What is a Super Jehovah's Witness?

by Valis 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Poztate

    People. This has nothing to do with Super Stupor Jehovah's Witness.

  • stillajwexelder

    Super Jehovah's Witness 1 Corinthians 10 vs 12


    Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.
  • Nosferatu
    *LOL* Nos...at least your avatar is prepared to give a talk...*LOL*

    HEY!!!! Just because my head covering's falling off, doesn't mean my intentions weren't there!

  • joenobody

    Thank you so much for posting SJW... I miss the old crew like SwordOfJah, Fred Hall and You Know. You'll fit in nicely here... mind you, you'll be superceded by JCanon (Jesus Christ anon (again)). He's the Messiah, just ask him.

  • SpunkyChick
    Super Jehovah's Witness 1 Corinthians 10 vs 12


    Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.

    I also like what it says in Psalms:

    "It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool; than to speak and remove all doubt."

  • itsallgoodnow

    Super JW - - ok. we're warned. I still think you are out here counting your time.

    You mentioned that you have rejected many rumors that go against the Watchtower Society from an informed position. I have yet to read where the Watchtower explained any of these counter-arguments. I have only heard apostates "are mislead just as Eve was mislead" (poisoning the well, ad hominem). They are careful NOT to answer these charges against them because they don't want the majority of witnesses to know about this stuff. You said "more and more" of R&F know about the charges against the WT you mentioned, but have you taken a poll to determine how many know about these things? I haven't heard a whisper of it in the KH.

    It's true that Witnesses are generally programmed to reject anything they hear that smells like apostacy. But is that logical? To immediately dismiss information that doesn't agree with the Society --- because it doesn't agree with the Society? I feel it warrants an investigation because if they say it's "the truth" then none of this stuff would really hold up, would it? Then why is it against the rules to hear about it and speak freely about it?

    I think Witnesses who can dismiss information against the Society without really investigating it are "immune" to more than they think, perhaps they are also immune to critical thinking. I like the analogy you used, comparing the Witnesses to a virus, though. Pretty slick.

    I also think that more Witnesses than before are being exposed to new ideas about their religion on the internet, and that could cause at least some of them to question what they've been taught. It has caused me to read the literature with a bit of skepticism and to see the true spirit of what the organization is really all about. And I'm not impressed.

    Super jw, you could be right when you say the JW movement is still going strong, but that doesn't prove or disprove anything you mentioned. For those of us that the WTS no longer has any power over, this site is here to offer support and friendship over matters non-JWs don't quite understand, I never had the impression it was looking to overthrow the little WTS empire.

  • kls

    Moony Wave

  • shotgun

    Posts by our Super Jehover's Witness

    1 ) I am new to the board, I am not new to the Jehovah's Witness movement.....I've made a few of those movements myself ..Follow Moses command and do them outside of the camp and use a stick to cover it over.

    2) I am more intelligent since I refuted what apostates say....Yeah yeah and Jesus returned invisibly to place a crown and cross pin on one of the Donkeys in 1918

    3) I will never apologize for the Watchtower Society of Brooklyn, I don't care what the facts are....I thought you said you were intelligent, to ignore facts does not bode well for your lofty claims...... Super Jehovahs Witness.

    Don't leap off any tall building....the facts say you'll go splat!

  • gitasatsangha
    I know more witnesses are aware of basic apostate lines because I know many of them and we form a good network. Don't hear wispers in the kingdom hall, not talked about there. Central planning.

    So secret, that this JW Kabal needed you to to come over here and tell us all about it? ROFL

    "You rpuny evolutionaries. I am a secret counterrevolutionary. I am here to astound you about how imbedded we are in your organization, and how our cells meet at.. OOOPS"

  • Atilla

    Just call me a Super Ex-Jehovah's Witness, thank you.

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