Growing up in a divided household

by Strawberryfieldsforever 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Hello to everyone,

    I am new to this forum. I needed to tell all of you how much you have helped me. I too, have been hurt by the JW's. I grew up in what they call a "divided household". My mother was a very strict JW and my father was a military man. My earliest recolections of being a witness child were in Germany. My father was stationed there. I went to school on the military base. My Mom wouldn't let me salute the flag. I remember the other kids making fun of me and teasing me. I would wet my pants on the bus ride home. My Mom told me it was good to be persecuted for Jehovah God. But a little girl 5 years old doesn't understand that. I remember being afraid from then on. I was moved around alot to many different schools. I was always the outcast, the JW, the communist, the new kid. I was always afraid.

    My father didn't have much to do with me. My mother wouldn't let him. She let him spend very little time with me. I think she was afraid he would influence me in worldly ways. She would tell me during our bible studies that if I wasn't good and follow Jehovah that I would be destroyed right along with my father at Armageddon. I remember well the pictures in the paradise book of the earth opening up and swallowing people. I would have nightmares about it. I would look at my Dad and want to love him, but I was afraid he was in Satan's control. How I wish I knew then what I know now.....Years went by and I did everything my Mom wanted like the perfect little witness child. I was afraid of displeasing her and most of all, displeasing Jehovah God!!! I never got to know my Dad. But.....I loved him so much.....Then my Dad went back to school to further his education. I secretly was so proud of him. I wished that I could be like him. My Mom would talk with some of the witness friends and say things like "He's such a fool to try to get ahead in this world". The gap was so wide at this point that I knew I would never get to know my Dad.

    Years went by and I married. Had 2 boys. When my husband and I saw the pain the children went through in school we knew it was time to leave. We did the slow Mom never gave up trying to change my mind. Finally I had to do a slow fade from her too. I had to get away from it all. I didn't want to live in the paradise earth and serve a God who seemed so cruel. I used to sit and wonder how long I had left before Armageddon would come and swallow me up. I used to pray to Jehovah and ask him if He was going to kill me, please make it quick. I didn't want to suffer and feel pain. I finally realized at that point, that I would go down with my father......

    Finally, my parents divorced. The religion had a lot to do with it. They fought all the time. My Mom wouldn't let him have friends. She wouldn't support him as He got his PHD. She only looked down on him as a poor worldly person. He was alone with no friends...

    The past three years though, I have finally gotten to know my Dad. Oh! What a wonderful feeling to finally be able to talk about all those years without fear of my mother! We have celebrated Christmas together and talked and talked and talked!!! How much I love him!

    I know now that this religion destroys familys. How sad. I wish that more of the JW's were allowed to know the truth about the truth. It might save some from so much hurt. Keep up the good work! People like me, need people like you. Don't stop.


  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    good luck, I am glad you have the chance to get to know your dad at last. It's a shame your mum doesn't get it, I can't quite understand how a religion supposedly based on love can cause it's adherents to show so much hate for people who aren't jw's

  • Sargon

    Welcome to the board!!

    I too come from a divided family. I know well the anguish and pain this can cause. I'm seeing it all again in other family members. Good luck, Strawberry; You'll find lots of friends on this board who have similar stories and backgrounds.

  • Valis

    Welcome Strawberry!


    District Overbeer

  • Nikita

    ((((((((((((((strawberryfieldsforever)))))))))))))) Welcome to the forum!

    I am so happy that you now have a relationship with your Dad!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours



  • little witch
    little witch

    Dear SFF,

    (love your name BTW),

    Divided households are the worst and the best. They are hard and confusing on the kids on one hand. On the other hand, as the kids grow, they have a balance. A differing view.

    I am glad you have mended and healed with your father. I garner that He has influenced you and made an impact. I am greatful for that.

    Thanks for your kind words to all of us here, Geepers, I did not realize we had such an impact!

    I get the feeling you will fit in here just fine. I enjoyed your post and look forward to getting to know you better. Welcome!

  • Xena

    I am sorry for the pain you suffered growing seems so needless in retrospect doesn't it??

    Glad to hear you and your dad are getting closer though

  • Sassy

    Welcome SFF! I too grew up in a divided household so I know what you mean in many ways even though our stories are different. My parents in the end divorced over mom being a witness too.. I am now doing the fade this year.. Happy to be out and am getting closer to my dad too..

    Welcome to JWD. We are so glad you joined us!

  • Latte

    Welcome Strawberryfieldsforever!

    Your story is quite moving! I am so glad that you and your family have made it OUT

    I too remember the 'Paradise Bk' with it's aweful pictures of death.

    Having our children made my hubby & I leave also, we realized that we didn't want them to have the terrible fear which this cult instills in it's members.

    So very pleased that you are now getting to enjoy knowing your father!


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