WT & Awake Subscription Procedure

by Gopher 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    Hi Gopher,
    I'm also trying to get a subscription to the mags.
    No luck yet.

    When you figure a way to do it let me know.


  • PerFect


    Here in Sweden an x-Jw is in process to take the Society to court for refusal to send him a subscription. It's a so called discrimination law here that says something that no company/society can refuse to sell or give something, that they offer to the public, because of a persons race/faith/religion etc.

    The x-jw has everything documented. Letters from the society that says he is not allowed an subscription. Payment for it. Etc
    A lawier is taking the case.

    Since they refuse subscriptions to apostats both here and in Usa it is probably a new direction from the old GB.

    Be well,

    Per Fect

  • hippikon

    Keep us posted on that one Please

  • LadyBug

    Ummm ...Can I please ask a question? without getting my head bitten off? Because I am truly curious.

    If you all don't believe it is the "truth" why do you waste your time reading such trash? Yes, Thinkers Wife said for research. You can research the org for the rest of your lives, but what's the point. If you believe its a false religion like the rest of religions, then why keep putting that stuff into your heads?

    BEW - Just wondering

  • hippikon

    I use them to light the fire

  • Sage

    I assume that the situation is different for everyone. My subscriptions ARE expiring. Normally the Society notifies me and in the journals are the renewal slips. As far as I could tell, the back of the forms always stated they must go through the congregation.

    In any event, I always sent the forms with a donation directly to the Society, and within a month, get a "Thank you" from the Society and my request accepted.

    This year was something different. On the wrapper itself it states in big red lettering "4 more issues." Nothing more, no subscription renewals.

    So in accordance with that the journals say inside the mags, I returned the wrappers with a donation and a letter stating to renew. We will see what happens. I too live in a new area and no one knows me as a witness.

  • closer2fine

    I wanted it so I could hold my own in heated discussions with my elder/pioneer parents.

  • Latte


    The reason that I'm interested is because...........

    1) I still have quite a few JW friends that have not as yet, shunned me too badly yet. I just want to know what the society is saying to them. You can only help ones still in, by helping them to reason on their own literature, encouraging them to check things as the W/A often tells them to. It was the Awake article of last year dealing with propaganda, that helped me to think just a little bit more, it was enough to open my eyes........yes, it woke me up!

    2) It hurts me to know that they are calling ones that no longer believe, I just want to know what it is they are saying.

    I wish that I could just leave it all behind.........but it's not that simple is it guys????


  • neyank

    Hi BugEyesWife,

    You ask a good question.
    And you make a valid point.

    I can't answer for anyone else,but for me,I would like to see what
    they are presently teaching.
    I am always willing to discuss the WTS with people and
    it's good to know what they are being taught.

    Plus it's good to compare what they are being taught now,
    and what they were teaching just a few years ago.


  • hippikon

    It would be interesting if they keep the donation and don’t send the mags. Here they aren’t supposed to even link the suggestion of a donation to the receipt of literature. The literature is free and a donation is a donation. It’s not a donation for the literature.

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