Feb 15 Watchtower: Apostates - Guard Against Deception

by truthseeker 63 Replies latest jw friends


    These Morons don't realize that they have created a hard-core group of guerilla fighters all around the world...Why are we so vocal against the Borg? Because they are holding our family members hostage. I believe most of us here would be content to just quietly walk away if we were not seperated from our family. It's one thing to learn that your so-called friends aren't really friends but when you steal away parents from children, brothers from sisters, etc., then you are poking us in the eye...hey haven't I heard that somewhere before?!


  • Pistoff

    I wonder if they mention Korah, Dathan and Abiram in this article; that is a favorite of theirs. Oh, to be back in the good old days of kings and prophets, when the dissenters could just be killed off cleanly!! No having to "disfellowship" them for causing divisions, and verbally abuse the rank and file to stay away from them.

    There is no mention here, of course, of just looking at all the information, and making an informed decision regarding their truthfulness.

  • yxl1

    Sadly, I can only imagine that this article WILL prevent a lot of witnesses from listening to the truth about the "truth". This is the kind of article that witnesses I know will quote from whenever I mention an internet article or a point of reasoning.

    However, it does show that the Watchtower Inc. are frightened of the effects sites like this are having, and that can only be a good thing.

  • mustang

    "Where is there a shred of evidence of an organized apostate activism obsessed with harassing JWs and dragging them out of their precious Mama's embrace? Where are the specifics -- the who, what and why of the Great Apostasy?" Room 215

    Unfortunately, the only thing organized around here is "The Church of UNITY AT ANY COST", i.e. the WTBTS. Freedom of thought and choice can have that effect: no united front.


  • mustang
    What is it that apostates want ?

    Heh. Idiots. The WT made their bed with their own unscriptural shunning policies. Now they're whining because so-called "apostates", having been forcibly separated from their loved one's, are exposing them for what they are! -EMan

    Brooklyn needs to "get a clue": if you leave people alone, they will leave you alone. Brooklyn can throw up its hands in feigned innocence, but they have turned the "hounds of hell" loose on truly innocent family relations. You reap what you sow.

    "Rather than going out and making disciples, many apostates seek to "draw away the disciples [that is, Christ's disciples] after themselves." "

    Who wants a/some disciple(s)??? WTS should have learned from their own fumblings that feeding and clothing disciples is a big problem. Who needs it?

    Anybody I have ever encountered just wants their family back, to be able not to be HARASSED AND NOT BE CRIMINALLY VERBALLY/MENTALLY ABUSED by misguided super-zealot relatives SOLICITED TO CRIMINAL INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF MENTAL DISTRESS by some religion that can't keep its doctrines straight.


    Like a kidnapper who carries an unsuspecting victim away from his family ,... "

    This is really the pot calling the kettle black. It's like that Rambo movie where a big issue is made of "FIRST BLOOD". Who started this?? WTS started the kidnapping by taking your family hostage with the onerous DF'ing strategy.


    Disclaimer: nothing that I write or utter is to be considered legal advice. Consult proper counsel for such matters. Further, all that I write or utter, is protected by religious freedom under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise", as well as "freedom of speech" clauses.

  • kls

    Mustang,you are so right

  • minimus

    This is a GREAT Wt. article, believe me. The propaganda is too much on this one. "It's us against them"----all over again! Beware of the "APOSTATES". These types of articles make me proud. Do you think any Bethelites know who Minimus is? If they don't, they will! These articles can only spur us on. What the Society doesn't realize is that if you keep saying,"Don't look at the internet. Don't go there".....A lot of people are going to be even more curious!

  • hawkaw

    Its time for someone to scan this garbage study article with the cover page.

    I could really have fun sharing this with the "hood".


  • ARoarer

    They sure do speak a lanquage of hatred. It is really very sad. Today I have been reading this discussion board after being away a few weeks celebrating the holidays with my family. It is th Watchtower Organization who fits the descriptions it gives to those who left. The Watchtower has become the "kidnappers" and "malicious liers". Their words are so telling of the message they preach. Thier language sounds like that of a paranoid maniacal fanatical cult leader trying to instill fear in his followers. So glad my family and thier spouses have left.

  • Kenneson

    How ironic! When the W.T. goes around trying to kidnap and subvert the faith of all non-JWs it considers this God ordained. But it claims not to use deception, which itself is a lie. Moreover, who was it that invented theocratic warfare? But when someone from within attempts to point out their false date settings, their errors, etc., they become apostates. Their logic never ceases to amaze me.

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