Service meeting - Don't talk to disfellowshipped ones at the Memorial!

by truthseeker 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    She asked me for one since her sub had run out..........SS

    Off topic here but:

    Hey, is this the real reason they don't send out subs to the mags anymore? Because they don't want apostates getting them? They want to humiliate dfed and da'ed ones by making them go to the hall and beg for them? Do they still let you order books directly from the society?


  • onacruse

    Memorial (3 years ago) was the last time I've been in a KH. I'd been DFd for a little over a year, and my (now ex-) wife pushed hard for me to go, so I did.

    Well, I was sitting up against a wall, and I started to chuckle...a little too loudly...half the KH turned in my direction...oops...LOL

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Actually, I think the WT has a point about annual observance of the Lotrd's Ebvening Meal. First-Century Christians were called ``Quartodecimans" (``Fourteenthers") for exactly that reason, and a case can be made that too frequent a celebration detracts from, rather than enhances, an event's imprtance.

    No question, however, that the prohibition to partake put on the so-called ``Other Sheep" is one of their greatest abominations.

  • stillajwexelder

    What I want to know is --What would Jesus do if he was actually at the memorial - -would he speak to the disfellowshipped person or would he say -- let him that is without sin cast the first stone -- or would he say to the elder body blind pharisee -- who cleanse the outside of the cup but inside is full of crap

  • Carmel

    If you're really a "truthseeker" why in God's name are you at a KH meeting? Propaganda is far from "truth"!


  • truthseeker

    A few have asked me the question, "Why do I still go to the Kingdom Hall and listen to this crap"

    Believe me, it is not out of want, but out of necessity.

    I am married, the other half is very much into it, and I am afraid of losing my marriage if I just up and leave.

    I consider myself a hostage - there are no physical restraints, no walls, just a mental prison I am screaming to get out of.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I consider myself a hostage - there are no physical restraints, no walls, just a mental prison I am screaming to get out of.


    You must have one hell of a marriage mate if you feel this strongly and still go. Are you a man or woman?

    Are you deeply in love with this person?

    Are you afraid of losing income, hearth and transportation? I lost all of those things. It was well worth it. If I was deeply in love with someone and they truly loved me for me and not for my participation in the WT org, I would still leave the org. My mate did not love me for me. He only loved me for how closely I could match the proverbial capable wife. When I could never match that and gave up trying, he dumped me.

    It just seems to me that if your mate truly loves you for you, then your mate is not going to be hurt or hurt you if you stop attending meetings. If your mate's "love" for you depends on you being a faitful JW then you should ponder whether your mate truly loves YOU.

    I wish you weren't in this miserable dilemma. Love is a very strong thing.


  • kilroy2

    Truthseeker, If some one really loves you they will stand by you in your decision to do what ever, as long as it does not hurt someone else. and if not then they really did not love you in the first place. and if is better to know it now than later. because it wont change. the dubberdom only makes people slaves and tears apart relation ships, the only relationship it builds is blind followings in itself. I have been out for seven years and it takes many years after leaving to start to relly heal the damage that they cause. I am still working on it. but the little bastards of this small town and the fact that my wifes parents wont talk to us, and the dubdumb that I grew up with in podunk wolverine mi, treat me like a dfed person even though I am "in good standing" it is like some one picking at a scab it just cant quite heal. the further you get away and the faster the sooner you will be better off. dubbers are an infection , na more like Tuberculosis you get near an infected person and you will be contaminated. so keep away,

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Im so crushed that Im not invited to the fu*&IN memorial. There goes the 75$ I spent on a new suit!

  • researcher

    Yeah, kinda like one service meeting I was told about recently. Some dubbie was quoting a recent assembly talk,, and said '"did you notice that brother xxx used the word ' imminent'? You know what that means? IT's JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!" I know what it means,, just search the WT Library CD for the word, imminent...........the word was used in articles in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and now in the 2000+..:)

    The only question is,, how does this relate to 2Pet 3:4???? :) Just asking,, not preaching...................

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