DEMONS! Experiences With Demons While IN "The Truth?

by Hunyadi 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Well, first let me say I don't believe in "the supernatural"...I think it is possible that there are phenomena that we haven't correctly identified yet, but if these exist I think they are natural, not supernatural. And I don't think there are demons in the JW sense, but that there are some unpleasant things in this world, humand or not.

    This happened before I was a JW.

    We lived in a house where the previous tennants included a guy that terrorized his wife and kids. (we knew about this but I never gave it much thought till much later) Now, whatever your explanation...bad spirits, 'echoes' of past events, whatever...sometimes I would be alone in the house and would suddenly become terrified. I felt as if someone was in what had been the kids' room, and was coming down the hallway into the living room. I was even scared to look in that direction because of what I might see. Sometimes I would run past that door without looking in. Let me tell you, this makes an adult woman feel really silly.

    Now, mind you, I perfectly enjoyed spending time in my house by myself. In general, I like being by myself most of the time, ever since I was a kid. But sometimes, this fear would come over me when I was in the middle of something else. Well, after a couple of years of feeling foolish about it, telling myself it was just my mind playing tricks, whatever, one night I just got mad.

    Really, Really P*ssed Off that something (maybe even my subconscious) was making me scared in my own house. Somewhere I had lived for, at that time, a few years. Now, y'all don't know me, but let me tell you when I get a good head of steam up, people who know me tend to stay out of my way. And I was P*ssed. Mad enough not to care how silly this might seem to someone else, or even to myself later. Plus we didn't have any close neighbors, so nobody was going to hear me...So, at the top of my (very loud voice) I yelled:

    "MY HOUSE! MINE! This house and everything in it is MINE and I want you OUT! And STAY OUT! Do you hear me? GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND DON"T COME BACK!"

    Whatever it was never bothered me again. And we lived there for 10 years...

    Just another anecdote.

  • Hunyadi

    Well, Rem, you not only hi-jacked my topic, but you started something that really has nothing to do with the question I asked. Your stuff belongs on another thread. Fall down much?


  • rem

    LOL, you hijacked your own thread, man.

    It should make you wonder when believers feel so threatened by a skeptical, rational viewpoint.


  • Hunyadi
    It should make you wonder when believers feel so threatened by a skeptical, rational viewpoint.

    1. What should it make one wonder . . . ?

    2. Of the various definitions of the word, "skeptic", which do you identify yourself with?

    3. And as far as "rational" goes, "rational is: agreeable to or in accord with reason; reasonable; sensible. Your reasoning has to do with your own personal experiences and what you have read by others that support your "viewpoint", by those who are also non-believers in other words. Just like you . . . and me . . . and everyone else, their knowledge and personal experience is LIMITED, and simply because you can't see or prove any other way, doesn't mean it does not exist.

    4. Besides, you are not a true skeptic. A true skeptic is one who believes that true knowledge of things is impossible. You seem pretty sure of your "true knowledge".

    5. The original question I posed at the beginning of this thread had to do with an idividual's personal experiences with demons while in "the truth". I don't think anyone asked for a speech on whether or not they exist, or if one who believes they do exist is less intelligent than Rem who thinks they don't exist, but that could be your next thread.

    Keep a truckin' dirt-guppy-farmer.


  • Hunyadi
    If you are interested about what scientists really think about the paranormal, here are some books you might enjoy:

    Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, Terrence Hines
    In Search of the Light, Susan Blackmore
    Why People Believe Weird Things, Michael Shermer
    Demon Haunted World, Carl Sagan

    And many more... (Note that Susan Blackmore was a Paranormal researcher and a ghost hunter

    Rem, have you ever witheld the truth from someone you thought was a total moron and could not handle it? The demons sometimes look at humans and think the same thing. It seems as though they impart knowledge of themselves to humans who have the capacity to understand and deal with their existence, especially when it serves their purposes.

    Who was it that said, (paraphrasing) that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing man that he does not exist?


  • donkey


  • rem


    1. What should it make one wonder . . . ?

    If you have to ask, then you'll never know, little rascal.

    2. Of the various definitions of the word, "skeptic", which do you identify yourself with?

    One who suspends belief in extraordinary phenomenon when extraordinary evidence is lacking. The opposite of credulous. Also known as common sense.

    3. ...simply because you can't see or prove any other way, doesn't mean it does not exist.

    I never claimed I could disprove anything. I can no more disprove the paranormal than I can disprove the Tooth Fairy. But then again, I am not the one making an extraordinary claim. David Hume put it well: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It is the responsibility of the claimant to provide supporting evidence. It is not the responsibility of the skeptic to disprove an extraordinary claim. This is elementary logic.

    4. Besides, you are not a true skeptic. A true skeptic is one who believes that true knowledge of things is impossible. You seem pretty sure of your "true knowledge".

    That is pretty much the definition of a Pyhrronist skeptic; a small following of the philosophy of Phyrro back in ancient Greece. That is not the definition of a modern skeptic.

    5. The original question I posed at the beginning of this thread had to do with an idividual's personal experiences with demons while in "the truth". I don't think anyone asked for a speech on whether or not they exist, or if one who believes they do exist is less intelligent than Rem who thinks they don't exist, but that could be your next thread.

    I provided my demon experiences as a witness. Learning about the subject gave me comfort. Others may find comfort by doing research instead of simply reinforcing their superstitions.

    The demons sometimes look at humans and think the same thing. It seems as though they impart knowledge of themselves to humans who have the capacity to understand and deal with their existence, especially when it serves their purposes.

    That's one of the best examples of an ad hoc non-falsifiable theory I've ever seen.

    Have a good evening, little rascal


  • Purple

    I was into the new age type of beliefs before the truth and used to get the sensation that someone was following me, standing besides me and would often hear a wisper when no one else was around. Not voices but indescriminate wispers that nothing made sense of.

    I also used to meditate and got into a deep meditation one day and started chanting this chant about "the circle be unbroken" which I have since learnt is known in the world of wicca..

    The last night of all of this I was dreaming that someone was on my back taking advantage of me and I was scared but when I woke up I had the sensation of soemthing on my back pulling me backwards and trying to break my back and I had a feeling of being violated and had a very sore back for the next few days.

    The society would say it was demons but I dont call the experiences that, as I am unsure what it was.

    Out on FS one day I called on someone who listened to her "voices" and I accused her of listening to demons voices and she became agitated and things started to literally fly around the room. I almost expected her head to turn around 360 degrees and her eyes go green or something! She asked us to leave and not come back and when we realted the experience to the elders she was put down as a do not call.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    I also used to meditate and got into a deep meditation one day and started chanting this chant about "the circle be unbroken" which I have since learnt is known in the world of wicca..

    I wouldn't be concerned about that. Actually, the common Wiccan phrase is "The circle is open, but unbroken" fact, the exact quote "the circle be unbroken" is from the traditional hymn (made famous by the Carter family) "Will the circle be unbroken"...

    Will the circle be unbroken
    Bye and bye Lord bye and bye
    There's a better home a waiting
    In the sky Lord in the sky

    I wouldn't worry about any demon influence...perhaps subconscious music lyrics??? Circles and such are as much a part of Christian symbolism as Wiccan or other Pagan faiths. Matter of fact, the pentacle (star in a circle) used to be thought of as a symbol of the 5 wounds of Christ...I've seen pics of medieval Cathedrals with pentacle windows. This doesn't mean there were insidious symbols in medieval Catholicism, it just means that symbols can be used by multiple different faiths.

    edited because my computer decided to "post" before I typed anything...demons????

    edited again because apparently I can't spell! (ok, so I'm anal)

  • Sirona

    I've debated over and over again on this board about whether paranormal stuff happens, or whether ghosts exist. The fact is that if things have happened to you that defy any scientific explanation (you cannot simply put it down to hallucination, for instance), then you are likely to believe. If nothing like that has ever happened to you then you are totally justified in being a non-believer and a skeptic. Believe it or not, I'm a skeptic too and will judge every experience in the light of the circumstances surrounding it and current knowledge about how the brain works.

    Wednesday: Since you seem to take comfort in knowing it isn't demons, I expect that you're still having the after effects of being a JW. It has taken me a long time (years) of delving into things to accept that not all spirits are "demonic". Let me explain what I believe about spirits - this may clear some stuff up for you.

    Sometimes people believe they've seen a spirit when actually they've seen energy in one form or another and this energy is not a conscious being. When you saw the dark cloud, what was happening in your life at the time? Was there any unrest in your life? I believe that spiritual beings (thats us...we are all spiritual beings) can attract certain types of energy to them. Have you ever wondered why some houses are warm and give you happy feeling, and other homes immediately make you want to leave just because of the atmosphere? That is energy left behind, either from the current residents or those before. Therefore it is entirely possible that your living space could retain bad feelings, or the argument you had the day before could still be "hanging in the air". Clouds and sparkles of light etc are sometimes manifestations of our emotional state or the energy we have attracted to us. That is where aura cleansing and other meditations can help, as can house blessing.

    As far as spirits, again some of them are not conscious entities. You might see a spirit walk through a room, but that may not be an actual "ghost". There are theories that poltergeist activity can be caused by an angry teenager's energy, for instance.

    I believe that being aware of these things can help you with your fear and can help you identify the roots of certain things that may happen in your home. Prayer is always beneficial aswell - don't underestimate its power.


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