Would you ever go back to an organized religion after leaving the Witnesses

by MicStroz 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • MorpheuzX

    I think we have to remember here that as former witnesses, we were part of a cult, not an established historical religion. Yes the witnesses claim to be Christians but I think we all know they aren't. Cults are a perversion of true religion. We've probably all had horrible experiences in the JW cult and that makes us leery of all religion and maybe God in general ? and perhaps rightfully so. But I think to toss all religion and all prospect of belonging to another organized religion out the window because of the past mistake of joining or being born into the JW cult could be tragic.

    I think organized religion can offer a lot to help people and it is one of the stabilizing institutions of any society. I don?t know if there is any "true" religion. I?d be very leery of any religion that exclusively claimed that, as the witnesses do. But I?ve been in a few churches since leaving the witnesses (eight years ago.) I would like to eventually join one. I just haven?t found any that I think are fit.

  • freedom96

    I have enjoyed a couple of non-donominational church services, and will go to them in the future. Big difference in attending those, and joining another organized religion. That, I will never do.

  • simplesally

    I don't think I will ever commit to going to church every Sunday again. For now, I work on Sundays and have days off during the week. I do think I might want to go to church once in a while, maybe with a neighbro who attends the First Evangelical Church around here. We have a lot of churches around here........one called Crossroads and it seems to be more of a social place that happens to have a church. I mean, its huge with a park, outside tables and chairs (Starbuck's style) and youth groups. I might attend the Catholic church for religious holidays. I don't know .........

    Right now, the only bible reading I am doing is with my daughter. I have purchased a few bible stories books for her and she likes to read them. The other day, she had on one of her floor length dresses with a matching blanket and she wore the blanket on her head like Jesus' Mommy. We had to go shopping like that.

  • Athanasius

    Each must make their own decision on his one. The Watch Tower experience didn't turn me against all organized religion. True there are problems in many churches, but then again look at what is going on in the schools, government, business, and the labor movement. All organizations, whether they be religious or secular, have their share of crime and corruption.

  • TonyT

    Why do so many former dubs seem to think that the watchtower is the only window into Christianity and since (as has been aptly demonstrated here) it has been proven false that all Christianity is false? It seems that their indoctrination is so thorough that the thought of attending a church is beyond consideration even to those who have long since dismissed their teachings.

    Does the fact that their teachings are erroneous prove that there is no creator? Do we have to fall into the ?there is no where else to go? mentality? I can see how the watchtower experience would turn off one to any ?organized religion? but it is important to remember that their out of context accurate knowledge? is from a tricked up bible and their negative view of ?Christendom? is based on stereotype. Remember how eye-opening it was to discover that ?worldly? people are not all residents of Sodom and Gomorrah? Could they have been equally wrong about ?Christendom??

    I have been attending a church for a couple of years now and am still amazed at the differences: There is no central authority, Its ok to have differences of opinion, There is no constant pressure to live in lockstep unity and some of their budget goes toward helping those in the community that haven?t taken a vow of organizational loyalty. We were actually encouraged to not restrict our association to fellow church members so as not to adopt a Pharisee type attitude. Yes, their full time pastoral staff has to eat too so I have experienced the horror of a collection plate. If I don?t chose to attend, I am still a Christian. Hopefully God will forgive me for attending attired in something other than from the Kmart formalwear department.

    Why cant I paste my entire post?!!!

  • talesin


    An excellent point. That is how I felt at first, I had been 'tainted' and was very prejudiced against other churches. That was over 2 decades ago.

    This led me to an exploration of religions and philosophy. After a few years of pondering, I concluded that, for ME, any 'belief system' is too limiting and restrictive. Also, I do not require an explanation of how we got here, nor do I wish to worship any 'God'. I can make choices based on how I feel inside, and on how I relate to other people, the planet and indeed, the cosmos. I do not need someone else to outline a values system for me.

    Others will do their own examinations and soul searching, and will decide differently. If they wish to join a religion, that's okay with me. :)


  • cyber-sista

    OK. I am calming down a bit here. I still say NO I will never join (or commit) myself to any organization that claims to be the only way to salvation. But there are many other possibilites that I have not yet explored. Such as commiting to working at a church run food bank...That could be a good thing. Or possibly exploring other aspects of spirituality in a group setting. As of now I am still very damaged from my whole JW experience and don't want to do anything that could take my freedom of choice away.

  • talesin


    You said this

    Otherwise, I would rather be hiking up a mountain or communing with nature in some way--this is when I feel most spiritual...

    ME, TOO ! !

    personally, I think religion is hooey :> )


  • AGuest


    God... does not dwell in handmade temples; He dwells... in ME (and all those who are "in union" with Him by means of being "in union" with Christ).

    Thus, I... along with such others... am the "temple" of God. Therefore, wherever *I* go... and am in the company of another suchlike one... there He is also. So, it could one other... or a thousand thousand others. It does not matter. For "where two or more are gathered..."

    And I have a "leader," One... who was appointed by God Himself to lead me. I have no need to follow earthling man... and earthling man is not sanctioned to "organize" God's people or lead them. Only Christ is: he organized and led Israel out of slavery in Egypt... organized and led them through the wilderness of Sinai... led them across the Jordan... and led them to the Promised Land.

    It is he... and only he... who can "organize" and "lead" God's true sheep. Thus, it is only he... and HIS voice... that we must follow. All others... are "thieves and plunderers," and do not love the sheep... for the sheep does not belong to them.

    "Organized" religion, however, has this uncanny NEED... to appoint "leaders"... and to try and be "masters" over one's faith... under the guise of "shepherding" God's sheep. God's sheep, however, HAVE a shepherd... the FINE Shepherd... who gave his life for the sheep.

    I have a leader... I have a master... I will take... and accept... no other.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I made a list 'to be completed by age 40' for all the teenaged things I didn't get to do. I soaped a water fountain, went skinny dipping, and a few other things. It was fun and gave me back some of my youth!


    talesin - Good for you! Glad to hear it!

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