Who Was The Very First Poster That You Met In Real Life?

by Englishman 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • gypsywildone

    The insightful & enjoyable jimxjw. Turns out we were doing time in the same kingdom hall during the same time frame, but didn't really remember each other from that. We went to a 4 hour lunch & talked & laughed about old biddies we used to know, gossip queens, rudolph the red nosed drunks & other assorted jws we used to know/be ratted on by :)

  • Pleasuredome

    johnathanseagull was the first poster i met. if your reading this gull, hope ur doing well in germany!

  • shamus

    I've only talked with Ray, that's it. There ain't too meny up here in these hills...

  • Belmont

    You, Englishman are the first poster on JWD I met. You very kindly gave a list of pubs you frequent, and as one was nearby, we decided to go and look around, having made up our minds to leave quietly if no one fitted the picture of you I had in my mind. In fact, no one there fitted the bill, and we were about to leave when I approached a group of men and said we were looking for someone who called himself Englishman. No one admitted knowing such a man, however, one did leave the pub. We left shortly thereafter, and as we were walking down the street, there was the man returning, with a companion - yourself! We were still a bit cagey in those days - thanks for helping us so much.

  • maybesbabies

    I've only met SeattleNiceGuy, but I'll hopefully meet a ton more at Doodle-V's and Savages apostofest!!!!!!

  • Undecided

    BetweenWorlds, Shilli is her name and her husband Steve. Very nice people. They invited me over this weekend but I had to go to my grandaughter's birthday party. The whole group in the meetup was invited over to their house and we had a great time a few months back. Don't know whether any more of them post here or not.

    Ken P.

  • caligirl

    I haven't met anyone yet, although we may meet animal very soon. Anyone for a So. Cal apostafest?

  • bigboi

    I had the pleasure of sharing a couple of drinks and a very long convo wit Six of Nine. I wish there were more ppl that posted who were from the New Orleans area. We could put the Texans to shame with all the stuff that is goin on constantly in this city.

  • Jesika

    The first apostates I met were Valis and Sixofnine. We all met at a bar.....so they were there at the same time I walked in.


  • Valis

    Sake Bomb!

    Hmmm edited to add...I remember megadude, Xena, tyydyy, BillyGoat, mozzer4life, COMF, and I'm missing some folks I know...my apologies...we met at Pappadeaux's for cajun food. I was quite nervous as I hadn't seen dubbies except my parents for many years..Things changed after that for me.


    District Overbeer

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