My last post will be on 4/22/04

by Brownboy 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • imallgrowedup

    Why is knowing in advance the moment "Armageddon" starts so important to you? Knowing in advance is not going to change anything. It's either going to come or it's not. Why waste time trying to figure it out? Even Jesus didn't attempt to figure it out -- he had better things to do. This is a very sincere question. It just seems to me that knowing in advance serves absolutely no purpose. If you are living your life the way God wants you to live it, you are always ready whether it comes tomorrow, next month, 10 generations from now, or never! What do you hope to accomplish by knowing it's commencement in advance?


  • Brownboy

    Why is knowing in advance the moment "Armageddon" starts so important to you? Knowing in advance is not going to change anything. It's either going to come or it's not. Why waste time trying to figure it out? Even Jesus didn't attempt to figure it out -- he had better things to do. This is a very sincere question. It just seems to me that knowing in advance serves absolutely no purpose. If you are living your life the way God wants you to live it, you are always ready whether it comes tomorrow, next month, 10 generations from now, or never! What do you hope to accomplish by knowing it's commencement in advance?


    This is easy to answer......

    If you knew that your neighbors house would burn down in advance, you would warn them, out of love for your neighbor. I feel that I know of a coming destruction. Out of love for my neighbor, I feel the need to warn them. Also, the fact that I feel that I know of a coming destruction helps me to stay in line better, and helps me to be more righteous.


  • crinklestein

    You CANNOT KNOW the time and date Armaggedon will happen. If you are readin the Bible's prophecies and comparing them with current events then you must also read the Bible where Jesus says "NO MAN will know the exact date." Not even JESUS HIMSELF knew the exact date. So if you are using the Bible to figure it out then you are wasting your time. That's why it says that it will come as a thief in the night, when you least expect it. So if you are sitting here expecting it then it will not come! So do you presume to discover something that Jesus himself doesn't know? I tell you, you gotta think about these things and not be so presumptuous. If you use the Bible to try to divine this info then you have to use the ENTIRE Bible, including the part that tells you that YOU WILL NOT LEARN THE DATE!!!

  • Brownboy

    I agree with you Crinklestein,

    I have never said that I knew when Harmagedon was coming. There are prophecies fortelling the second coming of Christ, such as the seventy week prophecy in Daniel. Christ also told his disciples which signs to look for that would tell them when he would arrive.............I have seen these signs occur.


  • crinklestein

    Well whether they occure or not or whether you see them occure or not does not change a thing. Wether you wake or you sleep, if you have accepted Christ then you're set. So why worry about it.

    Look at it this way. You're waiting for the bus to arive. Only this bus has no schedule. So you have no idea when it's coming, but you know that it will come. So you're at the bus stop waiting. Now you could just sit there and wait or you could set up lookouts at all the other bus stops to see if the bus came there yet and how fast it was moving when it left. Using these signs you could tell exactly when it would get to your stop. You could also keep an ear out for the sound of the squeeling breaks, a nose out for the smell of diesle fumes, an eye out for the usual large puff of exhaust that it makes at every stop. There are all sorts of signs you could look for. But if the bus is going to come to your stop and you know it for a fact then WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE WHETHER YOU SEE THE SIGNS OF IT OCCURING! Whether you were aware of the signs of the bus' approach does not change the fact that it arrived and you can now go where you need to go.

    Can you not just be patient in your knowlege that it will happen someday and be happy with that? I usually find that people that are preoccupied with matters such as this are like this because they are afraid. They fear it happening because they fear their outcome. If they fear their outcome then they have something to fear. They have some reason in their mind that they may not make it. It's like the people that fear death. They fear it because they don't know where they'll end up. Well if you have accepted Christ into your heart and you live your life as good as you can then you have nothing to fear, do you? If Armaggedon happens and you aren't sure if you'll survive it then maybe you should spend more time on figuring out why you feel this way and maybe make some changes in your life so that you DO survive it. That way you won't be so anxious about its arrival.

    I don't fear death and I don't fear Armaggedon because I am secure in who I am, how I am and my standing with God and Jesus. But looking for signs of the end of the world is like trying to divine the date of your death. It's a waste of time for one who has nothing to fear about either one's arrival.

  • Brownboy

    Oh my, Crinklestein said a bad word.....................oh my

  • imallgrowedup

    BB -

    Out of love for my neighbor, I feel the need to warn them.

    Warning them, and cramming it down their throats and/or telling them how pathetic they will be because they do not heed your warnings are two different things, Brownboy. Even Jesus didn't cram his message down anyones' throats. All you are asked to do is share the message. I believe you are going overboard, and honestly, your approach leaves a lot to be desired. It is against human nature to listen to someone who is sanctimonious. Perhaps you should try a different way of explaining your message, and then letting it be if others are not interested. You may find you have more "takers" that way.

    Also, the fact that I feel that I know of a coming destruction helps me to stay in line better

    I feel very sorry for you living your life in fear of coming destruction. Fear does not come from God. It comes from Satan. God does not want us to live our lives in fear. IMHO, you are heeding Satan when you feel that you must be motivated by fear to stay in line. I am much more inclined to be inspired by someone who is motivated by love and by responding to God's love which naturally makes them "always ready". Makes for a much happier life, too.

    and helps me to be more righteous.

    Remember, bb, as I've stated before, only Jesus is allowed to pronounce judgment on the hearts of man. Again, you are assuming his role here, and as your neighbor, I think it only fair for me to warn you that you are treading very dangerously towards blasphemy when you assign yourself his sole right to judge.


  • Brownboy

    Growed up,

    Please feel free to paste any statement of mine that you feel supports your statements. I don't agree with what you have said.

    Warning them, and cramming it down their throats and/or telling them how pathetic they will be because they do not heed your warnings are two different things, Brownboy
    I feel very sorry for you living your life in fear of coming destruction. Fear does not come from God. It comes from Satan. God does not want us to live our lives in fear.

    Having a fear of God is a standard just means something different then what you are implying.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think I now understand why Brownboy's last post will be on 4/22/2004...

    is it possible that will be the day the Treponema pallidum spirochete will finish eating his brain?

  • imallgrowedup

    BB -

    Having a fear of God is a standard just means something different then what you are implying.

    Stupid people like me actually do know their way through the Bible. Hard to believe, but true. But, having a fear of God and a fear of Armageddon are two different things. I understand the "fear" of God in the biblical sense, but I have absolutely no fear of Armageddon and don't feel the need to go scaring other people about it either. IMHO, you are trying to inspire the same fear you feel towards the actual "destruction" versus a healthy fear of God. One of the many reasons your words fall on my deaf ears is because even if I knew it was going to "strike" at midnight tonight, I would not live my life any differently, nor would I have any regrets for anything I've done or said in my life. I am happy, and I live my life free of fear of destruction. I wish you could have the same peace I know.


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