Farting at the Kingdom Hall.

by avishai 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    There was a son of a mega-uptight, over-righteous, elder dad.

    By age 16 the poor kid was wound so tight I thought he was gonna kill somebody if he didn't get out and sow his own wild oats.

    He'd make comments at the meeting like:

    "This old system is getting really bad. That's why I'm looking forward to Armageddon so that Jehovah can finally step in and just slaughter all these wicked people who are all around us."

    He'd say it with real gusto like HE was the one who was gonna do the slaughtering.

    Anyway, he got a trip to the back room when he decided that the Circuit Assembly would be a good place to try out his new-found adolescent hand-shaking technique. "Brown handing". I hope I don't have to explain the details.


  • leavingwt

    Anyone ever do any crop dusting while carrying the microphones?

  • Zapper_1

    What a subject! lol.

  • Finally-Free

    This isn't at the kingdom hall, but it's funny.


  • mcsemike

    I didn't have time to read all the comments, so if someone already said this, so be it.

    I just realized that someone passing gas is making the most intelligent sound that will EVER be heard in a Kingdom Hall. That doesn't say very much for the WT, does it?

  • 144001

    Geez, sounds like she could have had maggots in her armpits and under her breasts.

    That does happen, you know, to very heavy and very dirty people.

    Re: the maggots -- probably under her armpits, but unlikely under her breasts. Her breasts sagged so low that you could see the bottom of them sagging below the bottom of her dress.

    You've guessed it about her weight. I'm estimating that to have been in the neighborhood of 450 - 500 lbs. Put it this way, once, she fell in the parking lot of the hall. It took 6 "brothers" to bring her back to her feet, three on each arm.

    I felt bad for her kids, who seemed embarrassed by their mom. Her husband, for some reason, abandoned her.

  • sacolton

    Question is did Jehovah make us to think fart sounds are hilarious? It just seems natural and it's a good laugh. God has a great sense of humor.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    bttt cuz Oompa wants to know what we all did this week.

  • Robdar
    I've never farted at the Meetings......but at one stage during the "Blood issue" Watchtower I felt like doing a Turd in my hand and throwing it at the stage like a monkey.......my wife held me back.

    Oh! Oh! I cant breathe! ROFL

  • crapola

    This brings back so many memories. A few years ago at the bookstudy, we met in a home so used metal chairs. This sister leaned over to pick her books up and farted on the chair and I totally lost control. I had to get up and leave the room. I think she was mad at me for quite sometime after that.Of well, she no longer attends meetings either.

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