what do you believe???

by walker22 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    I have been doing some serious research on many things about the organization from a birds eye view. I felt I owed this to myself, since I was in the middle of it. I was an elder for some time and I must admit that there were a lot of new thoughts (brighter light) coming through, that personally, I could not agree with. But trying to be humble and faithful at that time, I swallowed what was given to me.

    I am finding that ALL organized religion, has a scare tactic and hope tactic. And the WT is no different. You will be guilt ridden if you don't accept blindly the things you are being taught. Did you ever try to express your comments at the WT study, that were not in the paragraph? You wouldn't dream of it. But you may have wanted to? If you did you would be sure you would be called after meeting into the little room with some elders, and asked not to express your own thoughts. We all know we were given a brain, and are allowed to think and express what we feel. Isn't the KH a public place after all? Where we can comment? Yet the only answers you are allowed to give, are the ones that are printed on a page for you. In other words, EVERYTHING you read and study you have to accept at face value, or else you will be looked down upon, and eventually marked.

    So we were being trained to mold ourselves in accord with someone else's thinking. Where does that leave us as unique creatures to use our own heart and mind, and express how we perceive Bible understanding. There were over the course of time numerous scriptures, which I understood totally different. But kept my mouth shut. But guess what? Over time there were new aricles printed with 'new' understanding, that I had know about for a long time. So my point is, that when you do your own research. And use your own GOD given mind, you will find what is right and wrong. The Bible was writen I feel by God for us. How we understand it is our personal conviction. And no one needs to tell us how or what we should do, without proper backing. And this is where the WT has failed. There are so many personal ideas that are imposed on us from the top, that are not even in the Bible. And yet it's being explained to us as fact.

    Hope this helps

  • petespal2002

    Hi Walker,

    Little Toe makes a very good point above, that what you have to do (if you are inclined towards God that is) is get right with Him. Only you can decide if you have done that, however. Do you feel your conscience is clear towards God? Putting the teachings you were raised with to one side for a moment, even if Armageddon was to come tomorrow and you were asked to make a personal accounting for yourself, could you do that? Do not imagine an accounting where you are marked against the "rules" of the Society, but where a God of Love and all-knowing infinite wisdom asks have you lived in a way that didn't contravene the ultimate law of love.

    A JW could then argue that within that "law of love" is included not offending the conscience of another, and that is probably the bottom line used to disfellowship you. According to the elders handbook, had you displayed a "repentent attitude" you should not have been df'd, probably reproved. It is all a pointless exercise in "naming and shaming" in my humble opinion however.

    A line of investigation you could take would be to check out some of Russell's writings.

  • Joker10

    I don't know how, when you were a Witness, you didnt know Russell stated JWs. If you think you'll get a blalance viewpoint about JWs here, you are wrong. Many here hate JWs.

  • shotgun

    There are not many here who actually hate JW's, most hate the rules which are made by men that they follow and also the total control exercised by the WT over all of it's members.

    Joker is correct though that the forum is skewed more towards avoidance of the WT, but you can certainly check and discuss most anything here openly, that's more than you'll ever be able to do in a Kingdom hall.

    Joker your up early today considering I had to call a cab for you so late last night, did you take the pepto-bismal like I suggested.

  • LittleToe

    That is a position of ignorance.

    Most here don't hate JW's (or in extreme circumstances there might be individuals who are hated because of specific harm they have caused), but quite a few hate the policies of the WTS.

    Keep on reading, you may learn a thing or two that is useful to life

  • Mary
    It is hard and scarey at first when you "make your mind over' to leave the org for good, but once you do and you take that first breath of freedom, it is goooood. I no longer fear the wrath of the GB's Jehovah, but instead, I am simply confident that HE will deal with me in his own loving and understanding way.

    Well said! I've often said to my JW family "I really don't think that Jehovah is nearly as judgemental as the Governing Body."

  • Noumenon

    "If I die, then I get to stand in line in hell and wait my turn to punch each member of the GB in the nuts. Can't wait."

    Looks like Hunyadi hates JW's, at least the GB.

  • freedom96

    Welcome to the site!

    Through information that you can find here and elsewhere, you will realize that indeed, the WTS is NOT who they say they are. That right there will solve a lot of questions. You need to wipe the slate clean, and then figure out what you believe.

    The fact is that the Watchtower is 100 % wrong.

  • walker22

    The past month has been a learning experince for both my husband and I. I mentioned the book to him and we're on our way out to pick it up (he wants to read it w/ me).

    Thank you all for the feedback and insight. I will continue to research in hope of making the right decision.

  • LittleToe


    The fact is that the Watchtower is 100 % wrong.


    As I read the Bible anew, and my doctrines unravelled, I came to the conclusion that they were wrong in all the major things.
    However, when it came to the minor things, even these are skewed, as they aren't "Christ-centered".
    Reading the New Testament (especially the gospel of John) with fresh eyes, and preferably in a version of the bible which is fresh to you, makes it clear that Jesus is completely at the center of the Biible message.
    This was before I ever started to research the organisation on the Internet (which is when I found this place and others).

    Hence, to use "Reasoning Book" language:
    Jehovah's Witnesses (period) - Not a bible teaching!

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