Infant Circumcision

by RAYZORBLADE 42 Replies latest social family

  • xjw_b12


    Priapism is a prolonged and painful erection that can last from several hours up to a few days

    Rayzorblade, that's the one.

    "Phimosis" is a vague term. In common usage, it usually means any condition in which the foreskin of the penis cannot be retracted.
  • waiting

    First son was....he hadn't complained yet (28 yrs old). Done in hospital before coming home - we didn't even discuss it (*everyone* got it done - so we thought.)

    Youngest son wasn't done in hospital (I went home early) - so I took him in about wk later to check everything. Dr. said it would be necessary for him to be circumcised because the foreskin was so tight - he told me it wasn't negotiable with my baby.

    But! I was in the next room and my son wasn't a quiet baby. I was sweating blood by the time they were done, nearly passing out. Even the doctor was sweaty & apologized for the time.

    If the parents choose to have the prceedure done - don't be within sight or sound. Something about my child in any pain just throws me for a complete loop.

    Btw, second son is fine too - & hasn't complained either.

    Give them time.


  • Puternut

    This is an issue that has many sides to it. It has a lot to do with traditions, and each has to decide for themselves what's best? But be aware that many doctors are agreeing that in this day where people are more aware of physical cleanness, it is not necessary. Also it's a known fact that those that are snipped, do not have the same sensitivities as ones that are natural. Now there is a lot of debate out there for men who are snipped to do foreskin restoration, by certain exercises. Myself, I am from Europe and until I came to this country, I became frustrated with all the debate about it. Most of the world is not snipped and few are having problems with something you were born with.

    When I am at the gym, many look and ask me questions. I find that the majority of them are actually jealous, because in the long run it makes the 'member' look longer and healtier. And I find as far as men is concerned, this is a guy thing, as to who is longer than the next guy. Just something to consider.....

  • Xandria

    Ya know this is a interesting thread on this matter. A few days ago I caught this documentary Cinemax did called "The Day I will never forget." About female circumcision, I was literally crying because the scenes (careful for some it can be triggering) they film where so horrifying. On one hand they said that, it was there choice, when in the end it was not thier choice but the choice of thier parents. A majority that pushed the circumcisions were the women. Because they wanted thier daughters to "look like them" and to follow "cultural tradition." Even though, it is not in the Koran, tradition rides and forces the stricture of this act. In this culture the clitoris is a "dirty" thing. Interesting correlation between male circumcisions too. I don't know what I do. I would need to research the "reasoning" for this in medical terms vs. traditions.


  • Country_Woman

    It is not common to do so here in Holland when your not Islamic or Jewish - however, in my family there are a few circumcisions done for medical reasons. (and then it is covered by the Healthcare)

    Lucky they were all at young age when it had to be done.......

  • peacefulpete

    Just for giggles. The practice of circumision was from antiquity a ritual castration. Egypt and all of Cannan (other than Philistines who migrated there late) practiced the ritual. It appears to have been originally seen as evidence of Divine blessing and covenant relationship. In other words childbirth (from a father ritualisticly castrated) into the Deity's covenant relationship was symbolically "miraculous". The Jews were not in any way unique in their technique nor symbolism of circumsicion.

  • nilfun
    genital mutilation

    The cutting or excision of all or some of the genital organs, especially ritualistic clitoridectomy.

    "Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity." - George Bernard Shaw


    Where Is My Foreskin?

    The Case Against Circumcision - Paul M. Fleiss, MD


    Common Sense

    To be intact, as nature intended, is best. The vast majority of males who are given the choice value their wholeness and keep their foreskins, for the same reason they keep their other organs of perception. Parents in Europe and non-Muslim Asia never have forced their boys to be circumcised. It would no more occur to them to cut off part of their boys' penises than it would to cut off part of their ears. Respecting a child's right to keep his genitals intact is normal and natural. It is conservative in the best sense of the word.

    A circumcised father who has mixed feelings about his intact newborn son may require gentle, compassionate psychological counseling to help him come to terms with his loss and to overcome his anxieties about normal male genitalia. In such cases, the mother should steadfastly protect her child, inviting her husband to share this protective role and helping him diffuse his negative feelings. Most parents want what is best for their baby. Wise parents listen to their hearts and trust their instinct to protect their baby from harm. The experience of the ages has shown that babies thrive best in a trusting atmosphere of love, gentleness, respect, acceptance, nurturing, and intimacy. Cutting off a baby's foreskin shatters this trust.

    Circumcision wounds and harms the baby and the person the baby will become. Parents who respect their son's wholeness are bequeathing to him his birthright--his body, perfect and beautiful in its entirety.

    read article in its entirety here

  • nilfun

    As a mother I was deadset against subjecting my baby to this custom. He is intact.

  • freedom96

    I was snipped when I was a kid, and my two sons are snipped.

    It wasn't a discussion with my first wife, we just did it. I discussed it more with my wife now, and we decided with getting him snipped too.

    I would rather not try to explain to my son why he is different than me at some point down the road. And explain why I felt compelled to follow the latest trend of not doing it.

    It is a personal matter, and should not be judged by anyone.

  • nilfun

    No one is judging you.

    I believe it is a practice that has hung around way past its 'sell-by' date.

    "No one has the right to cut off any part of someone else's genitals without that person's competent, fully informed consent."

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