The Society is gonna let you off your homework kids!

by nicolaou 57 Replies latest social family

  • Mysterious

    I think I got to stay home was always a matter of you better still be working on it when the meeting is over or else you're in big trouble. And you better not have done anything at all besides homework since getting home..

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I just noticed another problem in that excerpt. Doesn't "exchanging shifts with workmates" contradict the entire JW philosophy? Think about it; if you exchange shifts with a workmate, doesn't that nullify his or her chances of attending a meeting? I thought JWs were supposed to witness and recruit more members. You can't do that if you are stunting other's chances of going to meetings just so you can go yourself.

  • nicolaou

    Just bumping this to repost the original scan which has been lost from the opening post.


  • Pistoff

    An old thread here, but clearly shows the slide of the WT toward the current anti education stance.

    Amen to Blondie's comment: the meetings are BORING.

    Repeat the same old things we could not believe last time we heard it; repeat it again.
    Scold us for not learning it the last time.

    Me; I love NOT attending the meetings.

    I find my sanity has GREATLY improved.


  • lovelylil

    When my kids had a lot of homework, I ALWAYS let them skip the meeting that night. I'm glad mine are out but feel sorry for the poor kids still in. Imagine them having their parents call the teacher and telling them the meetings are more important than their kid's education? The poor kids will really feel like freaks now.

    In some states, if the kids consistantly skip their assignments and the parents are aware of it and do nothing, the parents can be charged with child neglect.

    This is another way the WT is dumbing down the kids to keep them in the fold. After all education is a powerful tool and once the kids learn to think for themselves, they can no longer be spiritually abused. Lilly

  • hamsterbait

    I often had to go to the meeting and ****er the homework.

    As a result I have never done as well in life as I could have done. All the studying field circus A$$emblies meetings definitely affected my education.

    Then my mother (who now claims they NEVER said anything about 1975)turns round and tells me I was "always lazy". I coulda kilt her!!!

    But then witlesses do have very progarammable selective memories.


  • momzcrazy

    If I went to my kids' school and said what the KM suggests, I would lose all of their respect as a parent. If they don't do their work, they catch hell at school. One more way to make witless kids stand out as weird at school. Teachers get tired of excusing them from certain work or activities because of the religion. The teachers work hard they expect the kids and parents to do the same.


  • lovelylil

    We had one dumb**s in our congregation (a sister) who actually commented at a meeting one night that the kids have a lot of homework today because Satan doesn't want them to attend meetings during the week.

    This lady DID in fact tell the school the meetings were more important than the kid's homework. But the school told her that her kids (two girls) would have to make up all the homework on the weekends or they will be left back. So in addition to field circus every Saturday morning and the cult programming meetings on Sunday, the poor girls had to do all their hw missed on Tuesday and Thursdays.

    The youngest girl was so stressed out because of always working and never having time to relax, she had panic attacks and terrible migraine headaches. Poor kids. Lilly

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