Service meeting - Don't talk to disfellowshipped ones at the Memorial!

by truthseeker 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    At the service meeting last night, we were told that even at the Memorial, we should not talk to disfellowshipped individuals. Also, I don't know if there is any truth in this, but disfellowshipped ones are generally not invited to the Memorial.

    When did the "Memorial Season" begin? How can one evening meal translate into 3 months of "special theocratic activity," i.e, auxiliary pioneering.

    The Feb KM actually tells elders that if they see individuals who used to associate with the congregation, but now have only limited contact, they are to impress on them the urgency of the times we are living in.

    In other words, make them feel guilt if they are newly interested but have not gone to all the numerous meetings spoken about just before the end of the Memorial talk.

    Another point - Jesus told his disciples to "keep doing this continually in remembrance of me."

    Did Jesus speak of two classes or one class - or did he mean everyone?

    Because, if Jesus had meant everyone should partake, then at the Memorial every year, throughout the earth, millions of people are being denied the opportunity to partake of the emblems, representing Jesus' shed blood and sacrifice.

  • kls

    But all child molesters are welcome,we will lie for you ,shield you and not expose you.The real evil are apostates ,do not talk to them or make eye contact ,they are evil. Screw you cult tower.

  • Maverick

    You can see why the WTS needs to remind the J-duds to be wary. A lot of borderline, quasi-JW's come to this event. Many of these ones love Jesus but can't stomach the WTS so, out of some misguided respect for the Christ they tolerate an evening with the old crew at the Hall. The WTS is caught in a trap of their own making. They need the "love of Jesus" prop to further their false claim of being a christian religion. So they have this one day for Jesus. But they do not want their drones to get infected by these partially deprogrammed outsiders! Nor do they wish to let Jesus have too much glory. They use the Memorial much like a funeral talk, it is an opportunity to push the WTS as mans only hope!

    The Memorial is an,"in your face" put down of the RF. The WTS pull out this cardboard Jesus, wave it in front of the drones, then pass the "emblems" right under the noses of these people to show them where they fit in "gods" arrangement. The WTS as much as says'" You are nothing! You need us (WTS)! We are your way to the promished land! Jesus is our mediator and we are yours! Work,( ie serve us) work, work out your salvation and maybe you will see the New System! Maverick

  • Narkissos
    They use the Memorial much like a funeral talk

    Right on the mark.

  • link

    I don't want to go too much off topic here but the Bible actually says "keep doing this in remembrance of me". It does not say how often neither does it tie the "doing" of it to any special time or event. Although it is obvious that one of the occasions would be the event of Christ’s death, this does not preclude it being done at any other time.

    Perhaps Yeru could enlighten us on the Catholic view.

    As a side issue, can anyone confirm for me that the actual precise date of Christ’s death as used by the Witnesses is completely and 100% factually accurate. I know that J Cannon has other views on this.

    Sorry 'truthseeker' if this does go a little off topic


  • Mary

    but the Bible actually says "keep doing this in remembrance of me". It does not say how often neither does it tie the "doing" of it to any special time or event. Although it is obvious that one of the occasions would be the event of Christ?s death, this does not preclude it being done at any other time.

    You're right it doesn't. I think the reason they do it once a year, is because the Last Supper was actually a celebration of Passover, which is celebrated once per year.

    Last year just before the Memorial, I hear an MS ask an elder if they should save any seats at the back for any DF'd persons that come. The elders response? "..NO, let them find their own seats..."
    Ah, how good it is to see the loving Christ-like attitute amongst the elders....

    Actually, I decided to try going to a church one Sunday morning so I drove around till I saw one I thought looked decent. It was the Baptist church. There was someone there to greet you as you walked in, and so when I walked in, they immediately introduced themselves and were quite happy that I had attended. The sermon itself was kind of strange, or I guess I'm just not used to it. You get up a dozen times to sing songs and they do the ritual praying. Then came the Communion or whatever it is that Baptists call it. They pass around miniture glasses of wine for everyone and they also pass around a loaf of leavened bread. The latter really caught my attention as the whole point of having unleavened bread at the Passover and The Last Supper was missing. However, I dutifully partook, waiting for lightening to strike me either for being in a Baptist Church or of partaking of the emblems.(It just goes to show how ingrained the WTs ideas on the subject still is in some of us).

    I think it's utterly ridiculous that the Socity limits who can and can't partake of the emblems. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt that only 144,000 are going to heaven (which I think is bullshit), why on earth wouldn't everyone who puts their faith in Jesus be able to participate?

  • Dansk


    If you've mentioned this elsewhere I apologise, but why do you still go to meetings?

    How can you sit and listen to that garbage?


  • cruzanheart

    "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." You're right -- the only mention of passing of time is the phrase "as often as you do it" (or something like that -- I'm doing this from memory). I see this in a whole new light since my dad died. For the first few months I thought of him EVERY MONTH on the day he shot himself; then it was EVERY MONTH, and I would feel sadness and depression on the 16th of the month. Now a year has passed, and the pain is easing. The last few months of the year I didn't feel anything in particular on the 16th.

    So perhaps in Jesus' case we are to simply remember what he did for us; perhaps for some that would be every week, for others every year.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Let's see:

    Rape a child, but since there wasn't an audience it doesn't count. Welcome, Jehovah loves you.
    Beat your wife, beat your children, but you said sorry. Welcome, Jehovah loves you.
    Cheat on your taxes, but you didn't get caught. Welcome, Jehovah loves you.
    Live a double life and don't get caught. Welcome, Jehovah loves you.

    Question the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Die scumbag. Jehovah hates you worse than all the above.

    Okay. Makes perfect sense.

  • Sassy

    I'lll never forget year before last at the memorial when a disfellowshipped brother came and the only place for him to sit was in the 2nd row. I was about four rows behind him already sitting when he came in. When they passed the emblems, one of the elders all but rushed and tripped over the chairs to get over in front of the row to GRAB the plate from the person to his right (before they could pass it to him) and then reached over him accross the seats to hand it to the person on his left. It was outrageious how cold and "how unwelcome" he was treated. To be honest, had that been me, I would have walked out that night and never came back. I was appolled. He didn't. As far as I know he is still attending that hall every meeting faithfully in hopes of being reinstated even though it has been four years now since they dfd him. He had been a MS and evidentally they were making a good example of him. I give him credit, I wouldn't take what they have put on him.

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