a personal question about *gasp* sex!

by missylissy 85 Replies latest social relationships

  • Sassy

    Missy, I am with the rest, not completely comfortable with you asking.. but not because we don't care.

    I really hope the decision you made was to wait.. don't do it too young.. and when you do, make it with someone you care about.. not just a one night stand. Like was mentioned earlier, I hope it is when you are of 'legal age'..

  • micheal
    I really hope the decision you made was to wait.. don't do it too young.. and when you do, make it with someone you care about.. not just a one night stand. Like was mentioned earlier, I hope it is when you are of 'legal age'..

    I agree.

  • avishai

    17. We were in love & it was wonderful, except for all the dub baggage that came with it.

  • amac

    I ditto Elsewhere's comments. Ask your parents what they think....hehe. All I can say is sex is not a sport and has very serious consequences.

  • Nosferatu

    I was 17 when I had oral. 20 when I actually lost my virginity.

    In my opinion, age doesn't really factor in. It all depends on how you and the one you're gonna do it with feel about each other. That's why I didn't lose my virginity at 17. I didn't really give a shit about her. I didn't want to lose my V to someone who was just going to end up a spitwad in my past.

  • czarofmischief

    doesn't matter who you lose it to, they're going to break your heart, anyway.

    Better be somebody good looking and polite enough to wear a condom and intelligent enough to wait until you are 18!


  • tink
    doesn't matter who you lose it to, they're going to break your heart, anyway.

    totally not true!! you just have to have realistic expectations. i wasn't in love with the person i lost it to, and i didn't think it was. i mean, like i said, the sex was pretty lame. but, no one got hurt. or at least i didn't.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Missylissy, some other really good questions to ask yourself in connection with the one you asked us are: (patience, Missy..there really is a reason for these questions)

    1. What do I want out of life?

    2. What is required of me to accomplish my life's goals?

    3. What type of person do I want to be?

    4. How do I wish to appear to others?

    5. How many worst case scenarios and what are they in regards to when, where, with whom and how often I choose to have sex?

    6. How will I assume responsibility for any bad repercussions which may occur to me from choosing to have sex freely?

    Believe me....everything else in your life....your self esteem, your future goals, your career of choice, your outlook on life, how others view you and how you view yourself...your whole future revolves around how you choose to conduct your sex life.

    Frannie B

  • shera

    I'm not uncomfortable with answering,but I'm not telling you.It was wrong and I was too young.

    There is more "cons" to having sex at a young age.

    Take care of yourself,with your choices.Stay healthy. *hugs*

  • Smyler

    Before I start, I'm Missy's boyfriend. Just to let you all know, that she asked this question strictly out of curiousity. As she said, we both have made up our minds when it comes to sex... We both feel that we have something great going on, we will be going out for 20 months on Monday! We have been thru lots of hard times, ie death in the family, not seeing each other for most of summer of 2002, because of my JW parents. We even opened a joint bank account last month. We know quite a few couples in our area, that met when they were 14/15/16 and are married now. One couple, are married and have 3 good kids. Granted, a lot of teenagers are immature and we will sex within a month of the beginning of their relationship and then break up with each other.

    But enough rambling, we have a decision, we are sticking to it, and that decision is private, unless we talk about it and post it later on. But please don't pre-judge teenage love, or missy and I, on our views or questions.


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