What is a Super Jehovah's Witness?

by Valis 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gitasatsangha

    Fred Hall, You Know, Sword of Jaw, E-Watchman.. some long dead ghost from NotThePartyLine??

  • undercover
    People. This has nothing to do with Super Jehovah's Witness.

    You still haven't answered my question.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Someone with a cheese grater... or maybe a belt sander.

    Don't have to know him...you know someone just like him. Who he is makes no difference.

  • Dawn

    Well Super.....in checking your posting history - I'd say you are a pretty funny fellow.......but I think you better start taking your meds again. I'm worried about you!

  • ScoobySnax

    HEY WELCOME SJW!!! .......lol

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    This thread is hilarious!

    Thank you SUPER JEHOVAHS WITNESS, for a good laugh.

    I do admire your passion

  • willyloman

    It's amusing whenever someone comes on board here and positions himself as the super dub, loins girded to do battle with the evil apostates. Before long he's revealed to be immature and carrying a big ego, some sort of pseudo-intellectual, rife with tall stories about how good things are back in the organization.

    Super JW thinks he is dealing people who are on his level. In some cases, he is. But many of those who read and post here have JW "credentials" that seriously outweigh whatever experience he brings to the table. And we recognize hyperbole when we see it. He claims that JW's are becoming increasingly aware of apostate tactics and better equipped to refute them. The average witness is clueless about apostate tactics and furthermore, couldn't care less. All that matters to most dubs is the social aspect of membership. If their family and friends left tomorrow, they'd be gone, too.

    As for this hidden cadre of super-dubs hidden inside the organization, I can assure you that no such SWAT team exists. This is from the vantage point of one whose job for 25 years was to "positively know the appearance of the flock." The only witnesses who get bumped to "super" status are those who buy into the party line and support it regardless of the personal cost. The "smart" ones take a hike just as soon as their eyes open and their family circumstances permit.

  • Nosferatu

    Okay. F***k it, I'm going back to the Kingdom Hall!

  • blondie

    Super JW, eh?

    Why not a super Christian?


  • Valis

    *LOL* Nos...at least your avatar is prepared to give a talk...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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