Who Was The Very First Poster That You Met In Real Life?

by Englishman 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • RandomTask

    The lovely Vivamus, Nora.

  • IronGland
  • Princess

    I think VeniceIT was the first person I met. Followed by Bill Bowen and another person A few days later I met about thirty more at a 'fest.

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I met Seven006, then Onacruse & Bikerchic.....and a few after that at meet-ups and Dakota Red's house.

  • xenawarrior

    Valis and eyegirl and then Heaven. Or was it the other way around? I don't remember now..must be the hair

  • Valis

    ya eh?

  • mpatrick

    The first person that I met from here, that I didn't already know was Lizardsnot. I sure miss him! Has anyone heard from him since he ran off and joined the military?

  • laylaluv

    Just found out this past Sunday that Moejojojo was a dear friend of mine that I hadn't seen in 4 years. She showed up at my door. I was delighted to find out that she had the same views and opinions that I have about the org. She told me her username and I told her mine.

    So I guess Moejojojo is the first person I have met from this board although I have known her for years. I just didn't know that she was a poster here until Sunday.

    She posted a thread a few days back about us.


  • iiz2cool

    I went to my first meetup in May where I met Rayzorblade, fjtoth, and Tim from another board. Since then I met Aztec, Shera, Michael, ledfootdja, Pettygrudger, Outnfree, Obiwan, Sloan, Morton68, 68storm, Venice, pathofthorns, Beans, Quotes, Expatbrit, needslots, uzzah, JH, neverthere, and many others from here and other boards. All great people!

    It's been a hell of a year!


  • Billygoat

    The first poster I met was Megadude. He introduced me to another exJW group from the DFW group. He was so sweet! We've been great friends ever since!

    The next ones were SixofNine and COMF at a sushi bar. I saw these two baldheaded guys walk in with earrings and I thought...okay...now these dudes look like real apostates! LOL!

    Then a few months later I met Valis, Xena, and Tyydyy and Willowstreet along with Mega, Six, and COMF. What a great night that was!

    You're right though...you never really forget your first meet ups.

    Mega, does that mean I lost my apostate virginity with you???

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