The Society is gonna let you off your homework kids!

by nicolaou 57 Replies latest social family

  • minimus

    What they are saying is that the age old excuse that little Johnny wasn't at the meeting because he HAD to do his homework is no longer valid. Meetings is more important than anything else.

  • undercover

    Here's what's sad about this and if I was still in I would probably do the same: The dubs aren't even going to blink when they read that. It's gonna go right in and lodge into the part of the brain where the WTS logic has taken over and controls thinking and even some motor skills.

  • shera

    They must be on to excuses the younger ones it will be bring ill ones to school as well....just stay in the back rooms.

  • blondie

    Homework Issues Through the Ages

    *** w98 9/1 19 Be Sure to Put First Things First! ***
    Or you are a student. In your room, your desk is piled high with homework. Most of it was assigned some time ago, but you have procrastinated, and now several assignments are due at once. You are tempted to ask for your parents? permission to stay home from the meeting to finish your homework.

    Which would you put first: the extra secular work, the ironing, the homework, or the congregation meeting? What does it mean, spiritually speaking, to put first things first? What is Jehovah?s view?

    *** w91 2/1 28 As a Widow, I Found True Comfort ***

    And they knew that preparation for Christian meetings and field service should not be overlooked because of school homework. While I encouraged them to do their best in their schoolwork, I never insisted that they get a high grade, fearing they would make that the most important thing in their lives.

    *** w66 5/15 297 Keeping Your Balance with Many Responsibilities ***

    She is the one who gets the children ready for meetings on time; in fact, by early training she has inculcated in their personality the importance of getting school homework and play out of the way to attend meetings regularly.

    *** w65 3/1 159 Impart God's Progressive Revelation to Mankind ***

    As for children?s homework, it can be done after school so as not to have it interfere with meetings.

    *** w64 6/15 371 Keeping Abreast with Revealed Truth ***

    At times parents hesitate to bring children to meetings during the week because of their homework. Many have solved this by scheduling homework right after school. Meeting and learning with Jehovah?s people is in the field of highest education, leading to life.

    *** km 8/98 1 Youths-Take Advantage of Your Schooling ***

    Be diligent about caring for your homework assignments, but do not allow your schoolwork to interfere with theocratic activities.?

    *** km 1/94 1 Meeting Attendance-A Serious Responsibility ***

    Are some of us allowing unnecessary secular work, tiredness, homework, a slight physical indisposition, or a little bad weather to interfere with our obligation to attend meetings regularly?

    *** km 5/88 1 Help Children to Benefit More From Meetings ***

    Some may leave their children at home to do their school homework. The wise parent, however, brings his children to the meetings.

    *** Young People Ask 316 39 How Can I Get Close to God? ***

    Give meetings priority. If you have an exceptionally heavy load of homework, try doing it before the meeting. "I love to chat after meetings and stay till the last," says a youth named Simeon. "But when I have schoolwork, I leave right away to do my work."
  • drwtsn32

    The Society really helped me avoid homework. Because of them I didn't get to go to college....

  • undercover

    Thanks for the additional material Blondie. It's interesting in those quotes, even though they are pushing meeting attendance, they never come out and say to find a way out of the homework. Some of the advice was good. Procrastinating and having it to do at the last minute is not good, even if it's not a meeting night. Right after school is a good time to get it out of the way. But the quote that started this thread went beyond these other quotes. It came right out and said meeting attendance comes before shoolwork. Get out of it if you have to. Are JW kids and parents going to scream religious persecution when a child gets a bad grade for not turning in his homework or when the teacher refuses to lighten his one JW student's homework load?

  • sandy
    Thankfully my parents let me stay off the meetings on nights before exams, obviously going against society rules.

    City Fan, that explains why you are here on this website today. LOL

    *** w91 2/1 28 As a Widow, I Found True Comfort ***

    And they knew that preparation for Christian meetings and field service should not be overlooked because of school homework. While I encouraged them to do their best in their schoolwork, I never insisted that they get a high grade, fearing they would make that the most important thing in their lives.

    This explains why I am almost 30 years and just now realizing a college education is a good thing.

  • Jade

    This makes me sick!!!!!!!! I deal with this issue because my ex's visitation with our child is on a meeting night. My son has come home in tears because he has work due and he's no where near to finishing since he was at the meeting all evening, then waiting around afterwards for his dad to finish up at the hall. That article will only reinforce my ex's behavior. UGH

  • iiz2cool

    Just when I thought I finally had my blood pressure under control, I see another Kingdom Ministry article! These send it through the roof every time.

    The school curriculum in Ontario changed recently in an effort to raise the standard of education in the province. As a result, many students are spending more time doing homework, and because of the changes, many parents are unable to help them. Improving meeting attendance at the cost of education will help young people in the organization become obedient automatons, well suited to performing nothing more than menial labor once they're in the workforce. But then, we know what a high priority the Society places on the lack of education. An uneducated congregation is controlled and obedient. An educated congregation is soon no congregation at all.

    True to form, the final paragraph continues, "As the pressures of the present system of things increase, blah, blah, blah..." I've had pressures from many things, including health issues, unemployment issues, deaths in the family, marital breakup, etc., and you know what? NOT ONE of these caused me the kind of pressure or stress that I felt when I was trying to be a good little dub. Maybe, for a change, the WTS should step up to the plate and accept responsibility for causing the "increasing pressures" that people experience rather than blaming some "system of things".

    end rant


  • Odrade

    This turns my stomach. One of the few advantages a JW kid can have going is if they are good with schoolwork. The counselors and teachers will encourage them to look into post-secondary ed. So now that they are advised by the WTS to neglect homework for meetings, their grades will go down and no one will be advising them about college. (Hmmm. not very coherent post, but I am really mad...)

    I guess the WTS is very concerned once again that JW kid's exposure to real ideas will have an effect on the numbers...



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