Why I think Bush is scary

by Simon 126 Replies latest social current

  • plmkrzy
    Who the hell is Gary Nolen, and why am I getting this annoying pop up ad????

    Is anyone else getting it?

    my pop-up blocker is on and it has been busy!

  • bikerchic
    Bikerchick, I'm sorry for your loss, but over 58,000 Americans lost their lives in Vietnam. About 500 soldiers have lost their lives in Iraq (yes it is 500 too many), but this is no vietnam.

    Also, no, I am not a Republican.


    Thank you Bryan, I miss my brother daily he was an awesome guy and one of the good ones.

    I know it's not Vietnam YET......when will it end? It's beginning to have signs of Vietnam dragging on and on. Those in charge are even at a loss of how to end it.

    Oh and btw I spell my handle small "b" and no "k", I'm not a chicken, lol

    Kate (cluck,cluck)

  • Bryan
    Oh and btw I spell my handle small "b" and no "k", I'm not a chicken, lol

    So sorry.

    Yes, lets hope it doesnt go too far, too long, too bad.


  • heathen

    PlmKrzy-- Gary Nolan is the libertarian candidate running for president . I suggest everyone take a look at the libertarian site . The libertarians stand for a constitutionally sound government . Globalization is not in their interest and they are probly more interested in backing out of Iraq than any other political group .If you like conservative government I think they beat the hell out of the republicans as I can't see how globalization is a conservative policy . I just don't see how these policies in Iraq are going to work out in the long run and I think the USA has gone too far especially since they did not have an overwhelming vote in the UN and went against a democratic vote in order to persue it's own interests .

  • blacksheep

    The libertarians stand for a constitutionally sound government . Globalization is not in their interest and they are probly more interested in backing out of Iraq than any other political group .If you like conservative government I think they beat the hell out of the republicans as I can't see how globalization is a conservative policy .

    So, cut and run? Not interested in that kind of weakness. But it interesting that the Dems and Reblicans have seemed to have flipped flopped on views of "globalization." Previously, the Dems promoted actively helping other nations, bringing democracy to oppressive regimes. Now, suddenly they've become far more isolationist, and the more conservative elements are leading the way to freeing other nations.

    The change here is largely due to terrorist threats. Conservatives understand the true nature of this threat. We cannot afford to hide in a shell inside our borders. Terrorists have declared war, are increasingly dangerous, and truly a part of the global landscape.

    To cut and run not only demonstrates extreme cowardice (as bin Laden overtly acused us of by reminders of the past), but it's downright foolish.

  • RevMalk

    I love these guys, they're bound to split the votes up, that Bush doesn't get, between them; and sending all the electorals our way (and leaving kerry all by his lonesome).

    Awesome, I suggest all anti-bush people go vote for this guy


  • heathen

    ohhhhhhhhhhh really so bin laden accused the US of cowardice , na na na . Wow I'm so angry now , let's just nuke the bastard . So blacksheep why aren't you over there fighting for your cause? I think you forget tho that these nations dependent on the US are also getting WOMD much like Iraq did . I mean jeeze it was alright back in the 80's whenever they were using them on Iran it didn't become an issue until sadaam went after kuwait but even then he didn't use WOMD. The US has such an idiotic foreign policy as it is , so what's wrong with sitting back and making these other nations come crawling on their knees ?

  • onacruse

    Bush and his team are all Messianic-religious maniacs, just like the Bathists, Al-Queda (or however you spell that stupid name), and Moslems and fundamentalist Christians, et al.

    I'll vote for for the first true agnostic that comes along...but in the meantime, Kerry: at least he put his butt on the line.


  • ignored_one

    Can't we just dump all the religious fanantics in Iraq, close the borders and then let nature take it's course?


    Ignored One.

  • heathen

    ignored_one --- that is just plain evil .lol But that's also a good point that these people who want to convert others to their beliefs would rather do it while pointing a gun at somebody .

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