Anthony Morris III demoted to Great Crowd!

by Vanderhoven7 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Did you get the announcement George?

    of course they don’t mention Tony they just say it has been updated and don’t give the reasons why

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    No, our Midweek Meeting is this evening, Thursday.


  • smiddy3

    Anthony Morris III demoted to Great Crowd!

    Or was he demoted to another as yet , undefined class by the WT / JW`s ?

  • truthlover123

    Regarding Morris resuming his" anointed" role, Hebrews 6: 4-6 aptly applies -"impossible to revive them again to repentance for they nail the Son of God to the stake again". If org does, their whole system falls apart! More so than now.

    it is possible that if he likes to imbibe profusely, he may start spilling the beans and not give a shite about the org. or forget he signed off anything. Whiskey anyone?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The fact that they are going to do much effort is very telling

    I wonder if any rank and file are asking questions what is so important that we have to throw away the old enjoy life forever books? Of course they are asking this and I’m sure more people know about deleting Tony than we think.

    it’s one of those things we don’t ever talk about

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Announcement this evening simply said to update Life Forever book and ensure Publishers page shows July 2023 date. No mention of reprints or new printed version. After the meeting nobody mentioned it that heard.


  • smiddy3

    It just goes to show you how effective their brainwashing techniques are.

  • blondie

    The WTS re-invents its past by "editing out" old comments, and asking members to toss the old one. Not all jws are "obedient" not want to toss away previous study notes they made, or buy another publication (not free back then to members). One night, at a "congregation book study" in a private home, an elder new to being a jw, asked a question from the publication as to time in the bible. One older "brother" started talking about a creative day being 7,000 years ago, where in the new version of the book, now said thousands and thousands of years. The conductor corrected him, but afterwards that brother showed it to the conductor, an old version. How embarrassing, Often what the WTS does it stop mentioning an old teaching, and enough people die from that generation, and the new ones haven't a clue. Did the same with the teaching of 1975.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Often what the WTS does it stop mentioning an old teaching, and enough people die from that generation, and the new ones haven't a clue. Did the same with the teaching of 1975.”

    Spot on Blondie! This is the plan with slowly deleting Tony from every pic or video he has been in.

    I wonder if they will try the same with 1914?

    now the pubs say about 1914 or around 1914.

    soon they may be saying about the 20th century and hope the older ones all die off

  • Journeyman

    Someone asked me yesterday, while in mixed company (all of whom are quite PIMI), why there was emphasis on updating the Enjoy Life book and what has changed, and I matter-of-factly answered "oh, they've removed Anthony Morris from the publication in a few places, I believe".

    There was an awkward silence that was only broken a minute or so later by another member of the group changing the subject.

    I'm sure a lot of PIMIs suspect something is wrong, but don't want to ask questions or lift the lid.

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