Are there any Newbies out there???

by Sassy 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • nipidnil

    Hello to all! I enjoy the thoughtfulness and lightheartedness on this board. Have been reading the posts here for about 2 years.

    Was raised a jw, started fading 7 yrs ago. Have not attended any meetings for 3 yrs.

    I would love to meet some of you in person but my whole life is in such a turmoil and I'm still trying to work out many personal/family issues before I can move on with my new life.

    Investigating the possiblities of starting over in Oregon, hopefully within two yrs.

    Lots of Love to you all,

    Just another Newbie

  • Strawberryfieldsforever


    I like the way you feel about fantasy taking over reality. I feel the same way!!! I have watched those movies over and over again and I just lose myself in them. What a great feeling! Oh and I also jog to escape reality. I remember years ago, when I used to get in trouble with the elders for jogging too much and joining in the local fun runs.....I wondered if they knew it was because of the darn religion. It screwed up my head and that was the only way I could help clear it......

  • Farkel

    Very nice thread, folks. To all you lurking newbies, remember this: at one time we were ALL newbies.

    So join in, like we did!


  • Sassy


    I wanted to title this thread.. COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE

    because I know you are all out there!!! and we sure want everyone to feel welcome! I wanted to take more time to say a specific hello to each newbie who added a note in here.... but I am short on time here at work.. I will later this afternoon.. I PROMISE!!

  • Hapgood

    Great thread, Sassy!

    Welcome Nazgul, Prefect (LOL about the wine),reganashe, astridkittie, Painterguy, ParadigmRevolution, Marie 67, Bryan, Crit, What-if (your in my neck of the woods), nojudgement, happehanna, and Nipidnil. I apologize to anyone that I missed, my 2 year old grandson is running around as I'm typing this yelling "grandma, grandma" LOL.

    A big Hello and Welcome to all of you!


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Welcome to all Newbies,

    welcome to the forum, you are among friends.


  • Valis

    welcome to all our new members!


    District Overbeer

  • gitasatsangha

    Hello to all new people that I hadn't said hello to before, and of course everyone else, although that is sort of redundant.

    "I love you sons of bitches. You're all I read anymore"

    -Kurt Vonnegut

  • bebu

    WELCOME to all the newbies!!!

    About 3 weeks ago I toyed with starting a thread like this, but chickened out... what if no one answered?? Sassy, I'm glad you had the same idea--and the guts to just DO it.

    Let's see: over 10 newbies in less than 2 days. That is so awesome. A lot of us (okay, me) felt a bit nervous posting for the first few times. (Okay, first couple hundred times.) Since no one's thrown me off the board yet, I have miraculously reached jedi level (but most people joining after me are by now supreme-emperor-deities...)... So I expect I will be waving at all you newbies as you pass me by on your rise in ranks.

    Newbies, you are a real treasure here (unless you're trolling ). You are like new blood... uh, well.. er... new blood fractions? ... Heck, okay--"new blood"! Most of you might not mind the idiom now. You really do give a lift to us all who have been here for a while, so we really appreciate having you having the spunk to join in.

    I suggest that we run a thread like this every 2-4 weeks. I would like to help people feel that there is an easy avenue for entering the board.

    Again, WELCOME!!


    (Who just set a personal record for using emoticons )

  • Nosferatu

    Wow! I never knew there were so many more! Welcome all! Please keep sharing your experiences. It helps other lurkers who are reading, and helps us not-so-newbies relate.

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