WT & Awake Subscription Procedure

by Gopher 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Hi Gopher;

    This procedure is al, outlined in letters TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS, and it did change back and forth. At first - the Sociedy demanded STOP in all subscriptions. Then they changed - and made the "Personal Delivery" by publishers a rule. That way they put the expenses on the Publisher - that is expected to pay twice for the magz. First in the box when collecting the stuff - then the Donation given by the idiot at the door :)

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Francois

    Don't despair, Goph. You can always pickup the latest and the nearest laundomat.


  • philo

    I really need a WT CD-ROM. MY 1995 Version doesn't work anymore. If anyone can help me get one, my gratitude would come in cash form!


  • Skimmer

    Perhaps a better way of getting WTBTS literature is for one of the posters to this discussion board who is still associated to help out. While I dislike giving any money to the Brooklyn Boys, i would certainly reimburse any JW for his or her out of pocket expenses including mailing. Of course, I would keep things confidential.

    I'd really like to get some of the WTBTS CD-ROMs. Can anyone help out?

  • Skimmer

    [Another double post]

  • Gopher

    Thanks all for the ideas & feedback!

    Ozziepost, I had never heard of the "Club Subscription". Maybe they do things differently in Oz. Here in the United States, I believe they still mail the magazines directly to the subscribers homes.

    Kent, thanks for the good info, and Yakki Da to you too!

    Hippikon, thanks for the offer to scan the mags. Skimmer, did you see Hippikon's earlier post?

    Francoise, LOL. You are correct, it seems like pioneers can always bump up their totals by leaving a small pile of magazines in laundromats.

    Celia, I think $10 was the going rate in the United States for a subscription when they instituted the "complete donation" arrangement. They probably "expect" a little more now, due to "inflation". But of course they cannot demand it.

    Reagan, I haven't picked up a magazine in a while either. I agree with the earlier posters that the main reason is to use the WTS' own information for "counter-witnessing". BTW, are you a fan of the Cleveland Indians baseball team? I am a big Minnesota Twins fan, and would like to communicate with an Indians' fan, as our teams are in an epic struggle for first place!

    Thanks all!

    GopherIt is not best that we all should think alike, it is differences of opinion that make horse races.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • waiting

    I have a mother-in-law still in the org. - so she brings our renewal forms to us. Our local KH gets them.

    Legally, no one has to donate for these mags since they are "free to anyone who wishes to read them." (I believe this is off their web site). The WTBTS coerces the publisher into "contributing" for them when they receive them.

    If we contribute when requesting a subscription - we are donating "to the world wide work" and the publisher puts that money into the appropriate contribution box.

    I believe it would be illegal in the usa for any person not to give this free literature to another person. Discrimination, particularily since they are assuming that the xjw is Satan's Seed.

    Would be worth challenging. What would happen is we all requested, certified return receipt, a subscription to the WT & Awake! and explained that we like to read the literature, but do not wish to contribute to the worldwide preaching work? I believe the elders who signed for the subscription application and did not turn it in could be in legal trouble.

    It may not cause them a lot of money loss - but could cause some irritation. That seems worth it, don't you think?


  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    I will never give the Watch Tower publishing house another cent, so paying for a subscription is out for me either way.

    I suggest finding a regular jw "street corner" service location and hitting it every couple weeks for some complimentary copies of the WT/Awake.

    Something else I have done on occasion is to find a "business territory" where the witnesses leave magazines regularly, and lift them ;-) (The way I look at it, I am performing a public service by taking them.)


  • Gopher

    Is there anyone conversant with applicable United States law who could tell us whether it would be worth taking Waiting's suggestion, that of requesting the subs via certified mail, and taking action if such subscriptions are not provided???

    Trevor, welcome to the board. (We have someone else on here who goes simply by the name "Trevor" as well.) As far as your idea of hitting up the business territory, I think you'd have to be pretty fast. Those magazines have a way of getting into the "out basket" pretty fast, if you know what I mean.

    GopherIt is not best that we all should think alike, it is differences of opinion that make horse races.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Hi Gopher - thanks. I will try to keep my full name in my post, or better yet maybe I will come up with a cool handle.

    My wife used to work for a JW who would leave magazines out in the reception room, so for a while (after we stopped attending meetings, before we disassociated) she would bring those home. Of course after our disassociation, she had to find a new job.

    Trevor Scott.

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