Revoke Your JW Baptism Vows on this thread!

by Sirona 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Many of us here were baptised into the JW organisation. Shotguns shootout thread (part 5) touches on the fact that since 1985 the vows included a dedication to "Jehovahs Organisation".

    Have you publicly revoked this?

    Why not use this opportunity to revoke your vows to the Watchtower Organisation? You might also want to say that you take back vows to Jehovah aswell (but of course, its a personal decision, and I would never take anything like that lightly).

    I personally underwent an initiation into Wicca and at that initiation I said out loud that I leave behind all other religious paths. I felt a weight lift from me psychologically speaking when I could finally say out loud and without fear that I was leaving behind the Jehovahs Witnesses and that my baptism with them was now VOID!

    Let the Watchtower lurkers see that they have no hold over us!

    So I will say again:

    "I Sirona leave behind the Watchtower organisation and its lies. My baptism is void, and I no longer wish to serve the Watchtower Organisation or their god Jehovah. I was duped into making promises that I did not understand by people who lied to me and manipulated my young mind and therefore I walk away without guilt and without fear into a new life of honesty with myself and others."


  • mouthy

    I Grace leave behind the Watchtower organisation and its lies. My baptism is void, and I no longer wish to serve the Watchtower Organisation or their god Jehovah. I was duped into making promises that I did not understand by people who lied to me and manipulated my old mind and therefore I walk away without guilt and without fear into a new life of honesty with myself and Jesus Christ >>> The Way Truth,Life!

    Grace Gough...

  • ozziepost

    I don't know about this. I was baptised by the dubs in the name of Jehovah and Jesus i.e. the pre-1985 questions. As it happens, I was also baptised as a young child (christened) in a christian church.

    Both were done in sincerity. When I was baptised as a dub, I had my faith in Jesus as the risen Lord. I still do and since christians are to have Christ within them, I'm sure he knows.


  • blondie

    ozziepost, I agree.

    I still do and since christians are to have Christ within them, I'm sure he knows.

    Why does Christ need humans to validate or invalidate my baptism?


  • Sunspot

    Sirona..........I SO agree!

    I actually REMEMBER the exact moment in 1985 when the "new" baptism questions were asked, and it puzzled me at the time.....but being the good loyal braindead Dub that I was.....I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my day.....

    After I began to "look into" this, I realized what a sap I was and that THEY had changed the rules and *I* had no SAY in the matter as it pertained to typical, huh?

    SO........I'M saying;


    Since the oral, given "contract" was altered and I was not given an opportunity to review the changes IN this contract as I understood it in 1972, I, TOO, wish to rescind that contract and have my membership with the Watchtower Society dissolved with NO penalties usually reserved for "wrongdoers" who committ disfellowshipping offenses.

    Need I say more?


  • itsallgoodnow

    That's nice that a ritual like that helped you feel free. I can see how that can happen. Are you part of a coven or are you a solitary? (Not sure if I have that right...) Anyway, good for you. I think that's cool... not sure if I really could believe in it, or anything really at this point.

    I consider my baptism void because I now consider that religion to be invalid and irrelevant.

  • Sunspot

    Have you publicly revoked this?

    I have now!

    Thanks for a great post!



  • Sirona

    Blondie and Ozzie,

    I'm not asking everyone to revoke, just those who now feel it is void. Christians might wish to keep their baptism vows and that of course is fine.

    For me, I want to revoke those vows and I think its good for others to sit here and think - really think - about whether they too can take that public step. Sometimes we say we're not witnesses but somewhere inside we have a battle when it comes to actually saying it and revoking those "sacred" vows.


    I'm part of a coven. It was a beautiful ritual, deeply symbolic of a rebirth.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    yes, I suppose you could do that.....and by doing that you are again "recognizing them on their terms" to even have to say if some cosmic force in heaven would descend upon you and ZAP you.

    I think a more "humbling" approach for them is to do it on YOUR terms; which is basically ignore them; their pompous elder hierchy; convoluted rules, requirements; hypocrisy, etc.

    Turn your back on them and ignore them. And then go out and lead and live a happy productive life. It can be done.

    It is a free world.

  • Nosferatu

    I have altered the pledge to suit my situation:

    "I, Nosferatu leave behind the Watchtower organisation and its lies. I never got baptized, and I never wish to get baptized into the JW religion. I was duped into making promises that I did not understand by people who lied to me and manipulated my young mind and therefore I walk away without guilt and without fear into a new life of honesty with myself and others."

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