader on the other side who claims to be doing the "will of allah" or whoever?

    He is not claiming that it is the will of god that we go kill people in other countries. You are taking things out of context. He is simply speaking as a persom who was brought up with strong religious convictions like those of many people. Him including that in his speach may not be the brightest thing to do and he probably shouldn't do it but it is quite a leap to compare what he said to the rantings of a mad man who leads his followers with pure hate toward any and all other race of people.

    If you are afraid of Bush then you do have troubles. He is the least of this worlds worries.

  • heathen

    Personally I'm surprised at farkel for giving support to the religious right in the USA . I really thought he was much more liberal than that . GW is not the anointed king of the world here as he thinks he is and is probly getting that notion from the religious fruit cakes .

    donkey --- I like that libertarian add .It gets me as to why people don't take them seriously . They just make too much sense .

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