Are there any Newbies out there???

by Sassy 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • ParadigmRevolution

    Thanks for the welcome gitasatsangha.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    ParadigmRevolution, I really like your name! (And welcome, too.)

    Welcome to all the Newbies!!! So glad you decided to say hello.

  • marie67

    I'm a newbie.In fact this is my first post. Didn't know how to get started so this is the perfect opportunity.I've been a lurker for awhile. My hubby turned me onto this sight.I have alot to say. I have just recently read Crisis of Conscience and am skimming over Apocalypse Delayed. Let's just say I am in a crisis due to this at this time. In fact I am quite devastated over it all. I feel some guilt over this but then it seems as the WTS has no guilt over some the shenanigans I have been reading about!!!!! Well anyway I don't want to get to heavy at this time since this is just to say Hello So hi everyone!!!!!!! =^..^=

  • Bryan


    I'm a newbie from Plano... tonight I'm in Louisville, KY... and I promis never to post about my family history again! How's that maveric ?


  • Crit

    This is my first post...

  • what_if

    Extremely newbie here...not sure where to start. But I'll say that I'm in Pittsburgh, PA and have been out of the JWs for 17 years now. (Dissfellowshiped)I found this site and just wanted to check it out. Very interesting to hear the different perspectives. Thanks for your time.

  • Celtic

    Hmmmmm welcome and best tidings to all new balmpots, i'm still new here too, you'll like Sassy, shes a very kind hearted lady, she is, as is Kat2u and Gadget and Valis. Anyway, to encouragement with fun.

    All the best and kindest regards.

    A cantankerous Celt.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Wow Sassy!

    You bring out the fruit basket to welcome n00bs and they out of the woodwork!!!

    Welcome to all of you. It's great to have all of you here!!!

  • MorpheuzX

    I agree with Sassy, if you're just lurking, post. I lurked for about three weeks before I started posting. You do get a lot more out of the board once you start posting. Welcome to everyone new!

  • nojudgement

    Hello!!! First post. I found this site a week ago and I'm completely addicted. Having been raised in the "truth" - this kind of thing is so taboo I was relieved to discover I didn't immediately turn into a piller of salt. I have REALLY enjoyed reading about your personal experiences and find it astonishing how much I relate to most of you. I've been a fader for 3 years. My whole family is in - and they have NO CLUE I'm gone, gone, gone. I live in a different town. (An excellent way to slip away - have your publisher cards transferred from you family's hall - then disapper). I have always believed - this was the "truth" and I just wasn't good enough and couldn't do it. It's a little hard to handle that - it probably wasn't - but with all the issues I have with the organization - in some ways it is JUST what I needed to discover. I want to have a full life and feel worthy. I do worry about loosing my family one day, but I am comforted to know there is a support group, such as this available. I have howled with laughter at all the advice for faders. Awesome ideas. In fact, the last time an elder called me...I was a slippery fish. I admitted to nothing...said stuff like "really busy at work" "I admire (blah) brothers like yourself who can do so much, how do you do it? (trying to throw him off of my scent)" "maybe one day soon, I'll return, I just can't handle all of the pressure, I feel like I might have a breakdown." It worked!!!! I haven't heard from them in over a year. My main problem with the religion is the disfellowshipping! I can't stand it. And all the judgement. I couldn't stand sitting in car groups with the pioneers and hearing them gossip and judge anyone who wasn't in their click. It was ridiculous. Well, obviously I have a lot to say'll be hearing MUCH MORE from me. Especially when I need to come out of my JW closet with the parents. I truly believe my mother will have a fatal heart attack...which is why I've been protecting her. Anyway, thanks to all of you! Keep them posts coming....

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