Poll-----Who Will Be The Next President Of the United States?

by minimus 61 Replies latest social current

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    S.S. Is that the same type of 'fruitcake' they won't allow on airplanes?

    Guest 77

  • frenchbabyface

    If you really want BUSH out you need to vote against someone who really have a chance to win against him and talk loud about that strategy.

    Cause I've heard something amazing on TV :

    They were interviewing an american citizen about the stuff and for who she will vote for and she just said approximatly that as short as that : I'm gonna vote for bush, the other ones I'm not even going listen to what they say, because Bush is working for God.


  • FlyingHighNow
    I would like to say that I'm very sad that John McCain is not running

    Isn't McCain a Republican? He couldn't run against an incumbent President, and have a chance of getting the nomination.

    Too bad McCain couldn't switch parties. He's not an extreme republican anyway.

    I saw Clark on meet the press this morning. I thought he handled the Michael Moore question very well. He said that he would never call GW Bush a deserter. He does believe Michael Moore has freedom of speech, though. I feel he handled all of the controversial issues intelligently when questioned about them. I haven't picked a person to back and don't know if I will even vote; but I do think Clark handled his interview in a solid way. I'm trying to listento all of them with an open mind.


  • Shaft

    I think the next president will be the Democratic candidate assuming that the voting patterns are similar to the 2000 election. In 2000 Al Gore got 48.38% of votes, George W. Bush had 47.87%, Ralph Nader 2.73% and Pat Buchanan .43% If the Democratic nominee can get all the Gore votes and capture the Nader votes it will give him a 51% majority and that would not only win him the popular votes but also get him states such as Florida and New Hampshire needed to win the electoral collage majority. If Bush gets his same votes (assuming he hasn't scared them away) as well as the Buchanan votes he will still only have 48.30% Therefore I think any reasonable Democratic nominee (in other words anyone but Dean) can win in November.
    Andy AKA Shaft (can you dig it?)

  • dolphman

    Why is this such a tough question for people to figure out?

    Look, the only candidate capable of ever beating Bush is Clark. I know because I'm a Bush supporter and Clark is the only person in hell i would want to lead the country outside of Bush. I WILL VOTE FOR CLARK if he's on a ticket. Because I'm really not a republican nor democrat. I just want a capable person in charge.

    Here's how it goes: The south and midwest will vote Bush, most people in the East and West will vote Democrat. Bush will win.

    If Clark is on the ticket, not all the south and midwest will vote Bush and ALL the east and West will vote Clark. It's simple math folks

    If the Democrats could pull their heads out of their a$$es long enough they'd quit all this caucus crap and just say "Clark for Prez". Only lefty loonies are still hoping for someone like Dean. He stands NO CHANCE of beating Bush. You might as well have Kucinich up there on the ticket.

    All the celebrities are telling us to vote Clark. I say they're actually right about something in politics for once.

    If there any democrats still grounded in reality then the smart vote is a vote for Clark. I guarantee you ever Bush supported with an ounce of doubt in their soul will jump the fence.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The Newsweek poll was very weak, they just polled the general population, not registered voters or likely voters so it's almost meaningless. And after all, it is Newsweek. But if all you Bush haters want to live in fantasy land, go ahead.

  • Sunnygal41

    If Bush wins the election again, all you Bush lovers had better be prepared for one hell of a ride, internationally, because NO ONE outside of Republicans in the USA respect him. He's a creepy little rat fink, with shifty eyes! I think amazingly that Wes Clark may win, and even tho he's ex-military, I've heard him referred to as a compassionate man. I also saw his wife being interviewed yesterday, and was very impressed with her balance, articulate comments, and intelligence. Even tho Dennis K. is my guy, I realize that we aren't ready for him in this country. I've also heard good things about Kerry, and considering he's an ex-Vietnam Vet, that could be a good thing. He's also done very well in the past couple of polls. Dean is very strange..........I think he's trying too hard, and it's going against him. Lieberman, as has been said, is just a Republican in a Democratic suit, so forget him, even tho he's my own Senator.


  • Reborn2002

    Unfortunately, I believe George W. Bush will be re-elected.

    If history serves as any precedent, Bush is destined to lose. His father waged a war in Iraq and had a bad economy (while the current economy seems to be improving if one trusts numbers and surveys, it is being touted as a jobless recovery so go figure that) and lost by a landslide to William Jefferson Clinton. The current President fought an unpopular war and has had domestic problems, but what will become of it remains to be seen.

    On the flipside, the USA has been loathe to change Presidents in the middle of a war (even if the war on terror seems to be perpetual) and George W. Bush does have the benefits of having a $100 million and counting war chest as the incumbent, is unchallenged as the Republican candidate, and even has a brother to personally hand him the much debated state of Florida and it's crucial electoral votes despite disenfranchised black voters or millions spent to fix voting flaws that still are not resolved. But hey, Dubya will win.

    On a personal note, considering the Democratic nominees, unless Kerry, Edwards, or Lieberman get nominated, Bush will rout any opposer. Dean will get pummeled and Kucinich is laughable.

  • Valis

    Hey Rebbies...how's things?


    District Overbeer

  • Reborn2002

    Doing pretty good Val thanks for asking. Your one of the few people on this site with enough manners to at least ask me how I am doing when you see me post here.

    How are things for you? Good I hope.

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