Curious about something ?

by Nadsam 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nadsam

    You're right bisous, thanks for clearing that up for me

  • Carmel


    I spent nearly 15 years searching for "truth" after leaving the Borg. Finally gave up and decided to forget about it. My studies in biological sciences brought me to the realization that science is constantly unraveling new "truths" while it abandons old paradigms once taken as "truth". I've concluded that religion is much the same as science. Through the ages old understandings are replaced with new concepts. While spiritual concepts remain constant, social and ethical ideas evolve from age to age. As we are rewarded almost daily in the material realm from science's benefits and payoffs, we don't appreciate the more gradual subtle changes in religions. So for me, it's a matter of looking for religion that has renewed the spiritual teachings but clothed in "new wine bottles". The glass is half full, not half empty. It's out there and it's worth persuing. I wish you well and hope you keep and open mind.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I've got some

    • Birds have been seen laying eggs
    • Some animals eat others
    • Some animals eat grass
    • Birds fly, but some are known not to
    • People marry, but not all of them
    • Critters eat, in general
    • and so on

    I think your question is more like, "I can't find the proof of something I'm looking for that I've heard, read something, and was seeking - do you know where I can find it? "

    Here's another question - Why nail Him down before you lift Him up?

  • BluesBrother

    It ok to talk about relative truth when one is in the realm of philosophy where one one mans teaching is only held until something better comes along.

    If God created the world, then the atheists are wrong . If we are the product of blind chance and evolution, then creationists cannot be right. There must be the concept of truth and falsehood if we are discussing specific events that did or did not happen.

    That is why I still buy in to the concept of "Truth", I just wish I knew the answers

  • slenderdog

    We all have a grasp of some aspects of truth, but truth encompasses all of existence and is in its entirety beyond the grasp of any one human being at any given time. Truth can be glimpsed from innumerable perspectives through innumerable media. Can we, will we, ever know truth, fully and finally? Only through faith can we answer with certainty.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    we may never know,

    but the day after we die, we will find out the truth,

    not much of an answer, but its what i believe, i live life now, not knowing what the future will bring and i kinda like it (sounds like a quote from Terminator 2), i too, have never picked up the bible since i left the borg.

  • Purple

    Ditto to what has been said before, sneaky russian even beat me to the question I was going to say "What is truth".

    It has recently occurred to me that the Borg assumes and teaches that there is one truth, and that one truth is "the truth". However no where in the bible does it say there is one truth. There may be one way, the fathers way and so on but that is open to dispute. However where does it say it is the only truth?

    Science often proves that what was thought of truth yesterday can be disproven tomorrow. So is there one truth or is there truth according to the individual trying to make sense of all this? I dont think there is one truth.

    Nadsam I wondered to when I joined the board last month about all the bible quotong that goes on too but I have come to realise that many still have faith in God's ward and just because you loose faith in the Borg it does not translate to lost faith in the Bible.

    For those that choose to believe in the words in the bible, the words are still as relevent to them today and has meaning for them. What has lost its power is the organisation and the control over its members. JW's do not own the bible, there's is just one interpretation of it, albeit a bad one. However it does not make the bible any less real or relevant to those that choose to believe in the words that are written in it.

    My personal view, although relevant to me is just that, my personal view. I believe it was a book written by men who were in control of people that they felt they needed tighter control over. It is a book of do's and don'ts and contains endless examples of what happens when you choose to follow or choose to disregard. Hence it has no meaning to me other than empty words.

    Having said that I would never impose that view on anyone, or expect anyone to take up said view. To wonder why others still choose to is probably a healthy line of questioning but one I wouldn't ponder on too long. Nor would I assert that just because I no longer believed in the bible that it is wrong that others should. Or that there is not place in this board for bible discussion and quotes. The Borg is what is redundent on this site, not the bible (for many anyway).

    I don't know if this rambling makes any sense but I hope it helped a little. If not then this message will self destruct in 5 seconds............

  • avengers

    The reason I still use the bible has nothing to do with if I do or do not believe it.

    I quote the bible so I can use it to beat them with their own weapons.


  • pudd

    When I told witness friends I was no longer going to be a witness myself, they all asked me the same question; "What now? Where will you go?" All seemed to think that if I no longer believed they had "The Truth", then I must need to look eleswhere.

    I had no desire to find another religion and this is something they could not understand.

    Thank you bisous, you said it all. It is W/T indoctorination, that conditions people to believe there is one "Truth". I had never though about it like that.

  • SYN

    Hi Nadsam,

    From an ex-Johannesburger, well, nobody has "The Truth". Anyone who says that is laying a true WHOPPER on your lap and expecting you to accept it hook, line, and sinker.

    However, that doesn't mean that people can' t be convinced that they really know what's cutting in the world. Most of it stems back to ego, the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality.

    I think the Tao puts things in perspective very nicely, without heavily religious overtones. Give it a read sometime - there are various translations available for the price of a quick Google search for "tao te ching". At the very least, it's an interesting and very different idea of what life's about.

    My personal opinion? Truth cannot be found, it can only be searched for. And love your neighbours. That pretty much sums up my personal philosophy in life!

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